Tales of Hope and Visions

[Somewhere in a Royal Library inside Blachernae Palace, Constantinople.]

5 Years later.

It felt like it was just yesterday that John had reincarnated into this time period, but surprisingly, he adapted well; despite being from the future, he often questioned his situation.

Days turned into weeks, months, and eventually years.

Being reborn as a child once again make it more so complicated and awkward; but not without its own perks, especially when he is a royalty.

"But there wasn't much to do." he grumbled inwardly while his eyes looking at the outside of the windows besides him.

Young children of high statuses at the time were restricted to even leave the palaces or manor they reside in - John no exception.

Being watched 24/7 by maids and guards with strict scrutiny, it made him rather uncomfortable although it has been years since then.

"I can't even take a dump alone, curse this child body..."

How embarrassing it was for him to be dressed and undressed by the maids of the palaces whenever he woke up in the morning.

Not to mention that whenever he had to finish his business, they would always stay right there...watching...him...defecating...

It was humiliating.

But that is not the only problem, navigating a time period where convenience were as nonexistent as unicorn is the biggest headache he had to go through.

It made him even more grateful for his previous life despite it being harsh. What is harsher than using a hole in the ground to relieve yourself?

"I guess this is how it has always been for the nobles and royalties back in the day, how... 'convenient' and it's a f'ing mess."



Jolted from a sudden searing pain on his forehead, he unintentionally groaned.

He blinked, momentarily disoriented as he rubbed the spot furiously, then looking at the culprit and the source of the pain.

""So, our young prince, what did you discover during your journey into the wonderland?" the person devilish smile and jeering remarks caused the now 5 year old John to sweat profusely.

"...Ah, well, yes...ah no..." struggling to even reply, John turn his gaze away frantically looking at his surrounding.

'Damn old man...' his resentment remained only in his heart.

"Oh, what is that? Where was your brashness from just a moment ago goes?"

The person slyly asked again,

"What brashness old man, rather than that, to answer your question...sigh...let's just say, your face... how am I to describe it as 'eloquently'..."


Booming laughter, that which echoed like an earthquake inside the medium sized room almost as if trying to collapse the entire building.

"Ah, so my face left quite an impression, did it?" the person chuckled, pretending to look offended.

"Well, I cannot change what God has given me can I?"

He continued while creeping his face closer towards John which further horrified him as though a ghost trying to grab him by the throat.

"Damn old man, leave me alone!"

The person he refers to as 'old man' was in fact his tutor, someone who is responsible in guiding his studies, a monk who had served the Palaiologans since John's grandfather took the reign of the empire, Pavlos Maziatikos.

Despite of how he look, which John once jokingly described as, 'failed attempt to combine a toad and a grasshopper.', Pavlos was a respected vassal of the family.

John's birth father in this life, Manuel II Palaiologos was once tutored by Pavlos, which inevitably made him one of the most influential figure within the royal family.

It was not surprising by how he treated the current heir to the throne, John, in such manner.

Regardless, Pavlos, in his prime was a great administrator, a political figure despite being a monk. He occasionally helped with the current emperor as an advisor within the courtroom.

When John turns 4, the emperor entrusted him unto Pavlos for guardianship; just shows how much he trusted the old man in matters of educating his heir.

In the short span of a year, John had proven to be an exceptional student, absorbing every lesson with remarkable aptitude and enthusiasm, much to the old monk surprise.

The level of excellence this young child has was no where near the emperor - no, much more bigger than the emperor himself.

He had to admit, while Manuel II aptitude in administrative traits were good, it was at most above average, and that his aptitude in diplomacy were much to be desired for.

But John... that young rascal was different.

Politics, administration, military... despite still in its basic stage, he excelled in it wonderfully.

Pavlos had initially harbored doubts about the young prince, uncertain of what to expect.

John was no ordinary child; he was an exceptional prodigy, a rare gem shining amidst the ordinary stones.

Looking back to five years ago when John was born, Pavlos couldn't help but acknowledge the challenges the Byzantine Empire faced.

The once-glorious city of Constantinople had seen better days.

As the years went by, the city's decay and the impoverishment of its citizens were evident.

Meanwhile, the Ottoman Empire, their bitter adversary, grew in power, consolidating other Turkish states while casting long shadow over the Byzantine Empire's future.

Historical events such as the disastrous Battle of Manzikert and the treacherous Venetians during the Fourth Crusade had left deep scars, plunging the empire's decline deeper than the canyons of Mount Athos.

Despite the prayers and fervent hope of the faithful citizens, the empire had yet to see the revival they so yearned.

In the sacred halls of the grand library, where ancient wisdom and aspirations converged, Pavlos hoped, to be the first person so see that hope comes into light, in the hands of this young prodigy.

