Ning Xi


At a cemetry in S City.

Two figures stood in front of a grave, they both had a bouquet of flowers.

They both stood unmoving while being shielded from the rain with an umbrella by two bulky men.

Their gazes never left the grave. You could clearly see the words 'Ning Xi' engraved on it.

Finally, after a few hours, the older one made a move. He gently laid the bouquet in his hands on the grave.

He looked at his son and sighed "Si's getting late and the weather isn't favourable either...we can't stay here any longer"

There was no response from the little boy, all his attention was solely on the grave. He stared at it as if it was the only thing in the world, completely ignoring his surroundings.

The man didn't seem impatient and he stood there in silence for a few minutes before he finally spoke up "If you stay out here any longer you're going to get sick and..... and you know....she...she...doesn't like it when you fall ill." his voice was low and slightly hoarse.

Si Xia's gaze faltered a little , he gripped unto the bouquet of flowers tightly. "Even.... even if she isn't here now she still wouldn't be happy if you got ill."

Si Xia finally moved and gently placed the bouquet down. He hung his head low and slowly walked up to his father.

He picked him up and started walking away slowly not daring to look back....

Unknown to them, there was a figure lurking in the dark observing their every move up until they got in the car and drove away.

Completely dressed in black from head to toe you could only see her eyes that were filled with different emotions.

She stood until she could no longer see the car anymore then turned around and walked away completely blending in with the darkness.