
Above the expansive sea of the Magus Realm stood Aqua, a floating city predominantly inhabited by water-element mages. Deep within the mage fortress at the city's core, a meeting unfolded. A half-orc magic knight knelt before a seemingly youthful human mage with blue bat wings, the latter engrossed in meditation with water flowing in and out of his eyes, ears, and nose.

"Esteemed Arcane master, I apologize for interrupting your meditation, but there have been irregularities in the Dominion," the magic knight stammered, beads of sweat betraying his anxiety.

The seemingly harmless youth was, in reality, a formidable water dragon named Lockwood, who had attained magehood at the age of 50 and swiftly ascended to become an Arcane master within a mere 100 years. As per Dominion law, an Arcane master would oversee the enforcement of rules annually, and all races fell under their inquisition, except for the Arcane masters themselves.