Chapter 18: Week Five: Thursday

As if he could truly understand him, The Juggernaut roared in anger at his taunting and charged toward him at a high speed.

"Holy fuck that's loud!" Thankfully, it didn't have the disorientation ability that the Night Hunters possessed.

When the Juggernaut was closer he threw a clumsy, but lethal, punch at Jason's head. With ease, he dodged out of the way. The giant angry man punched at him once more, but only struck air. While continously dodging the clumsy and massive fists, Jason was thinking.

'He's strong. Maybe even stronger than a Night Hunter. But his attacks are slow, clumsy, and most of all, predictable.' To emphasize his point, the Juggernaut threw a wild haymaker that could be seen from a mile away. It was like Jason could see the future with how he dodged the attacks.

'I need to finish this fast though. The noise from this big lug will only attract more infected. The gun? No, that should be a last case scenario. And I doubt my knives will even piece through all that muscle.' Already, Jason could see some infected come out of nearby buildings to see what the commotion was about. Once they saw the 'healthy human', they rushed for him.

But something he didn't expect happened. When one of the infected got too close to the Juggernaut, he switched targets. He smashed his fist on top of the rude lady's head and quite literally, turned her into a gooey paste. The only thing left was this fleshy pile of meat, blood, and some bone.

"I guess that's what you deserve for interrupting us." Saying that, Jason roundhouse kicked an infected close to him with his left leg in the neck. Instantly, he could feel and hear the thing's neck break under his kick as the body flew a few feet away. Although it was still alive, it's whole body had become paralyzed.

Turning his attention back to the Juggernaut, he saw it was already close to him. It seems like he will only attack an infected that gets too close to him. Seeing how he left the other few alone as they ran for Jason.

Pulling out his katana, he tried his best to dodge the Juggernaut's bone-breaking attacks while dispatching the local infected. However, he failed to notice a little figure move through the infected's legs at a fast speed.

"AHH! Fucking dog!" The infected canine had attacked him in his blind spot, and latched onto his arm. The armor did help stop the majority, but he could still feel the pain of the dog's teeth in his flesh. Slicing off the dog's head with his katana, he had just enough time to dodge another haymaker which hit an unfortunate infected next to him.

"Phew... that was close." The unlucky bastard who was struck easily flew far away, and did not get back up once he landed.

Jason realized that he needed to end this now, before anymore infected showed up. The dog was a perfect example. Maybe next time it would be a bird that pecks at his eyes and distracts him long enough for the Juggernaut to land a hit. Seeing the infected in front of him, and the big ass hornless minotaur currently rushing his way, Jason thought of a plan.

He broke out into a sprint towards the oncoming enemies. Any infected in his way perished under his blade as he came closer to his goal. Then, he suddenly bent his knees. With all his strength he jumped as high as he possibly could and landed on an infected's head. Using the head as a platform, Jason jumped once more into the air and lifted his katana above his head with both hands. 

Although the Juggernaut wasn't too smart, he wasn't dumb enough to not know what was coming. He stopped in place and raised his left arm in an attempt to block the incoming strike.

Jason swung his katana with all his might into his opponent's forearm. But unlike the other more common infected, this time the peerless weapon didn't fully cut through. Halfway into the Juggernaut's forearm, the blade... stopped moving.

As for the victim of this vicious attack, he growled in both pain and anger. Then, he lifted his right arm and made a fist.


Jason, knowing what's coming, let go of the handle and tried to fall to the ground in an attempt to dodge. Unfortunately, he wasn't fast enough. Watching the paste creator coming right for him, Jason brought his left arm up to the side of his body and curled up slightly. 

As soon as the fist landed on the left side of his body, he could feel the power it contained and had the wind knocked out of him. Instantly, he was blown across the street and landed heavily on the ground. He even blacked out for a split second.

Coming to his senses he tried to get to his feet, but hissed in pain instead.

"That's definitely broken." His left arm that took the majority of the hit was basically useless now. Even a few of his ribs felt broken.

