Chapter 162: Is She Pregnant?_1

Bella Scott felt more and more that she was stupid.

It was all Sienna Perez's fault. She said that Edward Anderson was a good man, causing Bella to have a moment of irrationality and think of the silly idea of using a baby to tie Edward down.

These past few days had been the most exhausting of her life, as Edward Anderson was a maniac with incredible energy.

Despite everything, she still wasn't willing to let go, so she asked again: "If I accidentally get pregnant, should I give birth to the baby?"

"Of course you should. This would be the Andersons' first grandchild, why wouldn't you?" Edward half-closed his deep eyes, wondering if Bella was already pregnant since she kept mentioning the baby.

Considering the possibility, he went over to the sofa and pulled up the woman lying on it.

As soon as he reached for her, Bella was startled and kept retreating: "What, what do you want to do?!"

Edward looked at Bella helplessly: "Do I look that terrifying?"