I Hate Being Watched..

"To answer to all of you, Xi Feng will show you the result of the DNA test he conducted" Si Yehan said, bringing order to the initially chaos filled room.

Xi Feng smiled at him and Si Yehan knew what he meant. He passed the report over to Si Ming who carefully read it and a shocked expression could be seen on his face.

"Well, what does it say?" Su An asked

Si Ming felt too shocked to say anything so he passed it over to her. She took it and started going through it slowly.

Gu Shiyuan also looked over and read it while Maria was just sitting with her legs crossed and was quietly observing Ning Xi and Si Yehan.

She didn't bother to read the result as she could already tell what it says from the expression that Si Ming showed.

"So...Ning Xi is it? It's really shocking to see that you're umm... alive. How interesting"