452 A Slightly Slow Transformation_1


No, this floating city has long been renamed to Blackstone Floating City.

Recently, Sofia, Moray, and Konoheim had made significant progress in transforming the Blackstone Floating City.

To be precise, Sofia and Konoheim had a very special idea in this regard.

And Sofia completely ignored Moray's constant protests, quickly putting this idea into practice.

Now, in Sofia's eyes, Blackstone Floating City seemed to have become a huge magic item.

Moray had spent many years in the Soul Eater Wand, and he had long become accustomed to such days.

But now, he had to move out and, amidst the constant protests, was forcefully pushed into the core of the Blackstone Floating City by Sofia.

"Damn it, you're ignoring human rights and restricting my personal freedom!"

In the center of the Blackstone Floating City, a sinister face was angrily roaring on the huge magic core.