"God... it even hurts to breathe."

Getting to his feet, he saw multiple infected rushing for his injured self. He had lost his katana, and the bag containing his knives were thrown off to places unknown. The only weapon he still had, was the glock given to him by Lily. Ignoring the oncoming infected, he gazed at his opponent. 

The Juggernaut stood there with a bleeding arm. He reached for the katana still embedded inside him and pulled it out as he huffed in pain. He stared at it for only a split second before tossing it away. Jason followed the weapon with his eyes, and saw it crash through a window into a building.

"Bastard! That was mine!" 

Jason used his one good arm to grab the glock still in his waist. Thanks to Lily, he knew he had fifteen bullets he could use. Plus one in the chamber. Seeing how he wasn't a good shot, he knew he needed to get closer. Really close.

Pushing through the pain, Jason ran for the Juggernaut while dodging any infected. In his mind, he didn't see any need to waste bullets on them until after the big boss was dead. 

When seeing the human rushing for him again, the Juggernaut roared in response and copied him. He wanted this tiny pest dead. To be crushed into dust beneath his fist. There was no way the weak little thing could win. After all, it's weapon was even smaller now.

After dodging a few lunging infected, Jason came face to face with the Juggernaut once more. Like all the other times previously, he threw another clumsy punch. Jason easily dodged it by side-stepping only slightly, letting the fist miss him by just a hair. He could feel the wind generated by the Juggernaut's massive power blow past him. Now, he had the best view to that big ugly face.

Raising his right hand holding the gun, he aimed directly at the Juggernaut's head and fired multiple times. Once the bullets landed on his skull, he screamed loudly in pain whilst holding his head in his hands as he staggered a few steps back. Unfortunately, that wasn't enough to end him. 

With his left arm still over his head for some protection, the Juggernaut gritted his teeth in both pain and anger as he gazed venomously at the little man. As for Jason, he had a somewhat dumbfounded look on his face.

"I get the Night Hunters have armor and all, but what about you? Just face tank it?" As he said that, he dodged a sudden lunge from an infected who just so happened to land by the Juggernaut's feet. Who raised his leg and crushed the infected beneath him.

Jason decided to change his plan. Running from the angry man bull who started chasing him once more, he instead targeted the other infected. It wasn't anything hard. All he did was lure the Juggernaut to the other infected and let him do all the dirty work. Worked like a charm.

The Juggernaut didn't even know he was signing his own death warrant with his actions. All he wanted was the little man who gave him pain to turn into paste. Once he crushed another annoyance with his fist, he found that they were finally alone.

Jason breathed in and out a few times before running right for him. The Juggernaut seeing this thought it was going to be the same thing as last time, so he grabbed a nearby car's door and ripped it off easily to use as a shield. But Jason didn't stop running. 

When he was close Jason raised the gun as if he was about to shoot and like he predicted, the Juggernaut raised the car door in front of his face. Then, Jason lowered his gun and slid underneath the Juggernaut's legs to get behind him. Before his opponent could turn around, Jason emptied the rest of his magazine into the back of the Juggernaut's head.

All the big bull felt was a split second of pain, before falling over onto his face. He didn't even cry out in agony. 

"I should have used the gun from the start. God I'm a moron." Jason looked around and felt some pride at seeing the twenty or so bodies littered around the place. He did good.

But as he stared at the giant dead body of the Juggernaut, Jason felt... something. A desire from deep within, urging him to consume his fallen foe. It was almost instinctual, and was overwhelming so.

With a salivating mouth, he kneeled right beside it's corpse and was just an inch from taking a bite. This was it, what he needed. Not just this. Everything...

However, he was broken out of this cannibalistic daze by a multitude of roars coming from in front of him. 

"Holy fuck!" When he looked up, his eyes widened as he witnessed a swarm of bodies rushing for him. In this horde was a variety of infected. Ranging from men to woman, old to young, and even animals were mixed in with dogs and cats leading the pack due to their superior speed. He even saw some big fat monster in the middle waddle her way towards him with green ooze falling out of her mouth.

