Who are you?

The recording began to play and the horrifying screams of Zhou Lifei could be heard.

The screams were the only thing that could be heard for about five minutes or so then came silence.

"Are you going to talk or should we continue?" Ji Xiruan's voice came through.

Luo Wei felt a chill run down his spine as he recalled Ji Xiruan's expression. He had a tormenting smile on while he was torturing Zhou Lifei.

It was pretty obvious that he enjoyed every single moment of it. Whenever she screamed his smile would broaden.

There was also some blood stains on his face complimenting the creepy smile. He looked like he came right out of a horror movie.

Zhou Lifei didn't speak, only her panting could be heard.

After a while Ji Xiruan spoke up.

"Let's continue then, hand me another one..."

"D-d-don't!! I'll talk!" She finally spoke up.

"Oh...okay" He sounded a bit disappointed.

"Fine, it was me. I set her up"