Boundless Ambition of the Sultan

[5th of July 1413AD, Edirne(Adrianople), Ottoman Empire.]

The sun rose over the city of Edirne, casting its golden rays on the newly crowned Sultan Mehmed I.

After a tumultuous period of power struggles and civil wars known as the "Ottoman Interregnum," Mehmed had emerged victorious, securing his place as the sole ruler of the great Ottoman Empire.

The Interregnum, following the devastating defeat of his father, Sultan Beyezid I, at the Battle of Ankara, had left the empire fractured.

Mehmed, along with his brothers, had been rescued from the aftermath of the battle, but their unity dissolved into a bloody civil war.

In the absence of a regulated succession, the princes fought for control over the Ottoman territories, each seeking to claim the throne.

Despite behaving as a vassal to the conqueror Timur during the early stages of the Interregnum, Mehmed sought to solidify his position.

He minted coins that bore both his name and Timur's, signaling his attempt to justify his actions to the powerful conqueror.

Timur, focused on his own affairs in Central Asia, did not interfere further with the developments in Anatolia.

As the civil war raged on, Mehmed's forces emerged victorious, and he declared himself Sultan in the city of Edirne, the European part of the empire. Yet, his challenges were far from over.

His brother, Mustafa Çelebi, who had been in hiding, reemerged and requested a partition of the empire.

Mehmed, determined to assert his authority, refused the proposal and defeated Mustafa's forces in battle.

With Mustafa exiled to the island of Lemnos, Mehmed thought his rule was secure. However, new threats loomed on the horizon.

The existence of his nephew Orhan, perceived as a potential threat to his rule, troubled Mehmed.

Allegations of a plot involving Orhan and the Byzantine emperor, Manuel II Palaiologos, surfaced, leading to a drastic decision.

To prevent any challenges to his authority, Mehmed had Orhan blinded, adhering to a common Byzantine practice.

As Mehmed began his reign, the empire faced social and religious upheaval.

A powerful movement led by Sheikh Bedreddin, a charismatic theologian and a popular Sufi figure, emerged in the Ottoman Sultanate.

Bedreddin's movement sought to bridge social differences and religious barriers, advocating for a populist revolution.

Mehmed's brother Musa had appointed Bedreddin as the "qadi of the army," granting him significant influence.

Under Bedreddin's leadership, the movement spread throughout the empire, gaining momentum in both the European and Anatolian regions.

Its syncretic approach to various religious beliefs and sects challenged the established order and posed a potential threat to the Sultan's rule.

As Mehmed navigated the complexities of his new reign, he recognized the importance of consolidating power and maintaining stability within the empire. The challenges he faced were as boundless as his ambition.

The legacy of the Interregnum and the rise of the Bedreddin movement posed significant tests to the young Sultan's leadership.

In the halls of the palace, surrounded by advisors and strategists, Mehmed contemplated the path ahead. The weight of history and the burden of leadership rested on his shoulders.

The destiny of the Ottoman Empire lay in his hands, and he was determined to leave a mark on its pages of history.

His ambition knew no bounds, but he understood that the journey ahead would be arduous and fraught with challenges.

The boundless ambition of the Sultan had just begun, and the empire awaited its fate with bated breath. Mehmed I stood at the precipice of a new era, and he was determined to shape the destiny of the Ottoman Empire, leaving an indelible mark on the sands of time.

His unwavering gaze was fixed upon Constantinople, a city known as "The Apple of the World," a place that had always been the object of his dreams, as it had been for his forefathers before him.

To conquer this illustrious city and etch his name in history was his ultimate ambition, a destiny entwined with his faith.

In the sacred traditions of his faith, he had learned of the prophecies spoken by the revered Prophet Muhammad.

Among them, Constantinople held a prominent place, considered a prized jewel coveted by the Muslim world.

The prophecies foretold that one day, the city would fall to the hands of a great Muslim leader and his army.

Though some had believed the prophecy to have faltered when the Prophet passed away without seeing its fulfillment, he held steadfast in his conviction.

The victory of his forefather, Alp Arslan, in the Battle of Manzikert against the Romans, centuries ago, seemed like a divine revelation, reigniting the hope of fulfilling the prophecy and reclaiming the city from the blasphemous infidels.

In his heart, it was not just his dream, but a calling from a higher power, urging him to strive for greatness.

The allure of Constantinople beckoned him, a beacon of divine destiny that he could not resist.

He knew that he was meant to be the conqueror of this majestic city, to fulfill the prophecy that had been ingrained in his faith for generations.

