482 Extreme One-for-One_1

Holy shit, this guy was just pretending?

Including the Mother of Evil Dragons, the four gods were taken aback by the situation. Judging from the energy output and momentum of the Cannon of Truth, this absolutely didn't look like a bluff.

As always, the Lord of Shadows took off, his special ability to escape was truly handy in this kind of situation.

Although the God of War was a bit dumb, he had learned from the painful lessons of the last time and behaved better.

While attacking Otto, he also observed the surroundings and withdrew at the first sign of trouble.

Even though he was slower than the Lord of Shadows, he managed to ensure his safety before the Cannon of Truth attacked.

As for the Spider Goddess, who was currently focused on long-range control, she just had to be careful not to be affected by the Cannon of Truth's attack.

As for the Mother of Evil Dragons, she was the one with the slowest reaction.