Just How Much Do You Know About Ning?

_____Country M_______

A back porshe pulled up in front of Si Yehan and a middle aged man stepped out, he bowed and opened the back door.

"Sir, are you heading over to the hotel first?" He asked.

"Thank you but there's no need, someone's going to pick me up" He said.

"But sir...." The driver had a perplexed look on his face.

He was ordered to pick up President Si and make sure he gets to his hotel safely.

They had even book him a residential suite and had this car prepared for him. From the gestures you could tell how much they valued this man.

"I won't be staying for too long. I'm just here to meet up with someone"

"Oh I see, then I shall take my leave." He bowed and got back in the car then drove off.

Si Yehan looked at the car and had a thought.

How did they know he was here?

He didn't give them any notice did he? .
