Chapter 800: The Child in My Belly Can't Wait (6)_1

Edward Anderson tenderly held Bella Scott's face as he applied the medicine to her cheeks.

"It's good that you know. I was the one who got into trouble for your past actions. But I wasn't going to let it slide, so I beat up Easton Hernandez to get my revenge." Bella said proudly.

Edward didn't say anything further, focusing on applying the medicine to Bella's face. The cool sensation of the medicine made Bella feel so comfortable that she wanted to sleep.

"Have you met your lover?!" Just as Bella was dozing off, Edward suddenly asked.

Bella's drowsiness immediately disappeared. How the hell did he know? Did Edward have someone watching her every move, so they saw her go to Skyview Ventures?

"Not denying it, huh? Then it must be true." Edward's hand suddenly applied more force, causing Bella to take in a sharp breath from pain.

This petty man never missed a chance to torture her.