Chapter 54: Which Bastard Dares to Touch My Apprentice!_1

"No need to send anything, with his cultivation level he can't use good stuff anyway."

Mo Jiuyuan waved his hand and said, "Yunshan, remember, cultivation is ultimately about relying on oneself, external forces are not long-lasting. Since your big brother has already gone down the mountain, that is the path he chose. Some hardships have to be faced on his own. If you help too much, it will not be conducive to his growth."

Baiyun Mountain solemnly nodded in respect.

Although the master usually doesn't seem serious, he is very earnest in teaching his disciples.

"By the way, master." Baiyun Mountain recalled, "According to the report from Jinxia Town, when our elder brother passed by there, he was attacked by unidentified people."

"What!?" Mo Jiuzhou angrily said, "Find out! Who dares to touch my disciple, they are courting death!"

"Uh, we are investigating, investigating."