
Orinaya, now ascended as the Mother of the Fallen, harnessed the essence bestowed upon her by the world titan, incorporating unique properties into her being. Proficient in the use of arcane energy, surpassing even the capabilities of high demons, she had also acquired a formidable transformation exclusive to descendants of titans. Ominous, with his seasoned understanding of the demonic realms, wisely counseled her to refrain from creating a spawn pool until she attained the strength comparable to a demon lord.

Aware of the strategic importance, Ominous cautioned against the premature utilization of the fallen angel pool, emphasizing the enhanced potential it could offer when deployed under the mantle of a demon lord. To him, this golden opportunity held the promise of Orinaya's future ascension into godhood, envisioning a scenario where she would gather believers among the fallen, forming an integral part of his envisioned pantheon.