With every fiber of his being, he embraced the weight of this historic mission. The legacy of his forefathers, the words of the Prophet, and the guidance of God propelled him forward.

His heart and soul burned with a resolute determination, as he prepared to lead his army to the doorstep of "The Apple of the World," ready to claim it as his own and leave an indelible mark upon the annals of history.

But recently, worrying reports kept coming in from the spies he planted inside the city of Constantinople.

Mehmed at first considered the reports to be nothing more than futile endeavors made by the Romans, delaying rather than preventing their demise by his hands.

However, the reports repeatedly mentioned one individual - John VIII Palaiologos, the co-emperor of the Byzantine Empire.

Instead of dismissing the information, Sultan Mehmed I grew increasingly curious and ordered his spies to keep a closer watch on the young co-emperor.

As the reports flowed in, provided by his trusted Grand Vizier, Beyezid Pasha, the Sultan learned of John VIII's remarkable contributions to revitalizing the city.

Trade flourished under his leadership, and the Byzantine military underwent impressive reforms that left Mehmed puzzled.

Yet, what struck the Sultan as even more peculiar was the sudden surge of trading activities in a seemingly unrelated region - Morea.

The reports mentioned a prosperous trading port in the city of Achaea, situated in the southernmost part of the region. It was a development that couldn't be ignored.

Turning to Beyezid Pasha for counsel, Sultan Mehmed inquired with solemnity,

"What do you make of this, Grand Vizier? Should we be wary of these developments or dismiss them?"

The wise Grand Vizier stroked his beard thoughtfully before responding,

"It appears that the young co-emperor is indeed a force to be reckoned with. The position the infidels hold now is becoming increasingly threatening to us, my Sultan."

The Sultan's brow furrowed as he absorbed Beyezid's words. "What approach do you suggest we take in dealing with this situation?" he asked.

Beyezid Pasha rose from his seat, pacing back and forth as he weighed the options. "Using threats against the infidels at this moment would prove futile. Their economy is recovering rapidly, and their diplomatic alliances are growing stronger, causing us greater concern," he explained.

The Grand Vizier continued,

"Moreover, the civil war has just ended, and the people are still reeling from its impact. Engaging in another conflict now would only deepen instability within our borders, something we cannot afford. Our priority should be consolidating power within our own realm before considering further conquests."

He paused, then added,

"The Bulgarians are already showing signs of rebellion, and whispers of another crusade from the West have reached our ears. We must tread carefully and wisely, my Sultan."

Mehmed I nodded, recognizing the gravity of the situation.

"Consolidation of power it is, then," he concurred.

"We shall secure our position and strengthen our empire from within before we venture further."

Both ruler and advisor understood the challenges ahead.

The young co-emperor's actions had not gone unnoticed, and they recognized the need for caution and strategic planning.

With a shared resolve, Sultan Mehmed I and Beyezid Pasha set forth on a path of internal strengthening and vigilance, ready to face whatever threats lay on the horizon.


[Off the coast of Achaea, Aegean Sea]

'How long has it been? Six years?' John pondered as he reflected on the time that had passed since his coronation.

In those six years, a myriad of events had unfolded both within and beyond the borders of the empire.

Inside the empire, John's reforms had taken significant strides, and most of his initial plans had borne fruit, yielding remarkable results.

One pivotal event that set the wheels of change in motion was John's meeting with Gavriel, the Megas Domestikos.

The impact of that encounter left John amazed as he witnessed the transformation that followed.

Initially, John anticipated that military reforms would pose the greatest challenge, yet he was pleasantly surprised by the Megas Domestikos's proficiency in executing them flawlessly.

The reforms were modeled after the training manual of the modern US Marine Corps, renowned for its arduously rigorous and demanding nature.

The very thought of the Marine Corps training was enough to send shudders down anyone's spine, for its physical demands alone were enough to overwhelm those who lacked the mental fortitude to endure the regimen.

The physical fitness test, for instance, set the bar high even for beginners, requiring them to complete 100 push-ups, 100 squats, 100 pull-ups, and a 10km marathon.

The sheer intensity of the beginner test rivaled that of a certain renowned anime character from the modern world, known for undertaking these ludicrous training routines.

The impact of these reforms was profound, as the empire's military strength grew exponentially.

Soldiers became better equipped; physically and mentally, as the challenges that lay ahead would be that much more daunting

The discipline instilled by the reforms permeated every echelon of the armed forces, solidifying their unity and purpose.

