Ask, and it Shall be Given Unto You.

[Imperial Library of Constantinople, Boukoleon Palace.]

"Love is the desire to possess the good forever." - Plato, "Symposium," 206b

In the deep corner of the imperial library, lay countless books written and rewritten by philosophers of antiquity. The Greeks, in particular, held a deep and profound love for philosophy—a naturalistic way for them to explore the truth of the universe in their time.

Among these esteemed philosophers was Plato, who sought to discover the ideals and virtues of the world instead of focusing on intrinsic meaning and flaws that could be seen as making the world inherently evil.

John's unwavering admiration for Plato's profound ideals had sparked an impassioned zeal within him, shaping the very essence of his decisions and worldview. As the young emperor sought to rebuild the crumbling foundation and pillars of the Byzantine Empire, he envisioned it as an elegant house, once grand but now worn down by the ravages of time and eternal conflicts, its splendor buried beneath overgrown weeds left untended by a grieving owner.

Drawing inspiration from Plato's allegory of the house, John saw the empire as a structure of immense beauty and potential, lost amidst neglect and misfortune. The weeds represented the vices and corruption that had taken root, threatening to consume the empire's greatness.

Yet, unlike the absentee owner in Plato's vision, John was determined to be the gardener, tending to the yard with unwavering care and dedication.

Just as Plato envisioned a wise ruler who would nurture the soul of the state, John aspired to embody this ideal. He recognized that to restore the empire's glory, it was not only about enacting laws and reforms but also about cultivating virtue and wisdom within its citizens.

Like the philosopher-king of Plato's 'The Republic,' John sought to lead with wisdom, empathy, and a commitment to the common good. His vision of the empire as an elegant house was not merely a metaphor but a guiding principle that infused every aspect of his rule.

Through his leadership, John aimed to transform the Byzantine Empire into a haven of knowledge, culture, and justice—a beacon that would shine brightly in an era that had grown dim with turmoil and strife.

Just as Plato's philosopher-kings were the guardians of truth and wisdom, John took on the mantle of a guardian for his people, devotedly striving to protect and nurture their well-being. His decisions were guided by the pursuit of the greater good, seeking to ensure that the empire flourished once more, like a radiant house restored to its former glory.

As he delved deeper into Plato's teachings, John found resonance with the philosopher's belief in the power of education to shape individuals and society. Like the allegory of the cave, where enlightenment brings individuals out of darkness and ignorance, John saw education as a means to liberate his people from the constraints of the past and empower them to embrace a brighter future.

In essence, John's fervent idealism was not a mere fanaticism but a dedication to the timeless principles of wisdom and virtue. He saw himself not as an emperor merely ruling over subjects but as a guardian of a legacy that spanned centuries—a custodian entrusted with the sacred duty of rebuilding the empire's glorious past.

As John walked the halls of the imperial palace, he carried within him the essence of Plato's vision, drawing inspiration from the philosopher's wisdom and teachings. And just as Plato's influence had endured through the ages, John's dedication to revitalizing the Byzantine Empire and its people would leave a lasting legacy, an indelible mark on the annals of history.

Amidst these visionary and idealistic view of how to be a paragon of virtue and ruler of high esteem, occasionally, John would stumble upon the virtue of love. Yet, in that virtue, it was not from the Greek philosophers that he enlightened himself with, but the Book of Books where the breath of the Lord eternally guides the path of the righteous.

John found great admiration in the Lord's sacrificial love for His people, understanding how it could lead them to eternal salvation. This profound concept became a wellspring of inspiration for him, especially as he beheld the condition of his people when he first ascended to power.

The sight of his people's suffering and hardship stirred a deep compassion within John's heart. He witnessed the weariness etched on their faces, the burden they carried in their souls, and the struggles they endured day after day. It was in those poignant moments that he vowed to be a beacon of hope and transformation for his empire.

The radiant smile of a little child, captured in a fleeting moment as he sat on a carriage that day, held a profound impact on John, shaping him into the person he is today. That simple, genuine expression of joy amidst the uncertainties ignited a spark within him, one that ignited his sense of purpose and fueled his determination to make a positive difference in the world.

Drawing from the lessons of the Lord's love, John embarked on a journey of reform, guided by the vision of a better future for his people. He understood that genuine love required not just empathy but action—a willingness to sacrifice and work tirelessly for the betterment of those he served.

With each decision he made, he reflected on the Lord's example of selflessness and how it could positively impact the lives of his subjects. He knew that his actions had the potential to uplift the weary hearts and bring about lasting change for the empire.

