Si Ming And Gu Yiming

"Sir, the Old Master of the Gu family is here and wishes to see you" A maid knocked on the door to the study.

Si Ming frowned. Old Master Gu? Gu Dongliang? Why is here?.

A thought flashed and his eyes twitched. He had a bad feeling about this.

He exhaled deeply and stood up then walked out the door.


An elderly man who looked like he was in his 70's or 80's was seated in the living room. He had a head full of gray hair and there was an obvious frown on his face making him look stern and unapproachable.

He had an intimidating aura which was clearly saying 'stay away'

Si Ming felt a headache coming. Si Yehan this kid why did he always have to bring trouble?

He adjusted his expression and walked over.

"Old Master Gu, what do I owe this visit to?" He said.

Gu Dongliang's frown deepened and he sneered. "Oh.. I see you are now addressing me as 'Old Master Gu' now not 'Uncle'"

Si Ming's eyes twitched.

Yes, that's right, in the past not only did he have a close brotherly like relationship with Gu Yiming but also with Gu Dongliang, his wife and the other members of the Gu family.

He and Gu Yiming have been best friends ever since their middle school days. They would play together, get into fights together, get punished together, they were practically inseperable even more so than real blood related brothers.

After his parents died, the Gu family treated him like their own and considered them part of the family.

This kind of friendship could go through trials together. He had always wanted their families to be united and the chance had finally arrived with the birth of Si Yehan and Gu Shiyuan.

But now...

He completely disregarded the friendship for his son.

Wait, no to be precise his grandson. So the probability of the marriage is quite low..

Thinking about this he had a splitting headache, he rubbed his temples and sighed. Well it was worth it for his grandson.

That's what he thought but seeing Gu Dongliang he felt a bit of shame.

"Uncle Gu....." He said, his voice carrying a hint of guilt.

"Si Ming, i'm disapointed in you." Gu Dongliang shook his head.

Si Ming paused he felt bitter inside. He treated Gu Dongliang as his second father and the latter treated him as his son.

Who wouldn't feel bad when his father says he's dissapointed in him?

"Uncle Gu, it wasn't my fault. You know how Yehan is...even I can't control him" He sighed and sat opposite Gu Donliang.

A maid came in and served both of them respectively a cup of tea.

"Our Gu family has always treated you with utmost care, Gu Yiming and the rest all treated you like their own. You really made us regret our decision back then." He said calmly.

Si Ming took a sip of his tea and instead of a sweet taste it tasted very bitter.

He always felt like he owed the Gu family. When he met Gu Yiming he was just of an ordinary background.

His father was an ordinary salary worker at a small company while his mother owned a small breakfast shop that she used to support her husband.

They were living in a small apartment even though it couldn't compare to the Si residence, it was more than enough for the three of them to live in.

He attend a public school that was not too far from his house.

Although they weren't rich, they lived a very comfortable life.

One day while he was on his way home, he was passing by an alley when he saw a body of a young boy hidden at a corner where no one would quickly notice it.

He could still remember that day clearly.


"Fuck!! What the hell?" He carefully walked over to where the body was.

It was a young boy in a school uniform that had a crown logo. He recognized the logo as the top middle school in the city, which was of course, the school where all second generation rich kids, nobles, novea riche and super smart kids went to.

"What the hell is a Regal Academy kid doing here?" He scratched his head.

One must know that this wasn't a place where a Regal Academy student would want to find himself, they are known for their pride considering how 99% the school is filled with kids with powerful background. The boy was bleeding profousely, it was hard to tell whether he was alive or dead, then his body twitched and he could see his chest moving up and down faintly.

He shook his head and picked the boy up, he signaled a cab and got in with the boy.

"Uncle could you please take me to H Hospital?" He asked politely.

The driver who was a middle aged man was shocked when he saw the bleeding boy. He was scared stiff.

"Uncle?" Seeing as the driver wasn't moving he called out to him.

"Huh? Oh H-H Hospital s-sure" He quickly stepped on the pedal, his eyes would look at them from time to time checking if the boy were okay.

Si Ming noticed that the boy was still bleeding "Uncle could you speed up a little, i will pay for the tickets just go faster" He didn't mind spending the money, since he had decided to take the boy to the hospital on his own accord he of course wouldn't let anything happen to him while he was here.

The driver didn't mind and stepped on the gas pedal, he just hoped the boy would be fine. As a father he wouldn't want anythjng to happen to any of his child.

Their parents must be worried stiff.

A few minutes and some tickets later, they arrived at H Hospital.

"Thank you Uncle, keep the change" Si Ming rushed into the hospital with the boy in his arms. When the nurse at the reception saw the blood she immediately got a ward for him and a doctor went in to treat him.

Since he didn't know the boy's family he had to fill the form that was required and payed the required amount.