450 Righteous Backstab_1

Mel City was beyond salvation.

Neither the quality nor the quantity of the defenders could match the combined forces of the monsters and the Nord people.

Kamela knew this from the beginning, but he didn't expect Mel City to fall so quickly.

At the same time, he never thought that he would be on the verge of death at the hands of a goblin due to his own arrogance.

At this moment, Duke Carmela was covering the wound on his waist, gasping heavily. At first, he didn't take this wound seriously.

Even though he was poisoned, after all, he was a legendary powerhouse, and ordinary toxins usually had little effect on him.

But soon he noticed something: the wound on his waist was just a little more severe than a superficial injury.

But now, that peculiar tingling sensation had already begun to spread throughout his body.

The potency and speed of this toxin were indeed astonishing, which reminded Carmela of the name that Gaz had mentioned earlier.