Meeting the little boy

As I try to get some cussing words to boil over in my mind for the current situation a little boy runs towards me. I look at the little boy with black hair and blue sapphire eyes. (His so cute!!)

"Hello Miss, I'm Andrew would you like to play with me?" He said

"Andrew! You know you suppose to be sweeping the floor!!!" said the chef scolding the little boy

"But papa! I want to play!" said Andrew

"This is your son?" I said in shock

"Yes this is my son he comes here often when I'm on work and since I don't have money to pay for a babysitter I bring him to work." said the chef.

(It pains to know the struggle this man goes through. What a difficult life that must be.)

"Miss Elena will you play with me?" Andrew asked

"Sure!" I said kneeling down to give my answer. As I do he jumps into my arms and gives me a big hug. I'm startled but embrace him and give him a hug as well. The chef seems to enjoy the fact that his son is happy.

"Yayy Miss Elena is going to play with me Daddy!!!" said the little so excitely

"Make sure to not get into trouble Andrew." said the chef

"Don't worry I will watch over him." I said

"Thank you so much." said the chef and returns to his cooking.

Meanwhile Andrew pulls me by my hand and rushes me to the outside garden.

"Slow down Andrew!" I said

"Come on! I want to show you something." he said

What could be so important to run to in this garden? I wonder what?

After a short rush of a run to the garden we walk pass beautiful blooming flowers of all sorts. From roses to tulips to orchids and to the rarest flower the diamond sapphire flower!!! It is said that you can only find these on the highest mountain in the world. How on earth did it end up here?

"Miss Elena I wanted to show you this." Andrew said

I look to the direction he is pointing at and see a small plant growing in the ground. Andrew runs to the watercan nearby and kneels to water the plant.

"Is this your plant?" I ask kneeling next to him

He nods and continues watering the plant.

"I started growing it last week and I want it to grow into a BIG tree!" he said extending his arms wide to show his excitement of his future plant. I giggle at his cute gesture. Andrew's excitement reminds me of the times of myself when I was small. Always believing in things turning out right all the time. When was the last time I felt like that, to feel the thoughts of a child and know that you don't have to worry about anything?

"Miss Elena what's that funny look on your face?" asked Andrew

"Oh I was just thinking." I said

"You seem unhappy." he said getting up to continue showing me the garden.

We walk through the big outside garden until we stop at a fountain. It's so huge, clear fine detail on the cemented fountain's base and the water flowing clear as pure water out of the heavens skies making a drip into the round base. It clearly is a beautiful fountain. I've never seen anything like this in my life. It's just makes me want to have one myself.

"This is where I come when I feel unhappy." Andrew said sitting on a near by bench.

"So this is where you sit and gather your thoughts?" I asked

"Yes it is a place I can be safe in and now I want to share it with you." he said with a smile.

"With me?" I asked

"Yes you are my friend and friends always share things so I wanted to share this with you since I can't share anything else of mine." he said shyly

(Awww his so cute!!!)

"Thank you Andrew I really love this place. I will definitely come here in the future." I said and with that Andrew and I shared a hug.

"Miss Elena?" Andrew asked in a soft voice whilst in my arms

"Yes Andrew?" I asked

"You remind me of my mother." he said looking into my eyes

"I do?" I asked

"Yes. My mother was always kind and always with me. She loved my stories and always listened to me." he said

"Andrew why do you speak of your mother in the past tense?" I asked

"Because she died when I was 6 years old." He said breaking down into tears

"Oh Andrew I'm sorry." I said wiping away his tears

"I-It's okay I want to tell you." he said

The pain he must of went through just stabs my heart with sadness for Andrew. He must of really felt lonely. . .

"Andrew do you want to take a walk." I asked

He responds with a nod as I carry him in my arms. His soft black hair falls onto my shoulder and I can't help but smile.

His eyes gaze at the flowers as we pass admiring them. He seems to have calmed down to enjoy my talks on where the flowers originally come from.

His laugh makes me also laugh at the funny little things he speaks about when interrupting me to distract me.