Through his reforms, John sought to alleviate the suffering and improve the lives of his people. He established social welfare programs, restructured the economy to ensure equitable distribution of resources, and invested in education to empower the future generations.

As he witnessed the transformative effects of his efforts, John felt a profound sense of fulfillment in knowing that his love for his people was making a tangible difference in their lives. The once gloomy expressions of his subjects began to light up with hope and gratitude, and the empire started to flourish under his compassionate leadership.

However, amidst all his visionary pursuits and idealistic views, John found himself repeatedly pondering another aspect of life: the love shared between a man and a woman. Countless times, he asked himself this very question, seeking guidance on matters of the heart. And in those moments of introspection, he turned to the words of the Lord for solace and wisdom.

The answer he clung to, a profound verse from the Apostle Paul's letter to the Church of Ephesus, resonated deeply within him. "Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her." These words held the essence of sacrificial love and selflessness, qualities he admired in the Lord's actions towards his people.

John saw in this divine teaching a profound lesson on how to approach love and relationships. To him, it was not merely about fulfilling societal norms or seeking personal gratification, but rather, it was a calling to embody the kind of love that puts others before oneself, just as Lord had done for the church.


[Golden Horn, Constantinople.]

As the sun gradually set, making way for the resplendent full moon that cast an awe-inspiring and timeless glow upon the universe, the companions readied themselves for the momentous meeting. John's heart raced with anticipation as he was about to come face to face with the enigmatic lady known as Anna at the illustrious 'Little Saints' inn.

The shore of the Golden Horn held its own enchantment and profound symbolism, as the rising tide gracefully embraced the Bosphorus. With each wave crashing against the shore wall, a symphony of sounds echoed in John's heart, creating a mesmerizing melody that resonated deep within him.

The mingling scents of the sea—sweet yet salty—wafted through the air, wrapping John in a soothing embrace. The sea breeze seemed to carry whispers of ancient tales and untold adventures, lulling his heart and mind into a tranquil state.

As John stood there, the moonlight shimmering on the water's surface, he felt a sense of connection to the vast expanse of the sea—an echo of the limitless potential that lay within him. The ebb and flow of the tides mirrored the rhythm of life itself, reminding him of the constant cycles of change and renewal.

The night sky was adorned with stars, twinkling like diamonds scattered across a vast tapestry. They shimmered with an ethereal brilliance, their light illuminating the darkness and evoking a sense of wonder.

The constant crash of the waves, an eternal dance between sea and shore, resonated with the boundless possibilities that stretched into the horizon. Each wave brought with it the promise of new beginnings and uncharted journeys, mirroring the infinite potential that lay ahead for John.

Clad in his finest attire, John couldn't shake the mix of excitement and nervousness that coursed through his veins. Despite his many encounters as a young emperor, this meeting held a special allure, captivating his thoughts and stirring a sense of curiosity that was unlike anything he had experienced before.

In the flickering light of the lanterns, John's loyal companions exchanged knowing glances, silently acknowledging the significance of this encounter for their young co-emperor. Nikos, Pavlos, and Demetrius had seen John face numerous challenges with unwavering courage and wit, but this was a different battlefield altogether—the realm of the heart.

As they made their way to the 'Little Saints' inn, the bustling streets of Constantinople seemed to fade into the background, leaving John with an undeniable feeling that destiny itself had guided him to this moment. His heart swelled with a sense of purpose, a feeling that he was on the verge of unraveling a mystery that held the potential to shape his future.

Upon reaching the inn's entrance, John paused for a moment, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves. He exchanged a final glance with his companions, who stood by his side, unwavering in their support.

With a nod of gratitude, John stepped forward, determined to embrace whatever awaited him inside.

As soon as he entered, a captivating melody from a lyre filled the air, accompanied by the ethereal voice of a female performer. The enchanting music transported him to a world of wonder, where mythical creatures, dungeons, and dragons beckoned him on daring adventures.

It was as if he had stepped into the pages of a mesmerizing fantasy tale, where he was the valiant hero destined to conquer all challenges and achieve glory along the way. The ambiance of the place seemed to cast a spell on him, drawing him further into this enchanting realm that awakened a spirit of boldness and curiosity within him.

But he quickly awoke from such a fantastical dream, for now, he faced a challenge far more formidable than dragons—a being much more ferocious: a lady. Frantically, he scanned the inn's surroundings, hoping to catch a glimpse of her.

Then, like a beacon in the night, he spotted a graceful hand waving in his direction. His heart skipped a beat as he locked eyes with the very same lady he had encountered back in the alleyway with Demetrius. She still adorned the scarf on her face and head, but now in more mesmerizing attire than before.

