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"How's she doing?" Bai Jin was leaning against the wall next to Ning Xi's room door.

Ji Xiruan had just walked out of the room with a tray of food in his hands. "She refused to eat." He sighed.

"Give it to me let me try" Bai Jin took the tray from his hands. Ji Xiruan sneered.

If he can't do it then does he think he could? I'd like to see you try.

Bai Jin walked into the room which was shrouded in darkness. The only light visible in the room was that of the table lamp where Ning Xi was seated.

There were countless pieces of paper spread out on the desk. He could faintly see her writing something on one of the plain sheets.

He walked up to her with quiet steps. "Xiao Xi your breakfast is ready" He said with a gentle smile.

She didn't reply, her focus was on what she was currently writing. Her gaze never left the piece of paper.

Curious, Bai Jin leamed over to see what was on the paper and froze on the spot.