"Oh fuck off! Can't I get a single break!" With that, he took off running in the opposite direction. Every step he took was filled with pain due to his injuries.


Before Jason's David vs Goliath fight, Alice ran down the road with a concerned look to her face as she occasionally looked back. Alice was afraid for the safety of her new... friend, and she wanted to help. But she knew her own capabilities. She was weak, and would only get in Jason's way. The best thing to do would be to go get the others.

A sigh of relief passed by her lips once she saw the apartment building. But a look of horror adopted her face when she saw the horde down the street slowly walk her way. The road in front of the apartment that was once cleared by Jason, was now full of stragglers that broke away from the main horde.

After what happened with the Juggernaut, Alice wasn't going to take any chances with a horde of this size. Especially after seeing the one in the middle. It seemed... different. More aware almost as it looked around.

It was tall for a woman, being at 6ft 4. Her face was god awful ugly, and her mouth was leaking this odd green goo. But the main thing that drew Alice's attention, was her fat. Even her rolls had rolls. She was so wide that Alice didn't think she could even fit through a double door entranceway. 

Alice hid behind a wall in an alleyway and brainstormed a way to get past the fat woman's line of sight. Then, she heard something to her right. Looking over, she got startled a little bit at being in such close proximity with an infected man that tripped over an empty can. Suddenly, a light bulb went off in her mind when she gazed upon the infected struggling to stand.

Alice waited for the man to fully stand before coming up behind him. Grabbing his shirt she tried to push him in the direction she wanted. Even with her mysteriously increased strength, it took everything she had to barely make him walk forward. As for the man being pushed, he looked left and right in complete confusion but noticed nothing was there. Thus, he accepted his fate that he was now going in this direction.

When she pushed him out into the street, Alice made sure her entire body was hidden behind his back.

The giant fat infected lady looked around the street, alleyways, and buildings for any healthy individual. Unfortunately, she found nothing. Until she looked slightly to the left and noticed an infected man walking in an odd way. Once she focused on him longer, she could have sworn she saw something.

But when the infected man stopped moving and she took a second look, she didn't notice anything. Although strange, the fat one kept glancing around and ignored the odd infected.

'Thank god she didn't notice me!' 

When the big lady's vision left her, Alice continued pushing the infected man who was baffled on what was happening. After what felt like an eternity, Alice finally stumbled into the occupied lobby and released the poor man. Once set free, the man walked back out into the street and mingled back into the horde. It was only when he left the pack that strange things starting occurring. He would be safe here.

Alice ran into the hallway and came to the now barricaded doorway. Clearly, the others had put this back into place.

"Hello? Anyone there?" Alice softly whispered out.

"Yeah. Hold on." A voice echoed out, one that she recognized. Kevin. 

Alice had no choice but to wait impatiently for Kevin to move the barricade and let her in. After a few seconds, the path was finally cleared and she hurriedly walked in.

"Hey kid. Wait, where's Jason?" Kevin feared the worst.

"He's back there fighting some big thing! We need to help him!" Alice could finally express her worries to someone else.

"Woah, calm down Alice. Let's go upstairs first to the others. Then you can explain."

As they both walked up the stairs in a quick pace, Alice asked him a question.

"Why is there blood near the door? Did something happen while we were gone? I did see a few infected out there in the lobby."

"Yeah, you could say that. A few stragglers got inside the stairs. You know, through the barricade." Hearing that, Alice's face turned concerned.

"Nobody got hurt right?" Kevin looked at her with some amusement.

"Luckily no, but I think you're about to get hurt." Alice was confused, until she remembered a certain muscular sister.

"Oh no."

The rest of the way up was silent.

Arriving on the second floor, Alice hesitantly stepped inside. Her plan was to avoid her sister long enough to inform the others of what's happening with Jason. Kevin off to the side looked on in amusement, and had a mischievous smile to his face. With a slightly loud voice, he called out.

"Oh hey Alice!" 

