Space-Time Dragon Hunt 1

3 000 years was a much-needed time for the technology of the Oblivion realm to flourish, it was no longer involving manipulating the energies and elements or creating better materials that could resist the harshest attacks and environments, the magi-tech scientists, technicians and engineers had out done themselves, at first the Arcane spaceships used huge amount of energy to teleport and move but now they could fold space and even freeze it to keep the ship in palce.

All Floating cities had been long discarded as Mortal play things and instead Arcane space station, Arcane spaceships and Arcane Battle Moons had taken their place, They all were equipped with cutting edge technologies, Arcane energy reactors capable of Producing energy indefinitely, Arcane energy converters that could convert energy into different materials, Arcane spirit capable of operating all machinery, Arcane factories that used these materials to create weapons, parts, golems, mechs, and many more.