Chapter 329: Abandoning Her..._1

Kallie waited in Edward Anderson's office for two hours and eventually gave up when he still hadn't returned. She went to the door of the lounge, where the scent of their passionate moment still lingered.

The image of Edward Anderson and Bella Scott in each other's clutches materialized before her eyes.

She gritted her teeth, her heart seized with pain.

Leaving the Cherden Hotel, she called Tariq Lane.

A mocking voice came from the other end of the phone: "Finally remembered me?"

She only ever thought of him when she needed him. Wasn't that always the case for the past five years?

"Where are you? I'm coming to find you," Kallie said hoarsely.

Tariq glanced at Cecelia Anderson, who was trying on engagement dresses, and said nothing.

Impatient, Kallie snapped, "I have urgent business with you, come see me right now!"

Cecelia had been watching Tariq's every move, her instincts telling her that the woman on the phone with him must be someone significant.