But that is too farfetched considering that the boy is barely 5 year-old at this point, and meaningless dream like that often would never come true as many would turned into degeneracy, lunacy, or worse, succumbed to the plague before they came of age.

Despite that, he had this unswerving feeling that this extraordinary child would become more than just a simple heir to the shaky throne.

"Sigh...I know that you are incomparably different than your peers, but still...you have to keep up with your studies ."

Pavlos playful countenance gone, replaced with a more serious expression.

John who understood the underlying meaning behind those expression could only gave up in irking the old monk further.


He knew that his journey was not merely about acquiring knowledge but about embracing a sacred duty passed down from generations of emperors before him.

From each and every lessons, he could somehow picture the weight of the empire's upon his shoulders.

Their discussions were not limited to scholarly matters; they explored the depths of philosophy, the intricacies of human nature, and the significance of faith in shaping the destiny of nations.

As they pored over ancient texts written by wise sages and strategists of old, Pavlos couldn't help but marvel at John's insightful interpretations.

It was as if the young prince possessed a direct channel to the minds of those who had long departed from this world, drawing upon their wisdom as though it were his birthright.

John gazed upon his tutor, despite of how he looks, the old monk was capable enough.

Maybe because he was a monk previously, the knowledge he possesses far surpasses anyone, even the Patriarch of Constantinople were not as knowledgeable as Pavlos.

"Today, young lord, we shall delve into the Battle of Manzikert," Pavlos began, settling into a chair opposite John, the air changed drastically from their banter interaction previously.

John perked his interest. It was history lesson for today.

He always had interest in one, well... not always being the case.

"Manzikert," Pavlos began, "was not merely a battle but a turning point. The arrogance of Emperor Romanos IV led to our downfall."

The old monk paused, watching John carefully. "But history is not just about wars and emperors. It's about the choices we make, the paths we take."

"In Emperor Romanos IV, it was oversight. Courageous and generous, but also impetuous in his action."

"Due to fear of losing his throne, he underestimated the Turks' invasion as mere 'horde' falling at first encounter. But boy how wrong he was to be such narrowminded emperor of our time."

It was a sharp criticism. John was internally taken aback, no matter how laid back this old couth is, insulting- No, criticizing the former emperor no less, like this is... very unusual.

Nevertheless, he understood that resentment better, like every person living in Constantinople, and Byzantium as a whole.

'Indeed, in the books, Emperor Romanos IV were described as the most incompetent leader due to his paranoia, impetuousness and disgraceful policymaking.'

Achieving initial success, the emperor were so high on small victories that he made great blunder later on against Alp Arslan in the battle of Manzikert, which led to his disgraceful capture and annihilation of the eastern themes army, further decreasing the already depleted forces of the empire.

His reign were marked with internal instability, diplomatic failures, and territorial losses so great that it would make Justinian I rolling in his grave, and Constantine the Great's eyes popped with bewilderment.

'Sigh... now look at where we at the moment...'

After the momentous defeat, subsequent civil wars, further exacerbating the already declining empire into further abyss, comes another idiot in the form of Alexios IV Angelos,

But that is for another lesson next time.

Pavlos who saw John lost in his own thoughts took a stick which conveniently hidden inside his garment and smacked it towards John's head.

"Ouchhhhhh! What was that for?"

John cries reverberated throughout the hall.

"What do you think of what I just told you?"

The old monk inquire while clicking his tongue.

"What's what? I just hear you rambling on about how stupid our former basileus is and how that idiot caused us to this current predicament."

John replied.


Without any confirmation from Pavlos, it was instead another whip to the head.

"Ouchh...what was it this time?"

John was furious. 'This is an abuse I say, an abuse!' was what he wanted to say but seeing the old frog face turn to a devil eventually throw everything he wanted to say.

"While he is our former emperor, you cannot speak like that about him...not in private nor in public, do you understand, young despot?" the old monk warned John.

'What is this hypocrisy? Wasn't you the first to talk bad about him?'

And so, the session continued without further distraction, John, who was both annoyed and aggrieved by the treatment he received from the old frog could only swallow his resentment deep within his stomach.


On a particular day, as they wandered through the enchanting palace gardens, John couldn't suppress the questions that weighed on his young heart towards his father, Manuel II Palaiologos.

"Father, why does our beloved empire face such struggle? Can we not rekindle the flames of our former glory?" he asked, his eyes seeking understanding.

In those tender moments, Emperor Manuel II looked upon his son with a mixture of profound sadness and unwavering hope.

He saw in John's inquisitive gaze; a reflection of himself, or what once was his.

"My dear John," he began softly, while stroking his son's head

'Huh, this seems....soothing...' John thought, but he immediately refocus his mind when the emperor spoke again.

