Cold War

"What are we going to do now?" Cheng Xiyue was still fretting over the situation at hand.

Nie Mei was visibly annoyed. "What you are going to do is shut up!"

Seriously, why was this guy such an idiot. He's the young master of the Cheng family for crying out loud.

"Why don't you ask the Nie family for help?" Cheng Xiyue asked.

"I have. Unlike you, I'm actually doing ssomething to rectify the situation"

"You were the one who said what I should do is shut up"

"Whatever" She couldn't be bothered to deal with such an idiotic person.

Since her people are already trying to find Si Yehan, she should find out how the news about his kidnapping had spread.

"Hey, where are you going to?" Cheng Xiyue asked as he saw Nie Mei exiting the room.

He got up and went after her.

"Ouch.." He hadn't noticed when she stopped walking so he bumped into her.

"Hey, why did you stop so abruptly."