Between Concession and Pride

Upon completing all his paperwork for the day, John stood and pushed himself away from his desk, stretching his sore upper body and cracking the bones in his neck, releasing any accumulated tension.

The cracking sound gave him relief and a refreshing feeling, and after a few minutes of stretching, he could feel his lost energy returning.

He took a few steps back away from his desk, drawn towards the brightly illuminated glass window of his office, where he could enjoy the breathtaking view of Constantinople below.

It was one of his favorite ways to relax after long hours of work.

"This is home, something that I didn't have before. Something that I'd never missed," he mumbled, his voice tinged with both sorrow and regret.

"I wonder if any of my family even care about me back in that world? It's been 22 years already, and I guess by now, my grave is filled with overgrown weeds that no one bothers to trim,"

he added, his voice filled with melancholy.

John tried to forget everything he was before his rebirth, though it occasionally resurfaced on its own, whether he liked it or not.

For John, Constantinople was more than a home; it was his everything from the day he was reborn. Within this city, he turned sorrow into happiness, despair into hope, and loss into purpose.

The city was like him before his rebirth; dead and empty. But with his birth into this world, he brought life back to it. It was his pride, his everything.

Now, as the co-emperor, he held the power to do anything and everything his heart desired.

Even while doing so, he didn't mistake between humility and pride.

What he desired was life, and with life came opportunities that gave him even more certainty in his satisfaction with whatever he wanted.

However, in this life, he'd suddenly become apprehensive when, in his previous life, he had nothing.

He learned that in life, you have nothing, and you die with nothing. As the Lord hath said to the first man, "For dust you are, and to dust you shall return."

Contemplating on what he had gone through in his first life after the explosion happened, his body floated aimlessly amongst the nothingness of the void, his eyes staring into the endless abyss of emptiness.

"Why do I dwell on these useless thoughts time and time again?"

John forced a smile, but the smile was dry as he tried to stop his useless thoughts.

"John Rickett Marlone, please be gone. You are no longer of the world, for you are not of this world. You don't belong here. Now, I am not you. Now, I am John Dragases Palaiologos," he reassured himself, trying to forget the name he once bore.

His grip on the window frames tightened; it was as if he wanted to let go, but his ego did not let him.

In the sky, a flight of birds passed by, reminding him to let his thoughts fly away, to ease his worries and be merry.

For John, the view of Constantinople was his only way of healing. It was captivating yet ancient, far removed from what he knew about cities in his former life.

In this ancient city filled with tranquility, he saw many things that he would otherwise never have seen in New York City - life.

The bright sun hung above the sky, revealing its splendor and capturing the picturesque scene unique to this city.

The towering Hagia Sophia stood majestically on the horizon, its splendid architecture defining the city's overall landscape.

Back then, the city was all gloom and doom, but with the breath given by John, it had shown its full glory to his deep brown eyes. The flight of birds filled the canvas of the city's sky, providing a peaceful feeling.

The ships sailing yonder further painted the canvas, signifying the city's prosperity.

Contentment filled John's emotions, distracting him from whatever troubles he faced in his current life, but not from the responsibilities he held, as without them, he would never have witnessed this marvelous scene.

Before his obstructive thoughts hindered his present reality once again, he moved away from the view and went back to his desk, observing the completed paperwork.

Satisfied with his work for now, he rearranged his outfits and prepared to meet the dignitaries from the renegade realm of Trebizond.

As he looked over his office window one last time, he thought,

"Maybe I should ask the steward to change the frame of the window - it looks old and dusty."

He told himself in a self-reflecting manner.

This time, he was adamant - adamant that whatever the future held for him, he would never look back and sink himself into further depth of despair and hopelessness, leading him to a life without color.


[Guest Hall of the Sacred Palace, Constantinople.]

At the guest hall, a woman and a man sat on the sofa, their expressions were filled with restlessness and worries as they were about to meet the young co-emperor, John VIII Palaiologos.

They have been waiting for him since morning but the co-emperor still haven't arrive to meet them.

The sun had already hanging above their heads yet the renowned co-emperor still did not come and meet them.

Thus, it was natural for them, especially the woman to be jittery, going back and forth with a frown etched on her face.

It was Maria Komenons, princess of the Empire of Trebizond, and her ever-vigilant knight, Timotheus. They had been inside the city for three months.

During that time, they did nothing other than enjoying the view around the city and to try to understand the meaning behind the sudden renaissance that the city currently experienced.

For Maria, the city that she knew from her father and countless tutors were starkly different than what she currently saw.

She always being told that the city is nothing more than a den of thieves and sinners; a picture painted of hell on earth.

But the moment she arrived, she was instantly blown away by the difference that was night and day from what her father and tutors had told.

"If this is what they called hell, what marvels await in heaven?"

She asked this same question many times over for three months.