"The path of an empire is wrought with trials and tribulations; a journey we must tread with courage and conviction."

"But, you, my son, like any sons of the empire, hold the key to its future, and I pray you will achieve greatness beyond my own."

As they stood together, observing the city from the palace balcony, a touch of melancholy clouded the emperor's expression.

John could only try to comprehend the meaning of such expression, which invoke pity on him towards the emperor

'Did every emperor before him bear such heavy yoke?'

John pondered, hoping to understand the weight that the emperor carries.

Noticed, Emperor Manuel II offered a soft smile.

"Do not pity this old man, my son. Each ruler must face these challenges, as we are bound by the undying flame of ambition that fuels us to lead, strive, and create a better world."

Embarrassed that his father noticed his uncanny expression, John scratched his head awkwardly.

Nevertheless, he marveled at his father's conviction, finding admiration in the way he carried himself amidst the trials of leading a falling empire.

These cherished moments with his father became a treasure for John as it was something he had never felt even in his previous life.

It was a dance of intellect and emotion, where the emperor momentarily forgot the weight of his responsibilities, wholly engaged in conversation with his young son.

John may be a 5-year-old child now, but in those moments, he felt the burden of leadership and fate of an adult that live half a century.

John personally held profound admiration Manuel II.

His past was marred by a tumultuous relationship with his birth parents, where disagreement and fractured ties disconnected him to the true meaning of a family.

As a young child, John would huddle in the corner of his room, all the while tears streaming down his face, yearning for the storm to pass.

The inevitable divorce did come, but it brought little solace to John's wounded heart.

His parents, caught up in their own despair, seemed to have their eyes blind on their child, who then felt neglected and abandoned.

The guilt or perhaps sheer neglect led them to leave John's guardianship in an anonymous abyss.

Although they agreed to share responsibility for him, the scars of their broken relationship ran deep, leaving little hope for genuine reconciliation.

This harsh reality became a somber lesson for John, etched into his soul during his past life.

Now, in the embrace of his new life as John Palaiologos, he felt a sense of belonging and unconditional love that had once beyond his reach.

It was subtle, but nevertheless soothing.

The warmth of his father's affection became a balm to the wounds of the past.

In the corridors of power and amidst the fracturing grandeur of the palace, John had found something even more precious—a father's love that transcended the bounds of duty and royalty.

Manuel's keen observations of John had begun from the moment the young prince entered this world.

It was as if the child carried within him the wisdom of ages, a profound intellect that surpassed his tender years.

Manuel often found himself marveling at John's extraordinary abilities, wondering how such brilliance had found its way into their family line.

He couldn't help but compare himself, acknowledging that he was as blessed with the same bright, yet still recognized that he possessed the qualities of a leader through the trials of ruling an empire.

With deliberate consideration, Emperor Manuel II personally chose Pavlos as John's court tutor, recognizing the invaluable wisdom and guidance the scholarly monk could impart.

As he observed Pavlos interaction with his son, it stirred memories from his own youth when he too had been under the tutelage of this revered mentor.

A nostalgic longing enveloped Manuel, and he couldn't help but reminisce about the days of his own youth which was filled with yonder and peace amidst the chaos of the world.

Whenever Pavlos presented his reports on the progress of the young John, he did so with an air of unbridled reverence and boundless admiration, his eyes brimming with enthusiasm for his exceptional pupil.

Quite contrary to his everyday interaction with John, when it come to boasting about his pupil, he was as proud as a grandfather, much to Manuel II's chagrin.

He knew that while Pavlos' affection was a powerful force in shaping John's character, it needed to be complemented by a firm hand.

In the hushed sanctum of the dilapidated palace throne room, bathed in the soft, flickering glow of candlelight, Emperor Manuel II sought solace amidst the venerable icons adorning the walls.

The Theotokos, cradling the Infant Christ, was surrounded by celestial beings.

These sacred images, stirred complicated feelings that the emperor had always struggled to contain.

As his gaze lifted to the intricately adorned ceiling, a profound mixture of hope and trepidation washed over him like waves on a distant shore.

The Byzantine Empire had weathered countless challenges and tribulations, but through it all, it perseveres.

In the modern world, scholars would often praise the Roman Empire; many nations aspire to be her, and some even have the ambition to claim her legacy.

But despite all that grandiose ideals, in actuality, none could ever come close to reenact what the empire had done.

"My dear God, please take this cup away from me, I am unworthy yet you clothe me, I am ashamed yet you lift me up."

The emperor prayed, his voice suffused with reverence and awe, as he sought guidance from the divine presence that had guided his people for generations.

"May you bless the heir and for what may come, guide him...in that I pray."

