
"So what're you going to do now?" Cheng Xiyue asked perplexedly.

He still found it hard to believe.

If that wasn't her, then who was it?

Could there be something deeper going on that they knew nothing about ?

"Wait, then who do you think sent the body?"

Si Yehan furrowed his brow.

This idiot, if he knew who it was would he still be here playing the guessing game.

"I think I know someone who might be able to help"

Si Yehan looked at him "Who?"

Cheng Xiyue scratched the back of his head awkwardly "Well...we aren't on good terms though so I can't talk to her for you but don't worry you know her too. It's Nie Mei"

Oh, her....


"Hello?" a lazy and sultry voice of a lady came in through the receiver.

"Nie Mei" Si Yehan spoke with his usual emotionless and detatched tone.

"Who's this?" Nie Mei asked.

"Si Yehan"