Homecoming III

Gu Shiyuan called her assisstant over. "Find out who this lady is. I want results by tomorrow."

"Yes Miss." The little assisstant nodded and immediately went to work. She could tell Gu Shiyuan's mood had turned sour and she didn't wqnt to be a victim of transferred aggression...

Gu Shiyuan stared at the picture with a deep frown on her dace. As far as she knew, that littke brat hated it when people touch him and now all of a sudden, some bitch came out from nowhere and he's seen sleeping comfortably in her arms.

Just how capable is she?

Hmph... No one's going to snatch Si Yehan from her. Never!!


Si Residence.....


Si Ming rushed in only to see a pale and frighten looking Su An whwho was on the verge of passing out.

He rushed up to her and held her waist pteventing her from falling.

"Are okay?" He asked while looking at her worriedly.