Chapter 989: Crush and Start Over, Like a New Life (1)_1

In the end, it was Snow Collins who broke the silence: "Perhaps it's fate, and since it's difficult to defy destiny, why not give birth to them? If you're afraid you can't support two children, I can help. If you're willing, I can also give you a home."

Bella Scott's nose tingled with sourness, as she spoke weakly, "We've only known each other for two days, and yet you're saying you can give me a home."

She had known Edward Anderson for more than a decade, but it seemed he had never made such a promise to her. Had she mistaken friendship for love, or did she just want to find a man she could rely on?

If she couldn't even rely on Edward Anderson, how could she possibly trust this man she had only known for two days?

Unexpectedly, Snow Collins had decided to stay in Philadelphia, saying that when she was ready to leave with him, he would take her away.