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Vulgath Dressed in some black enchanted Armor made out of magic metal mined from the mountain, the armor was as big as it's owner 6 meters tall, it was made in a way that would not make his movement difficult when in battle, his new axe strapped to the back of his armor, Vulgath looked imposing

He was followed by a Team of 10 000 armored and armed undead orcs, as the bulk of Ominous's force was now undead he didn't want to use living subordinates for this task, the living still provided him with the most faith, the undead because of their faulty soul the faith provided by them was only a fraction.

The undead for now because of their number advantage on one hand would be responsible for most risky jobs, on the other hand because most of them couldn't grow in strength, the weak one's could be discarded and used as cannon fodder.

With Vulgath having some authority over the Demi-plane, he could pinpoint his target's location, Vulgath started by going in the direction of the succubus

his path led him to a cave not too far away from the base after a 3-hour walk, he knew that Succubi were a type of demon beautiful and tricky, a lot of demon lords had a succubus as one of their lovers and advisors, they were smart and strong at the same time, some succubi even became demon lords themselves.

Succubi would in most cases give birth to other succubi and in rare case give birth to mixed children with some of the powers from both parents

Female high imps could evolve into succubi if they had some criteria, first they needed to be smart and attractive, second they needed to have a good grasp of charm magic, and they needed strong wills to compel the charmed creatures to do their bidding just like female vampire's, but they were better at it.

Evolving from a High imp to a succubus reinforced the charm magic the beauty and the will of the female high imp until she became a succubus, when evolving into a lesser demon The choices a High imp had depended on what he was good at and on his potential for example

Some high imps with good potential evolved into lesser demons called Dreadlings that could become Dread lords, a type of high demon with a Grasp over fear, curse and pain magic

Some with great potential evolved into flame demons that could become Balrogs, a type of high demon with unimaginable physical strength and a great grasp over flame and some teleportation magic

Some with low potential evolved into hellhounds or Minotaur's or one of the low potential demons who rarely make it to high demon.

The succubi were demons with medium potential, for the most part unless some of them learned and perfected new skills to cover their weakness in combat, others didn't and that's why they were of medium potential.

Ominous wasn't worried that a lesser demon would pose a threat to him or Vulgath, he was already capable of facing a lesser demon when he had just evolved into an arch imp

now that he had consumed Gul'bans faith core and that he had learned death magic he was a force to be feared, plus Vulgath was far stronger than Gul'ban because of the enchanted body he had, so he didn't fear something happening to him.

Arriving at the entrance of the cave, Vulgath ordered the undead to stop

"Succubi, my master wish's to welcome you in his domain, he is inviting you to dinner at his fort"

Vulgath's imposing Voice pierced the heavy wind and snow in the ear, what responded to him were the growls of some demonic snow wolves, only 3 hours into the Demi-plane and the succubus was already charming creatures and recruiting them as her servants.

Vulgath formed a chain with his death energy, as soon as wolves charged out of the cave Vulgath started harvesting their lives, the undead didn't even have to move he could take care of the 20 wolves in a heart beat, he was left standing in front of the cave with the lifeless wolf bodies all around him

" you seem worthy of inviting me on your master's behalf, tell me your name"

A soft voice sounded not too far from the cave exit, Vulgath could feel the voice was full of charm magic, but it could not affect him as he was part undead, a 3 meters tall woman walked out of the cave she had practical nothing on other than some pieces of cloth held together by some type of rope hiding her private parts and nipples

her skin was dark purple, her hair long and white she had gray eyes, her mouth arched into a charming smile, she had a small chest compared to the vampire Ominous had met last time, but her large hips gave her the edge in the lower area, a small and slender tail poked out from her large behind, she walked in front of vulgath

" not much of a talker are we "

Vulgath condensed some death energy in his left hand before releasing it on the ground next to him, the blue flame like energy split and crawled to the dead wolf bodies, before reanimating them as zombie wolves, once Vulgath released his control over them, their bodies would go back to a state of death and the energy would dissipate, instead of transporting their bodies to the base he would make them walk to it

It was also a show of power to this lesser demon, nobody liked to mess with someone or something related to death, one could see the succubus's demeanor change from a charming and carefree posture to a more respectful and careful one.

" Follow me, master is waiting"

The succubus, humbled and scared by vulgath's use of death magic, followed vulgath and his men silently, her mind raced as she noticed that vulgath and his men had good magic gear on them

their armors and weapons looked well crafted, and the master of this place had sent 10 000 of these creatures just to escort her back to his abode

she was afraid that he would be some kind of powerful undead that wanted to make an undead out of her, but an undead wouldn't be having dinner, so she kept a small hope in her heart.

Shortly, they arrived in front of a colossal mountain, once closer one would notice the big gates made out of the mountain rocks itself, in front of the gates 10 squads made of 200 undead orcs were patrolling the area

the gates spread apart without making any noise as they were enchanted and made with magic, soon Vulgath and the succubus started climbing the maze like tunnels and guarded rooms leading to the throne room of Ominous

The succubi on her way to meet the master of this place noticed the Deadra and lizard men going about their business, her heart calmed down a bit at the presence of living creatures in this fortress

soon they came in front of some 10 m tall golden gates guarded by 2 Deadra battle-mages, seeing vulgath the guards used magic to activate and open the gates

inside was a luxurious throne room, a giant demon full of demonic runes and brimming with energy was wearing red robes and sitting on the golden throne

His horns formed a crown on his head, like a promise of what he would achieve in the future

"Ah, who do I see here, if it isn't my dear guest, welcome to my humble abode"

The Succubus was feeling exited at finding a powerful upstart and at the same time out of place in this organized and fancy looking royal Hall

" thank you, your highness"

She tried not to talk too much or overstep her limits before knowing the other parties' personality, vulgath turned around and left as he still had visitors to bring alive or dead.

" Please call me Ominous, I am the owner of this Demi-plane the master of all undead, creatures and demons you met so far, it makes me happy to see a beautiful demon like yourself, what's your name and how did you end up in my realm"

" your highness, my name is Orinaya, and I am a newly evolved succubi, I was being hunted by some goat men demons, when I stepped into a portal and found my self here"

Ominous stood from his throne and walked slowly to Orinaya as she explained her life story, as a newly evolved succubi she didn't have any backing and all her imp servants were massacred while she fled to the nearest portal she found on the 20th floor

She cried while Ominous comforted her and promised her safety as long as she accepted to be under his control, the succubus readily accepted Ominous's energy as a dark tree tattoo appeared on her breasts

The Throne room's gates closed as Ominous and Orinaya played some poker for a whole day and night ;)