But crickets had always accompanied that answer, while her astonishment never stopped growing.

The only hope that she have for the answer of her curiosity was the co-emperor himself - the epicenter of all this marvelous transformation and work of art.

Yet, after hours of waiting for the person she sought after, she was now feeling impatient.

She felt like if she could, she would just climb over the stairs and crash into John's office and drag him out here herself.

But with Timotheus being ever-watchful of her every move like a hawk, she could not do it even if she wanted to. It was a depressing feeling for her.

"This little twat, why is he not here when I requested to meet him since the morning rooster cuckold?" she vehemently cursed John in her heart.

However, the part where she was waiting since the rooster cuckold? That was a lie she made up to vent her accumulating frustration.

Timotheus, always by the princess's side, had his own amazement at the city's grandeur.

Born and raised in Trebizond's inner city, he thought he knew what urban life entailed, but Constantinople's splendor surpassed everything he had experienced.

The city's cleanliness and organization eclipsed any town or city in Chaldea.

Even with his privileged upbringing, Timotheus was astonished by the magnificence surrounding him in Constantinople.

Not long after, a gentle yet hurried footsteps could be heard echoing throughout the guest hall, and the door that they so patiently waited to open wide finally reveals the figure that they had long to meet - John VIII Palaiologos.

It was at that moment that the urge that Maria had long hoarded started to kick in but before she could act, the hawkeyed Timotheus immediately restrain her by grabbing her waist trying to pull her down back to the sofa.

John was initially surprised by this passionate woman's unfounded hate towards him, which made him unconsciously took a few step backward.

"What is the meaning of this?" John sternly asked the duo, his gaze fixed on Maria. Before Timotheus could helplessly offer his explanation,

"'What'? Hey you little twat, do you know how long I have fu---", Maria began to hurl curses at John, only to have her mouth swiftly covered by the knight's hand.

"I apologize for her unsightly behavior towards you, Your Highness. As you can see, the princess is having her 'season', *ack* thus I have to ask for you mercy."

Timotheus explained while still restraining the rebellious princess.

But when the princess heard the word 'season', the restraining knight felt a strong elbow hit his lower abdomen which he painstakingly tried to refrain himself from feeling.

Witnessing this unexpected situation unfold, John couldn't help but sigh. Encountering such a unique princess was a first for him.

It was rare to find someone so unladylike in this day and age. It almost felt like he was watching a drama on television from his previous life.

"If you continue to behave this way, I don't believe any amicable talk between us is possible. I must insist that both of you leave this sacred palace immediately. Guards!"

John commanded, summoning the palace guards to escort the guests out and prevent any further escalation. As the guards slowly approached the hall, the tension in the air was palpable.

"You are just like any other hot-headed men out there. 'Son of God,' my foot! To me, you are worse than the 'Spawn of Satan'."

The woman's torrent of profane words continued to pour forth, and Timotheus couldn't help but facepalm himself in shame and indignation.

The palace guards, infuriated by the woman's insolence towards their revered co-emperor, moved to grab her arms and forcibly remove her.

However, they were taken aback as the princess responded with even worse blasphemy.

"If you dare lay your filthy hands on me, I swear I will send your sacred apples to the gates of heaven and hasten your meeting with the Lord for His early judgments."

Hearing the bold threats from the princess, the guards hesitated, fearing the potential fulfillment of her prophecy.

John was rendered speechless by the demeanor of this deplorable princess. Never in his entire life, from his rebirth till now, had he experienced such intense anger for himself.

Throughout his existence, he had strived to maintain composure fit for a rule and never succumbed to the tempest of emotions that might sway him.

Yet, the feeling that gripped him at this moment was undeniably anger.

"Princess, I implore you to respect the sanctity of this hall. Your actions were not only disrespectful to me and my father but also to the memory of your ancestors who have dwelled in this place since time immemorial."

John's anger blazed like an unstoppable tempest, and not even the divine could quell his fury.

His oppressive aura engulfed the entire hall, causing the guards, who had never witnessed this side of John before, to tremble in fear as if the weight of the world was pressing them to the ground.

Timotheus, sensing an impending threat, swiftly moved to position himself in front of the princess, ready to shield her from any potential danger that might erupt at any moment.

His eyes darted left and right, scanning the surroundings as he assessed the area for possible escape routes, ensuring their safety remained his utmost priority.

Maria felt an oppressive aura emanating from John, and fear crept into her eyes.

It dawned on her that she was no longer in Trebizond, her familiar domain, but in Constantinople, where John held sway.

This realization left her feeling utterly powerless and afraid, a sensation she had never experienced, not even in the presence of her father, Alexios IV.

The encounter with John had stripped away her ability to conceal her emotions, leaving them exposed for all to see.

Without any warning, tears began to flow uncontrollably down her cheeks, and her cries reverberated throughout the palace.

