No Chance

The god Kingdom of the god of Ambition was left levitating in the aftermath of the Divine bombardment done by the 46 gods, the noticeable change after the attack was that the transparent barrier protecting the God Kingdom was now chattered, 41 Low level gods spread around the god kingdom of the Ambitious god and enveloped it in their Divine power in an effort to not let the fish slip away.

The other 5 gods would be taking charge of the beheading operation, these five gods were surprisingly new Mid-level gods, but what they all shared with each other is that they were all low level gods before joining Ominous and his Dark hand, these gods were :

1. Phiva Goddess of Funerals : now known as Phiva Goddess of peaceful death, Funerals and burial places, with the help of the Dark hand not only did Phiva rise into a mid level god, but she had also gained new priesthoods from rivaling gods.