John cleared his throat and took deliberate steps through the bustling crowd, his heart beating with a mix of nerves and excitement, as he approached the enigmatic lady known as Anna. Sensing the weight of the moment, his loyal companions tactfully excused themselves, making their way to a nearby table a few paces away. They aimed to grant John and Anna the privacy they deserved, avoiding any semblance of intrusion with their curious gazes and mischievous grins.

As John neared Anna, the air seemed to crackle with anticipation, and he found himself momentarily lost for words. The flickering candlelight added a warm and intimate ambiance to the surroundings, as if the world around them faded away, leaving only the two of them in this secluded bubble of time.

Anna looked up as John approached, her eyes catching the shimmer of the candlelight. A faint smile played on her lips, her expression a mix of intrigue and welcome. "Your Highness," she greeted him, her voice soft and inviting.

"Anna," John replied, offering a small nod as he pulled out the chair opposite her, "Thank you for inviting me here. Your message piqued my curiosity, and I couldn't resist the chance to unravel this mystery."

Anna's laughter rang through the air like a delightful melody, filling the atmosphere with joy and intrigue. Her charm was further accentuated by the endearing awkwardness in her attempts to speak in the Greek tongue,

"Mystery, you say? How intriguing," Anna replied with a playful glint in her eyes, her curiosity piqued. "Well, then, let's embrace the night with its enigmas and revelations, shall we?" Her words carried a sense of adventure and the promise of a captivating journey.

"Ah, before we proceed, allow me to introduce myself properly to His Highness," she said with a hint of playfulness. "My name is Anna Vasilyevna, daughter of Vasily I of Moskva." Her uncovered wide blue eyes glittered like the vastness of the ocean, captivating John with their allure.

Entranced by her presence, John found himself momentarily lost in the depths of her gaze. Her introduction carried an air of confidence and mystery that further intrigued him. He felt a strong connection to this enigmatic woman, as if a familiar thread from the tapestry of destiny had woven their paths together.

Breaking free from his reverie, John composed himself and responded with a warm smile, "It is an honor to meet you, Anna Vasilyevna. Your name carries a regal grace, befitting a princess of Moskva."

"I am deeply honored by your generous compliment, Your Highness," replied the princess with an enchanting smile, her expression still veiled under the cover of the scarf.

However, the momentary exchange left a lingering air of awkwardness. The silence hung between them, as if trying to find the right words to bridge the gap that separated their worlds.

In a dimly lit corner of the inn, a mysterious figure concealed in a cloak kept a vigilant watch over the unfolding scene. Their piercing gaze focused intensely on John and Anna, the couple at the center of attention. Accompanying this enigmatic figure was a burly man, an imposing presence who appeared to be their guardian.

Under the veil of the cloak, the person's emotions remained hidden from the prying eyes of others. Were they seething with anger or trembling with nervousness? The truth remained a mystery, known only to the individual's steadfast companion.

"Um, your Highness, would you like me to handle this person?" asked the loyal muscleman, his voice laced with determination, as he directed his attention towards the couple before them.

"Why don't you use your brain, you foolish oaf? That person is none other than the co-emperor of this great empire. Do you want to stir up trouble? Not only did you fail to protect my beloved daughter, but you also lost sight of her while shedding tears like a child at the Hippodrome!" berated the cloaked figure, unmistakably identified as Vasily I of Moskva.

The burly man scratched his head sheepishly, his disappointment palpable as he cast his gaze to the ground, regretting the scolding he received from his master.

It all unfolded outside the grand hippodrome square. Once the exhilarating chariot race had concluded, Vasily I, Anna Vasilyevna, and the imposing figure accompanying them made their way out of the stadium. Just as they were about to leave the complex, Anna's attention was captured by a quartet engaged in playful banter nearby.

Intrigued, she was drawn to follow their interactions, leaving Vasil I to console the crying adult that was the imposing man, lest they attract undue attention from onlookers. In the midst of this momentary distraction, both of them unknowingly had lost sight of the princess.

Meanwhile, not far from their location, a remarkable scene unfolded, similar to what had taken place before: John and Demetrius skillfully engaged in a fierce fistfight with a group of six ruffians, emerged triumphant, successfully securing the safety of the princess.

That, and thence brought them to this scenario that was the princess meeting privately with the co-emperor in an inn.

"Could this really be Anna, the same daughter who once rebuffed all suitors in the capital?" Vasil pondered, his heart torn between curiosity and doubt.

