Chapter 209: Kissing Her Until Her Legs Go Weak_1

"Don't you think it's pretty girly for a grown man like you to carry a handkerchief around?" Bella Scott snatched the handkerchief away and wiped her face with it haphazardly.

Edward Anderson looked at her with an amused smile and retorted, "Don't you think it's too masculine for a lady like you to have such rough manners?"

Bella was not happy. Maybe one day, driven mad by those who criticized her personality, she would start wearing skirts and become a charming and elegant beauty that would leave Edward and others speechless.

Edward pulled Bella beside him and returned to the serious topic, "Why did you borrow money from my mom when I offered to give you some?"

"Because I felt like it," Bella replied nonchalantly.

Edward patted Bella on the head, and she instantly retaliated with a smack of her own.