Von Claire II

Ning Xi had just stepped out of the villa when she sensed someone following her, she had thought she was imaginning things but she still took some precautions and led the person to the opposite direction of where she was initialy heading and true enough, she was being followed.

Since she didm't sense any killing intent from the person she had led him elsewhere then after a while she went back to where she was initially heading.

She couldn't be bothered to deal with him. It was still pretty early, she had gotten the address of where Richard is staying but following her usual pattern, she wouldn't make a move in the day but rather at night.

Bored, she decided to take a walk and ended up in Universe. To her delight, she chanced upon an 'old friend'.

"Oh..." Her lips curled up into an amused smile as the lady bumped into her. She seemed to be in a hurry as she was walking pretty fast.