460 Shock and Despair_1

Otto was rapidly flying towards Black Rye City, only setting out after sending the Barbarians and Black Iron Dwarves to aid Gaz and the others.

The reason for setting out was simple; a spy that was previously placed in the Western Empire by the Land of the Soaring Dragon had suddenly relayed critical information.

The content of this information was that the Imperial Guardian had suddenly appeared, and both the Eastern and Western Empires had temporarily ceased fighting.

Otto had long heard of this Imperial Guardian.

One of the main reasons why he had turned a blind eye to the members of the Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce was for fear of some mishap befalling a certain white-haired short-haired girl.

After all, he had heard that like a certain Brass Dragon, the Guardian was also a senior daughter lover.

Also, at that time, his strength and influence were very limited, and he was unwilling to provoke the renowned big shot of the entire continent.