Beyond the military sphere, John's other reforms were equally successful.

The economic initiatives he set in motion bolstered trade and prosperity within the empire.

By streamlining administrative processes and eliminating corruption, the bureaucracy of the empire becoming more efficient and responsive to the development that John yearned for.

Now folks, you remember Demarchos Vernon?

Well, since that fateful meeting with the co-emperor, the rat seemed to have vanished into thin air.

Not one who had acquainted with him, would ever saw him again.

It was as if he had never existed, leaving people to collectively wondered,

"Did we just befriend a ghost?"

After John notified the situation to his father, Emperor Manuel II, swift action was taken.

The Emperor ordered his personal guards to investigate the truth regarding the underlaying corruption surrounding the ports around the Golden Horn; and what they uncovered was thoroughly shocking.

Firstly, an underground organization calling itself 'The Prince' had been operating secretly within the empire for centuries, eating away its prosperity while the empire slowly bleed out.

The fact that it remained undetected for so long was due to the incompetence of the Byzantine bureaucrats and the organization's clandestine methods, which remained discovered and swept under the rug right into the emperor's nose.

This discovery essentially raged the emperor who had been treated like a fool in his own lands.

In an instant, he ordered the guards to purge everyone involved, cleansing the foul ridden pestilence that ate the vigor out of the city.

Secondly, it was revealed that Demarchos Vernon had been working under someone known as 'The Duke.'

This hierarchy resembled a noble tiered system within the organization, leaving John to draw eerie comparisons to modern-world cartels.

With the rat gone, the snake still lurked in the shadows, and this weighed heavily on John's mind.

Though the tumor of corruption had been partially removed, its complete eradication still eluded them.

The pressing question now was, who would replace the previous Demarchos of Constantinople?

Finding the right person for the position was crucial for restoring the Golden Horn ports to its former glory.

As John wrestled with this dilemma, another pressing issue surfaced.

Turkish refugees continued to flood the city's shores, adding to the existing concerns of the citizens who held inexplicable hatred against the Turks.

It was a reasonable reaction given their history, and recent event.

In the face of this challenge, John had an excellent idea, he sought to reform the education system.

However, financial constraints posed a significant hurdle.

He had to seek assistance from the Patriarch to realize this ambitious reform.

At first, the elderly patriarch was resistant to the idea of educational system for all citizens, and even more so to the Turkish people being included within that idea.

But John's ingenious persuasiveness left him utterly defeated, and forced to agree when John promised to grant the Church more autonomy, a pass which the emperor agreed upon.

"You see," John explained,

"With education, we can Hellenize these people and bring them back to the faith. Many of them are actually descendants of our people who were forcibly Turkified and estranged from our faith."

"Not only that, the imperial family will lower the tax imposed on the church as part of compensation; this deal will benefits both the empire and the church."

The compelling arguments presented by John eventually swayed the patriarch, who reluctantly agreed to give his support.

It was a testament to John's skill in persuade others; honed from his previous life which then allows him to make others give in to his outrageous demands.

The reformed education system underwent significant improvements, nurturing a generation of well-educated and skilled individuals who would someday elevate the empire's future.

John firmly believed that investing in education is crucial for ensuring the long-term stability and fostering the youths into advancing the empire.

However, the economic situation was taking a turn for the worse within the empire.

Persistent demands from the Venetians and the Genoese to relinquish possession of Thessaloniki put immense pressure on the emperor.

John, with his insightful counsel, urged the emperor not to yield to their demands, and the emperor heeded his advice, holding steadfastly to his decision.

In light of these economic challenges, John devised an alternative approach.

He proposed that the emperor seek financial support from their allies, whose numbers had been steadily growing due to John's persuasive diplomacy and Manuel II impressive silver tongue approach.

The emperor made it much easier to request assistance, and for the time being, seeking coins from allies seemed like a more viable option.

Amidst the economic struggles, John's educational reforms began to bear fruit as the months went by.

It produced some exceptional talent, and one of them was Selim Aksoy, of Turkish descent, who emerged as the most attractive prospect.

Selim hailed from a prominent merchant family in Ankara, but after a devastating defeat of the Ottoman Empire at the hands of the Timurid horde, the city pasha resorted to extortion, squeezing money from local merchants.

Even more harrowing were the cases of merchants whose entire fortunes were confiscated based on ridiculous pretexts fabricated by the pasha.

As the region descended into civil war, Selim and his family had no choice but to flee his hometown and seek refuge in Constantinople.

Throughout his entire life, Selim had this grand vision for this magnificent city.

