Chapter 251: Edward Anderson, it hurts..._1

Edward Anderson was simply focused on getting Bella Scott into bed and having a child together, not realizing her abnormal state.

Just as he was about to pull Bella into the bathroom for a bath together, she suddenly said, "I'm too full, I want to rest for a while before taking a bath."

Edward didn't think much of it and went into the bathroom. When he came out, he found that Bella had already taken a bath. Strangest of all, she was wearing his pajamas.

Although she wasn't short, wearing his pajamas made her look like a child wearing an adult's clothes, both innocent and a little sexy due to the slight glimpse of her chest.

He felt a tightening in his lower abdomen, walked to the bed slowly, and touched her leg, only to hear her moaning in pain.

"Edward, it hurts..." Bella pointed to the part of her face that had been slapped.

Edward leaned in for a closer look, only to find her face still swollen, indeed looking quite painful.