
Ominous looked at the eggs near him and decided, before fighting any other lowly imp, he would consume his dear family members before they hatched

The only reason the eggs near him were not hunted down was because of his dark and big egg scaring other imps away, so they owed him their gratitude or their flesh

Feeling the change that the information mother abyss gave him had on his temperament, it felt like he had cast away all human hesitation and weakness, he smiled and started his move

Breaking the closest egg, he pulled out a dog-faced humanoid imp from a red egg, the creature struggled and screamed kicking at him before he shredded its neck with his claws and started eating it

Feeling a demonic pleasure taking over him as he felt warmth spreading in his body and strength building up in his muscles and back, as he finished his meal he decided to eat the imps red egg too and see if it would provide him with any benefits

As he did so, new information about the abyss started to flow in his mind, he was now in the 0 floor of the abyss which is a floor inaccessible by other creatures, like a pocket dimension made by mother Abyss to add new imps to herself there are many 0 floors like this one all leading to floor number 1.

Mother Abyss informed him that many of the abyss floors are being built every day many get destroyed or reshaped by powerful beings all the time, but she didn't tell him more than that

Her sweet whispers and her promise of new-found power made him all the more rallied up to grow stronger, he kept on consuming other imps and their eggs until he got a new piece of information

Every 10 years, 0 floors have a flood like event where all surviving imps have to flee to the portal leading to the first floor or die trying

Cursing at his shit luck of being born on the beginning of the 10th year in this 0 floor he decided to find a way to stay in this floor for as long as he could

Looking at his self in the Red Sea water he could see a tall crimson like humanoid with a bald head, two horns that curve to the back

His face was a mix between a human and a wolf with eye's black like the abyss and his iris was golden like sun fire, a strong build like a body builder and legs like a Minotaur

He had grown 1.9 m tall because of his massacre with a small scar on his shoulder testament to his brutal fight with other imps, every time he was wounded he could just consume an imp and rest a bit to get healed back.

All other imps tried their best to stay away from him, floor 0 was as big as an island full of eggs, black sand and rocks

There was a portal in the middle of the island leading to floor number 1, but he didn't want to leave until he got the best he could from this floor he could feel that he only needed a little push to evolve

All imps can evolve into better versions of themselves until they become demon lords that's all mother Abyss told him, the division of evolution for the imps is :

1. Larva imp : just hatched from egg.

2. Lesser imp : depends on the imps color and how much he consumed.

3. Imp : all lesser imps can become a full-fledged imp capable of using magic.

4. High imp: only gray and red or darker imps are capable of this evolution wish perfects their advantages over other creatures, this is where an imp is no longer weak few imps survive to this evolution.

Lower/larva demon : we will talk about demons later on.

Going deeper inside the island, Ominous started digging a cave under a rock where he would evolve, closing his eyes and focusing on all that strength and energy he had accumulated

He could feel the paths of evolution in front of him, a wide range from Lesser imp to directly going to Imp felling that he would miss out on accumulating much needed strength if he jumped past an evolution he had a clear choice, Lesser imp it is.