In the timeless embrace of history and faith, the empire's future lay shrouded in mystery, awaiting the unfolding of the young prince's journey.

Unbeknownst to both his father and Pavlos, the young prince harbored a secret talent: martial arts.

The indescribable feeling surged through John's veins whenever he wielded a sword or notched an arrow, as if it was natural for him to do so.

Every clash of blades or swift release of an arrow filled him with an inexplicable sense of fulfillment, as if he had finally found his true purpose in this new life.

Time seemed to bend around him as he immersed himself in relentless practice, his dedication and determination unwavering.

Even in the stillness of the night, he would find himself engaged in imagined duels, perfecting his techniques in the realm of dreams.

It was as if the very essence of martial prowess had woven itself into his being, improving him even when his conscious mind were asleep.

Another aspect that astonished John was his exceptional memory.

He could immediately understood everything he was learning with ease.

At 5 years-old, he could already memorize the entire history of the empire, philosophy and even fundamentals of science and mathematics.

Pavlos were very much impressed by this unexplained genius of a boy who still wet behind the ears, he could only describe it in one word, 'Monstrous'.

Together with this impressive memory, John also brought with him the knowledge from the future.

However, even with this overpowered trait, he could not immediately utilize it with his current ability.

Unless he become the emperor, or at least a co-emperor, trying the stuff he had thought out with the knowledge he had would be an impossible feat to achieve.

Nevertheless, that was a huge boon which could benefits him in the future.

"Why have it just to know I cannot use it right away?"

It was frustrating that he had to constantly grumbled. But then he realized something else besides his newfound useless ability; understanding of God, or rather, higher beings beyond the plane of existence.

In his previous life, the concept of faith had always been foreign to John.

He had little to no knowledge of religion, at all - much less interest for it.

All of these stemmed from the fact that in his previous life, his neglectful household never instill such concept into him, causing him to be disillusioned with the concept by itself.

When he finally reached adulthood and able to live by his own, he still didn't bother to be involve in something like religion and theology.

To say about himself, John views were tilting towards skeptic agnosticism, while he do believe in higher power, he doesn't entirely put his entire life into it deeming it unnecessary and nonsensical.

In his defense, it was exactly that, nonsensical.

Religion itself was nonsense; believing in some sky daddy who wants nothing but to see you suffer eternally? What difference is it from the live he had lived up till then?

That was what he had believed up till his death.

If it wasn't for that indescribable encounter with the unknown being in the void, he wouldn't be contemplating or even immerse himself with the concept of God.

Fortunately for him, Pavlos, his tutor was a monk which gave him the opportunity to ask questions that he had never asked in his entire life.

For Pavlos though, it was a baffling scenario where a young child suddenly had so much interest in the realm of theology, until at some point it made him questioned the odd behavior of John,

"This brat wouldn't be thinking about becoming a monk is he? The emperor would behead me if that was the case."

Just the thought of the emperor losing his mind if John voluntarily relinquished his title of heir just to become a monk made him shudder since he would be the most likely suspect for the young prince odd decision.

"Do you want to be a monk?"

One time, he posed this question to which the young prince's face crumpled like a paper, and retorted,

"I don't want to be you old frog, not that I want to shave my head halfway!"

'What monk? I don't want to be like those people who only live a boring life praying forever until they die, what is the point anyway?'

Hearing the young prince tantrum as he poised the question with such insulting remarks caused the menopaused old monk implode,

"You ungrateful, sinister brat, barely a suckling's old! What do you think being a monk is? What do you mean shaving your head halfway, we are not the Catholics!"

The bicker continues throughout that day, halting even the session they had just to outdo each other to see who can insult one another the best.

Despite that, John eventually come to realization that this second chance was a blessing, in and on by itself.

'Maybe it was for the lack I was in my previous life... I wonder why You gave me this chance?'

Question. One that would never be answered as long as he's alive.

Nevertheless, he resolved to make use of his newfound knowledge and ability not just for personal gain but also to serve a greater purpose that he had yet to unravel.

He understood that his extraordinary abilities not as a product of mere chance but as a gift, a chance to make amends for his past and embrace the destiny that lay before him.

With newfound faith, he embarked on a path of self-discovery and enlightenment, determined to wield his talents and knowledge for the betterment of the empire he now inherited.

Hints of John's past life flickered like distant stars in the night sky, their luminous presence shaping the contours of his new journey, craving new pathway that leads to countless possibilities.

The echoes of his former self resonated within him, but he was determined to ignore it.

Though veiled in the mists of rebirth, the essence of who he once was had already gone.

The tenacity that once drove him in the face of adversity now fueled his quest for greatness, a relentless spirit that refused to be subdued.