435 Preparation in Progress_1

Stania Floating City.

Oh no, now it has been renamed by Sofia to Blackstone Floating City.

It's been three months since the ownership of this floating city changed hands.

After countless Black Iron Dwarves, Kobolds, and even Burrowing Worms and other monstrous races worked tirelessly, the floating city has changed completely from before.

A building larger and more magnificent than Blackstone Castle in the Land of the Soaring Dragon sits at the center of the Floating City. There are no walls surrounding the castle; instead, the outer walls of the castle are cast wide and thick.

It looks like the outer walls and the city walls have been merged into one.

Around the castle is a beautifully designed large garden, with many plants and flowers transplanted from the Land of the Soaring Dragon.

Of course, to take care of these plants and flowers, Sofia's Elf Maid Corps has been directly transferred here as well.