Hearing this sudden cry, John was jolted from his rage, and he internally questioned himself about what had just transpired in that split second.

The oppressive aura that had emanated from him earlier vanished as quickly as it had come.

Then, his eyes darted towards the crying princess, further adding to his confusion.

The guards, who were earlier oppressed by John's aura, now managed to compose themselves but still wore a look of astonishment.

John inquired about the reason behind the princess's tears, but the guards could only shrug their shoulders in response, as if silently asking, 'Don't you remember what you just did, your majesty?'

As Timotheus observed the co-emperor returning to his usual self, he let his guard down slightly, though he remained vigilant for any potential threats from John.

With a cautious demeanor, he guided the tearful princess back to the sofa, ensuring her safety and comfort.

Though still confused, John recognized his mistake and sincerely asked for apology from the princess and Timotheus.

The sobbing princess, who was now starting to calm down, looked at John with a gaze that resembled a rabbit who had its carrot taken away, making him feel uneasy.

"Ahem," John cleared his throat, attempting to alleviate the palpable awkwardness that enveloped them all. He swiftly dismissed the guards who stood there, looking uncomfortable after the commotion had subsided.

"Now, may we finally talk?" John asked Timotheus and Maria, who were seated opposite him.

"No," the princess replied, her tears now subsided, replaced by a pout, transforming her from a weeping figure into a sulking one. Her escort could only sigh.

"We sincerely apologize for making you uncomfortable, Your Highness. It appears that today's discussion is not feasible at the moment. As you can see,"

Timotheus paused, directing a helpless gaze towards Maria.

"NO!" Maria stood up immediately, her shouting surprised the two men.

"I demand an explanation for your tardiness. No excuses," she asserted, her tone carrying the weight of one who believed herself to be the owner of the very palace they sat in.

"What do you mean, late? As a co-emperor, I have my own responsibilities to fulfill for my people," John calmly responded, unfazed by her informal tone of speaking.

He no longer had the strength to argue with this peculiar lady from Trebizond.

"Then...then..." Maria's voice wavered as she turned to Timotheus, seeking help and support.

With a sigh of resignation, Timotheus stepped forward, recognizing that the time for their introduction was long overdue.

"Your Highness, please allow me to properly introduce ourselves. This is Princess Maria Komnenos, the youngest daughter of Alexios IV Megas Komnenos, the Autokrat and Emperor of Trebizond. I have the honor of serving as her personal knight," Timotheus finally presented themselves to John.

"And so it seems," John nodded with a short sigh,

"Well, as you two already know, I am John VIII Palaiologos, the co-emperor of the Byzantine Empire." he replied.

"So, what is your purpose of meeting with me?"

He continued, his gaze shifting between the princess and her knight.

Before Timotheus could answer, Maria's sudden interjection exposed their intentions, albeit overly straightforward.

John could see the struggle on Timotheus's face as he tried to handle the insufferable princess by himself.

"Please consider forming an alliance with us!" Maria blurted out.

"Alright!" John replied promptly.

"Please consi—wait, what?" Maria was taken aback by John's swift acceptance, caught off guard as she had prepared herself to present reasons in case he rejected her offer.

"I accept. Is there anything else?" John calmly reiterated his answer.

Maria and Timotheus exchanged stunned glances, their eyes wide open in disbelief. They couldn't fathom what they had just witnessed, nor could they believe what their ears had heard.

"If there is nothing else, both of you may take your leave. However, should you return, kindly ensure you bring a proper diplomat with you. I have no desire to witness a repeat of such an incident in the future."

The words left John's lips with a firm yet diplomatic tone, signaling that their audience had come to an end.

Before they could utter a response, John's demeanor made it clear that he wished to expedite their departure from the hall.

His subtle cues urged them to leave without further delay, as if gently nudging them towards the exit.

As they left without saying anything, Maria and Timotheus couldn't shake off their disbelief.

"Did he really accept our alliance offer without any conditions?"

Maria asked Timotheus, who responded with a solemn nod.

In that moment, they came to know John VIII Palaiologos as a no-nonsense co-emperor who accepted their proposal without any clauses or demands. With this realization, they silently returned to Trebizond.

Maria found it difficult to conceal her astonishment from her encounter with John VIII.

Despite her reluctance to admit it, she couldn't help but feel that the young co-emperor was unlike anyone she had encountered before.

His aura, demeanor, and dignity were distinct from her father and older brother, who shared the same name as John.

However, this brief and uneventful meeting left her with an inexplicable sense of sadness. She couldn't help but feel remorseful for unintentionally leaving a bad impression on John.

As she paced back and forth on the deck, her frustration turned inward, regretting her own brashness, even though she couldn't bring herself to admit it.

And so, with a heavy heart filled with disgrace and indignation, the princess from Trebizond returned to her hometown.