Alice herself looked back in both horror and betrayal at her supposed friend. Within a few moments, Alice could hear boots stomping on the ground. Her impending doom was approaching. The apartment she shared with Lily had it's door flung open, revealing the big sister. As soon as she saw that Alice was unhurt, the concerned look on Lily's face faded and she sighed in relief. But then, a murderous aura erupted from her when remembering the barricade.

"ALICE ROSE PARKER! STAY RIGHT THERE!" Before Alice could get away, she was stopped in her tracks when hearing her full name. She knew she was in trouble this time, as did the other residents who were watching on from the shadows.

Alice stood in place, head down as her sister marched up and stopped in front of her. 

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" She was forced to look up by the mysterious force her older sibling produced, right into those fiery eyes.

"You stupid, stupid, girl! You left the barricade wide open and allowed those monsters to wander in here! What would you have done if one of us got hurt? Or god forbid bit!" Lily grabbed Alice's shoulder with her right hand, and using her incredible grip strength, squeezed as hard as she could causing her little sister's face to scrunch up in pain. 

With all her power, Alice used her ultimate move. The Puppy Dog Eyes. With added tears for special damage. It was guaranteed to deal lethal damage.

"I-I'm sorry Lily! It was my fault, I won't do it again! P-Please, forgive me!"

Lily was struck directly in the heart with Critical Damage! Instantly, her heart softened and she released her grip.

"Well! As long as you don't do it again and learn from your mistakes, it'll be fine. Where's the other moron? Is he hiding somewhere? I wanna give him a piece of my mind." Lily could forgive Alice easily.

One, she was her precious darling sister. Clearly, the fault lied with the big, muscular, hulking bear of a man. Two, she was still a kid and could be excused for making a mistake. But not Jason, he was a full fledged adult and needed to take her fury in it's entirety. 

"When we were walking on the road, we heard something coming from a building. What emerged was this actual giant infected. Lily, it saw me. Ran right for me. I was so scared. So scared I froze in place." Even while remembering her near-dealth experience, she trembled slightly. But she continued.

"Jason, he saved me. Brought me out of harms way and told me to run here. He stayed behind to fight that monster. I came as fast as I could, to bring help. But then I saw the horde outside. We can't help him, can we?" Lily hugged her sister as she caressed Alice's hair.

The others that were watching the show came out of hiding and gathered around.

"That boy, I swear. He has some of the worst luck I've ever seen." Bill said. He was astonished at the lack of luck Jason seemed to have.

While the group was in the middle of talking, to see what their limited options were, they heard a few gunshots ring out.

"Jason!" Alice was excited at the gunshots. They proved he was still kicking. But then, she remembered the horde and the excitement drained from her body. The same happened for the rest of the group, especially Zach.

He was the most worried out of all of them. Not only was he worried for Jason's safety, he was also concerned about Honjo Masamune. That peerless masterpiece is one of a kind after all. No human life could compare to it.

"What about the water?" Tyrone made his thoughts known, making the rest of the group look at Alice still in Lily's arms. When everyone's attention focused on, she wiggled out of her sister's strong arms in slight embarrassment.

"Right. The water. We raided the supermarket and got a decent amount. Also got some food as well. It should still be out there, hidden behind a car."

"Hm. Let's wait for the horde to pass, then go out all together to get the supplies. We'll leave one person here for moving the barricade." They needed to get to them before other survivors got any bright ideas.

As soon as Tyrone finished speaking, Zach raised his hand as fast as possible.

"I'll do it! In case you didn't know, I'm actually a professional mover." The rest of the group wasn't really surprised at this.

Up on the fifth floor, in Jason's room, Killgore sat in her cage. While scratching her ears with her paws, she kept glancing at the door with a somewhat concerned look. Occasionally she would even get up and pace around in circles in her tiny enclosure.

Why wasn't her Meatbag back yet? He said he was going to get her fresh food, as he should, but why was it taking him so long?

Wait, was she worried about him? Of course not. She was just hungry. That's all. She didn't miss him in the slightest...