Dark Tree Plane

Mother Abyss made a Demi-plane for Ominous, she was aware of what he asked of Dracula, and she would help fulfill those demands she went as far as creating a Demi-plane for him which meant that the biome of this plain was not fixed yet

she knew that she had to give Ominous an extra reward, so she invested some world essence into the Demi-plane to make it Bigger and stronger, this independent dimension would be the safe heaven of Ominous, and he would have full Authority over it.

World essence : it is the energy and substance that the Abyss feeds on when swallowing another world, some powerful Gods deep in time and space destroy world for their essence and use it to expand their own God kingdom.

Demon lords on the other hand use some of the world essence on their domain, they trade the Other part with the abyss or with other demon lords.

Ominous found him self in a large Barren flat land, all he could see was a red sky, a dark dry and rocky land no mountains no plains no vegetation no toxic gases or lava

the abyss told him that this was his new abode, she told him that as a reward she gave this Demi-plane some World essence and that she could use the essence left to create the biome he preferred.

Ominous as a demon with a human soul still hoped that his realm's biome would look like the nature on earth, so he explained to the Abyss the kind of biome he would prefer

soon the landscape changed he was now in a world filled with snow and mountains, the sky was blue and beautiful

he gained control over the Demi-plane in his mind he could see that it was 1,080 miles (1,740 kilometers) just like the moon of the earth the only difference is that it was flat and that it floated in a crack of the Abysses time and space

seeing how big his Demi-plane was he knew that mother Abyss had put a lot of effort into it, to reward him.

His Plane was so big that it had the potential to be a Realm of its own in the future, But he was still far away from that type of power that could perfect a demi-plane into a Realm.

Looking into the mental image of the Biome in Demi-plane that the abyss gave him, he could see that he was now in the center of it wish had a gigantic mountain with snow all around it one could see some other smaller mountains spread in the snow, on the east he could see a forest full of vitality and vegetation on the west there was a desert much like the one in Abe-run, on the north he could see plains and grass lands with rivers going all the way to the south that had a blue sea.

He was very satisfied with his Demi-plane, the Abyss informed him that his Other rewards would be sent to him shortly after they were prepared, As Dracula was Very powerful he would make short work of a weak realm like Abe-run, for him only medium-sized realms or above could pose a threat to him, and would prove to be difficult, normally weak realms didn't have Medium or Powerful gods to protecting them.

Gods were divided into 4 categories :

God-ling : a new god who just achieved godhood and doesn't have a god kingdom

lower God : a god who has started to master his weak Devine power and created his god kingdom

Medium God : a god with medium Devine power and an above average god kingdom

Powerful God : a god with powerful Devine power, his god kingdom is a realm in its self he is self-sufficient and can leave the world in his god kingdom if he ever needs to.

The Abyss told Ominous that Dracula was considered a Medium God who was on the verge of becoming a powerful one, so there was no chance he would suffer defeat in that world, she also told him that a demon lord needs to be as strong as a Medium God to be called a Demon god

So Dracula had the title of demon god in the abyss, For Ominous it was a good thing that he was on good terms with Dracula and that he had the favor of the abyss, he hoped that this invasion on Abe-run would give enough gains to Dracula to become a powerful god so that he could be the reason for it as to gain Dracula's favor too.

He was starting the game of politics in the abyss in a strong manner, with all this information at hand, He looked at the colossal mountain and decided it would be his new fortress, He ordered his men to move their loot into the mountain and make a cave system.

The cave system that branched like a Tree inside the Mountain took only 1 month to be completed with help of magic, with 50 000 men that could use magic and him as the engineer, Ominous was proud of his work he even decided to call the Demi-plane The Dark Tree Plane after his work and at the same time he liked the name because of the Tree symbol on his men, he decided that the Dark tree would be his symbol and banner from now on.

The fortress mountain was reinforced with magic, it was slowly becoming organized, from storage rooms to training rooms and hatching rooms and mines, the living quarters of the Deadra were separated from the living quarters of the lizard men, Ominous wanted the Deadra who had more potential than the lizard men to live together as to keep their blood purity and to not lase around but compete among them self in the field's of strength and magic.

Deep in the Colossal Mountain, in what seem to be a huge and majestic throne room, on a Throne made of Gold and Precious stones extracted from the mines sat a 6 meters Arch imp, Ominous had grown in strength Because of him finally digesting Gul'bans Core, his Deadric energy had a qualitative change, it seems like consuming Gul'bans Core had pushed his Arch imp body to its limits.

Ominous felt like he could crush Gul'ban in a one on one situation right now, Gulbans faith energy had strengthened Ominous body and his wish ability was easier to use, he used his Enchanting magic added to the effect of his wishing spell to make a giant 3 meters two-handed axe, it had the effect of buffing its user with strength, courage, magic regeneration and cursing anything that it wounded with weakness, sickness and drowsiness.

It was Ominous's first master peace, he called it axe of agony, his forces had finished renovating their base and started training and reproducing offspring of their own.

For the other lizard men eggs, they had brought with them, the demonized ones were put in the hatching chambers of the lizard men, and the normal ones were modified by ominous in a genetic level using his wishing spell and the cattle they already had to make them animal like creatures, they were spread around the Dark Tree plane, they would serve as Wilde life for now some would become fish like creatures fit to swim in the sea and rivers of this plane and some would become snakes, scorpions and lizards in the desert, others would be wolves, deer, pigs and sheep.

All in all, Ominous was trying to make the Dark Tree plane full of normal life and magical, as him and his men would need a source of constant food, he even added some dragon blood to all the magical creatures to make them grow into delicious meals.