Beast realm

The Beast Realm, occupying the 378th floor of the abyss, was but one among the countless floors that made up this sprawling, chaotic domain. It wasn't the largest or the most potent of realms within the abyss, yet it held a unique distinction - its sheer size dwarfed that of Earth itself. This boundless expanse of wilderness and untamed land was home to a staggering 23 billion inhabitants, a population so vast that it boggled the mind.

In the hierarchy of the abyss, the ruler of the Beast Realm was a relatively weak demon lord, and his strength didn't lie in his personal powers. Instead, he derived his influence from the sheer numbers that bent to his command. The denizens of this realm, known as beastmen demons, reproduced prolifically. Their multiplication rivaled that of vermin or, perhaps more fittingly, that of the very beasts they resembled.