However, upon setting foot in Constantinople, his lofty fantasies came crashing down.

The stark reality before him rendered him speechless and perplexed.

'You call this a city? Are you sure it is not a slum instead?' he mumbled in disbelief.

Despite the initial disillusionment, Selim acknowledged that being here was much more preferable than enduring the strife and hardships of his former city.

With a steely resolve of a youth, he determined to change his future around in the city, whatever it is.

He vowed to embrace the challenges and seek prosperity in this new and unfamiliar place.

When John first attempted to approach Selim, the young Turk held a skeptical view of the boy before him, considering him as just another opportunist taking advantage of Turkish refugees.

Yet, subsequent introductions later, Selim found himself even more perplexed.

"A co-emperor of an empire is personally seeking me out?" he was bemused, struggling to believe what he had just experiencing.

To Selim's surprise, John openly extended a job offer to the young merchant, not just any ordinary position, but a role of great influence, akin to that of a pasha.

The proposition left Selim even more astonished, as he couldn't fathom why a co-emperor would bestow such high- no, giving him that much of valuation to begin with.

The young co-emperor offered Selim with the prestigious position of Demarchos of Constantinople; responsible for overseeing tax collection in the ports surrounding the city and regulating trade within its walls, while also responsible for the development within the city itself.

In return, John sought nothing more than Selim's allegiance to the empire and its emperors.

Selim embraced the offer with open arms and profound gratitude.

For him, the prospect of living in peace outweighed any allegiance to country or patriotism.

He was not particularly patriotic or nationalistic; his world revolved around money, and wealth meant everything to him.

'God and country? To hell with them.'

'I just want to live,' he secretly rejoiced, the excitement echoing loudly in his heart.

Five whole years had passed, and the results were astonishingly clear.

The Empire's resurgence was nothing short of remarkable, causing even the current Sultan of the Ottoman Empire to grow wary of its newfound strength.

Little did he know that the driving force behind this resurgence was none other than one of his own people.

Selim had played a very pivotal role during those five years; and if the sultan ever learned the truth about his involvement, it would undoubtedly leave him seething with frustration rather than anger.

The transformation of the empire had been a collective effort, with the population began to see the fruit and began to embrace the reforms that John had painstakingly devised.

Under John's wise leadership, the once-declining economy had surged, trade flourished albeit not so much, and the military grew more formidable.

The empire's cultural and intellectual achievements soared, garnering admiration and respect even from the neighboring lands.

Back in the present, John turned to a man himself Selim; however, that is no longer what he was called, instead being known by his Hellenistic name, Nikos.

"It seems like your investments in Morea have finally reaped rewards, Nikos,"

John remarked with a hint of admiration.

Nikos smiled, his eyes reflecting a sense of pride, yet he remained humble in the presence of the young ruler.

"It is nothing your highness; it was because of your support that it has been instrumental in making this scene a reality.

"Without it, this endeavor would have remained nothing more than a mere pipe dream,"

Nikos replied, gratitude evident in his voice.

John nodded, acknowledging the mutual respect between them.

The success of the venture was a testament to both Nikos' vision and dedication and John's belief in fostering innovation and progress within the empire.

The transformation of Morea, once a neglected region, into a thriving center of trade and prosperity was a true accomplishment, and it would not have been possible without Nikos' strategic brilliance and relentless efforts.

"However, had it not been for your keen eye and ingenuity, I would've never have paid any attention to this remote region."

"Who would have thought that beneath its unassuming exterior lies a hidden gemstone deposit? *Tsk* *Tsk* *Tsk*, Nikos, you continue to astound me,"

John remarked, his words flowing with genuine admiration.

Selim, now Nikos, could only offer a humble smile at the praise.

His unassuming demeanor remained intact, as he never sought recognition for his contributions.

Instead, he took pride in knowing that his efforts had played a part in the empire's progress.

"Pavlos has been walking around with a perpetual smile these days. It's truly remarkable how a man of his age, a seasoned 70-year-old, can exude such boundless vigor,"

John mused to himself, his thoughts drifting back to the old man he had left behind in the capital.

As the galley carrying John and Nikos neared the newly established city-port south of Laconia, realization washed over John.

From this point onward, every step he took would be under the watchful gaze of his enemies, whether they be seen or hidden in the shadows.

However, rather than being deterred, John embraced this fact with unwavering determination.

The next phase of his plan was unfolding seamlessly, designed with such cunning that even Sultan Mehmed I's spies couldn't discern its true nature.