
"It's not even been up to tenty four hours and Young Master Si has already convluded that she's missing."

"Do you dare slack off? We have to find her soon, I have a family to go home to"

"Mrs Si must be really important for him for him to utlize the entire police force like this."

"What are you two doing slacking out here?!" A man walked up to them and bellowed in an angry voice.

The two men got frightened and got working.


"Do you think she's been kidnapped?" Cheng Xiyue cupped his jaw and as he paced back and forth.

"No, no. That's impossible, no one can break in without the alarms going off. "

"Maybe she went out to see a friend. Have you tried calling her?" He stopped and looked at Si Yehan.

"Call?..." Si Yehan's lips twitched. He had been so caught up in trying to find her that he didn't even think to call.

"You haven't even called her and you already mobilized the entire police force!"