"Your Highness, are you blind? That is indeed the princess, and the person sitting beside her is a pervert attempting to take her away from you," declared the bulky man, oblivious to the situation even after being reprimanded by his master.

Vasil could only sigh and facepalm himself, muttering under his breath in a thick Russian accent, "I deeply regret bringing this oaf with me. This is utterly embarrassing."

Not only did the foolish oaf accuse the co-emperor of being a pervert, but he also looked down on the man he accused. Vasily's blood vessels pulsed visibly with anger, his temper boiling to its peak.

However, instead of losing his cool completely, he addressed the bulky man in a sharp yet commanding voice, "Ivar, I strongly advise you to keep your mouth shut. I have no desire to hear such baseless accusations from you, unless you wish to part ways with your tongue."

Hearing the stern warning from his master, Ivar cast his gaze to the floor, understanding the gravity of his mistake. Vasily took a deep breath, trying to regain his composure and put the incident behind him, despite the annoyance he felt with his companion.

Vasily, unable to tear his gaze away, continued to watch his daughter as she conversed with John. He couldn't help but notice the radiant happiness on her face—a sight he hadn't seen for years, not since the loss of his wife. Ever since that tragic event, his daughter had lived a secluded life, wrapped in sorrow and isolation. Despite his efforts to find suitable suitors for her, she had always refused his proposals, leaving him deeply concerned for her well-being.

Years of worry and longing for his daughter's happiness weighed heavily on Vasily's heart as he observed the tender interaction between her and John. He had always wished for her to find someone who would bring joy back into her life, and it seemed that John might be the one capable of doing so.

However, a mix of emotions clouded Vasily's mind. He was glad to witness his daughter's happiness, but he couldn't help but feel a pang of uncertainty and protectiveness. The world of royalty was filled with complexities, and he couldn't help but wonder if John's intentions were genuine or if there were ulterior motives behind his interest in the princess.

As a father, Vasily's primary concern was his daughter's happiness and safety. He wanted to shield her from any potential heartache or harm that might arise from opening her heart to someone new. The loss of his wife had left scars that ran deep, and he couldn't bear the thought of his daughter experiencing similar pain.

Amidst these conflicting emotions, Vasily knew he had to trust his daughter's judgment and give her the freedom to explore this connection with John. He understood that she was no longer a child but a young woman capable of making her own choices.

Still, the weight of responsibility and worry tugged at his heartstrings. He couldn't help but be cautious, mindful of the uncertainties that lay ahead. He knew that life within the royal court could be both a blessing and a curse, and he wanted to ensure that his daughter's heart was in safe hands.

As the evening wore on, Vasily silently prayed for his daughter's happiness and for the strength to support her in whatever path she chose. He knew that the choices she made would shape her destiny, and he could only hope that she found love, joy, and fulfillment in her journey.

Several paces away from the couple, another conversation unfolded, but its intentions were not as pure as they seemed. Huddled together, John's companions quietly strategized on how to bring the co-emperor closer to the mysterious woman he had encountered.

Nikos, the ever-observant one, spoke up first, "We can't just leave them like this. His Highness looks so flustered, like he has no idea how to talk to a woman."

Old Pavlos chimed in, nodding in agreement, "You're right. Look at his expression; it's as if he's saying, 'I'm a virgin. I don't know how to speak with a woman.'" Unbeknownst to Pavlos, his own personal circumstances mirrored John's, as he, unlike John, was a celibate old virgin.

Demetrius, always the pragmatic one, spoke up with a hint of amusement, "Well, we can't exactly play matchmakers with no experience ourselves. Besides, meddling in the affairs of the heart can be quite tricky."

Nikos leaned in, a mischievous glint in his eye, "True, but we can at least create some opportunities for them to interact more. Let them figure things out on their own."

Pavlos chuckled, "Yes, subtle nudges in the right direction won't hurt. We'll just have to be discreet about it."

And so, the trio agreed to subtly engineer situations that would allow John and Anna to spend more time together, without overtly interfering. They knew that genuine connections couldn't be forced, but a little encouragement might help fate along its course.

As the evening at the 'Little Saints' continued, John and Anna found themselves drawn into each other's company, engaging in conversations that flowed effortlessly. The atmosphere was filled with laughter, genuine smiles, and shared stories.

Unbeknownst to John, his loyal companions were orchestrating this unfolding romance from the sidelines, but not without trepidation. They knew the complexities of matters of the heart, but they also believed in their co-emperor's ability to find happiness and love.

Amidst the charm of the 'Little Saints' inn and the magnetic pull between John and Anna, the night held the promise of destiny, bringing together two souls whose paths had crossed at just the right moment.