

"Ah-Ye you still haven't told me what happened." Cheng Xiyue looked at Si Yehan with eagerness.

Si Yehan has refused to tell him what had happened when he was kidnapped.

He has been pestering him for a while now but Si Yehan was yet to break.

"Come on, we've been friends since like forever. Don't you trust me?" He asked putting on a sad look.

Si Yehan ignored him and continued working. Nothing big had happened on that day anyways.

He just got some information that's all. With the way things are going he doubts if he'll be able to find Ning Xi on his own.

He really didn't want to, but he needs to ask Lewis for help but he didn't think he'd be willing.

Cheng Xiyue glared at him before giving up.

"By the way how has Si Xia been? I haven't seen for quite sometime now." He said

He couldn't even remember the last time he saw the little guy but he's been hearing about him though.