Chapter 28: Week Five: Saturday

Early in the morning, I leaned over the railing and looked up above. It wasn't like I was appreciating the beauty of the crab shaped cloud. Instead, it was two infected crows fighting over a human eyeball. I was marveled at how delicate they were with the eye but so ruthless to each other. 

I had learnt from my past mistakes and grown into a better man because of it. Holding in my need to shout and scream at the bloodshed was hard, but not seeing a conclusion to their fight would be even harder.

Just then! Crow A was able to deliver a fierce blow to Crow B's right wing, knocking him out of the sky! In a split second, he swallowed the eyeball and swooped down to finish him.

Watching with bated breath, I gripped the metal railing and bent it easily.

'Come on! I bet the farm on you, you little shithead! Don't make me lose my sheckles!' I had bet everything on Crow B seeing that he was the bigger of the two, but at this rate I might just lose my very real sheckles!

Crow A landed on top of his falling victim and proceeded to tear into his flesh with his sharp beak. Then, Crow B started fighting back. He managed to dig into the eye of Crow A and shift their trajectory to... me. I stepped back to not interfere and almost tripped over my own trap. That would have been an embarrassing death and an awkward conversation in the afterlife for sure.

Crow A's back landed on the bent railing and produced a deadly crack. The two crows both fell on the balcony and were unmoving for a few moments, until...!

Crow B! He shakily got to his feet and put one of his talons onto his opponent's chest. From here, I could see the unwillingness in Crow A's single eye as he laid there paralyzed. What a shame. He could've had a bright future sitting on an All-Father's shoulder.

'Ah! This crow looks so badass!' The way he stood on top of him with one talon and gazed down like he was trash was top level awesomeness! I need to recreate that for myself.

Unfortunately, the vegetable wasn't the main character that could suddenly change his fate despite insurmountable odds. Crow B decided to end things and used his beak to rip his skull open, exposing his brain to the world. Once over, I clapped my hands excitedly.

"Nice job!" Crow B looked over and was scared stiff as I walked over. He turned around to try and fly away but fell face first, which made me chuckle.

"Don't run. It's okay." Saying that I picked his ass up and held him in front of me. He shivered in my hand, making me smile. Why did he suddenly look even more terrified?

"You did so well! I'm proud of you little crow! So don't be scared, because I won't kill you." At that, he seemed to understand and calm down a little.

"Here, let me show you something. Pretty proud of it myself honestly." I humbly said, not at all raising my nose towards the heavens. 

I then did a little show and tell presentation to the crow about what I did all night long. Gosh, I really am loving the extra energy.

It was a pretty simple trap consisting of a string placed between the broken doorway in the balcony. Connected to the string was a molotov bottle and a still working lighter that were placed above. 

"And once someone trips the string at the bottom, the lighter would set the rag on fire and rain a fiery death upon my enemies!" The crow cocked it's head sideways, looking at me like I was insane while I laughed like a mad scientist. What an asshole.

"Trust me, it works. Golly, I'm like a mega genius or something. Like Doctor Doom!" Although I said that, I wasn't sure if it worked or not. But when in doubt, go the religious route. Believe in something despite it's obvious flaws!

"Alright I'm gonna let you go. I'm sure you have places to be, people to kill, female crows to fuck. I really shouldn't keep you any longer." The crow was shedding tears of sadness at seeing us part. I'm sorry little one, but it must be done. Don't weep at our departure. Instead, be joyful that we met.

I set him down next to his fallen foe and backed away from him. I expected him to dig in, but what happened next was a funny twist.

Out of thin air Killgore spawned and lunged at the terrified crow. Before he could even think of dodging, my amazing Killgore clamped her jaws around Crow B's neck and killed him instantly. 

"Well, I said I would let you go. Never said anything about her." Honestly, I had completely forgotten my door was open and she could walk anywhere she pleased. Oops.

As Killgore finished her light snack, I went into the kitchen and checked my bag full of supplies and other nick nacks. Today was the day we all went on the long journey to the refugee camp. And thanks to me bringing back guns and ammo, everyone could carry like true Americans! What a blessed day!

Walking up to Killgore who was licking her paws full of blood, I pet the top of her head and sighed.

"What a shame. I already had breakfast planned for you, but it seems you don't need it know."

When I said that, her ears twitched and her eyes looked up at mine. She used her strongest attack, Puppy Eyes! Seeing that wasn't enough, she threw a nasty combo of whining and begging! Like the Saint I am, I decided to feed the dangerous killing machine with more flesh.

Walking into the same apartment I used to cut up her previous owner, I grabbed her breakfast and headed back. When I threw it in front of her, she looked at me weirdly. 

"What? Not up for some dog on dog?" Her breakfast consisted... of another dog. Which made me cackle in delight.

"Hehehe! Come on! It's funny!" Killgore gave me the side eye, but still dug into her food. Meat was meat after all.

I pet her fur once more and spoke to her in a sad tone.

"I know it pains you to hear this, but I must go. My people need me. I'll be gone for probably most of the day today. Goodbye Killgore, I love you!" Finished, I left my apartment and made my way down to the second floor.

Upon arriving, I immediately saw the beautiful sisters standing by their damaged door talking to one another. Seeing me approach, they halted their conversation.

"Hey ladies." I nodded towards both of them, but mainly focused on Alice. 

'I really hope she likes the gift I got her.' There was definitely some nervousness inside me that she wouldn't like it.

"Howdy. You ready to rock and roll?" Lily was the first to speak up. 

"Yeah, just waiting for the others at this point. You?" Instead of saying anything, she pointed at the weapons on her body and the bags slumped over their backs. Kinda dumb on my part.

"Right, got it." Her face looked... weird. 

"You alright?" Noticing my concern, she finally smiled a little.

"I'm fine. It's just... this trip. I'm worried about what will happen. Who knows what can go wrong." 

"That's understandable, but what else are we to do? We've been lucky those Night Hunters haven't returned and killed us all. Unless you've got some mastermind plan to keep us safe, I don't see another option."

That kept her quiet. She didn't have any other plan, nor did anyone else for that matter. Not only could we get the UV light to hold off those bastards, but we may be able to find a working helicopter. But even if we did find one, there's no way in hell I'm leaving! 

"Do you mind if I borrow Alice for a second?" The little lady herself jolted at those words, as Lily looked at me with a sly grin.

"Off to play love birds are we?" I wasn't surprised she knew of our relationship. Alice had told me previously she had been watching us. What a Peeping Tom.

"Something like that. Got a gift to give her is all." Alice smiled radiantly at that and began pulling my arm to the stairwell.

"Well? What are we waiting for?! Let's go!" Damn, she seems stronger than last time. But I know she hasn't eaten any infected yet, so what's going on?

Before I could think any longer on that, the big sister grabbed my ear and whispered 'sweet nothings' into my ear.

"Listen here shit stain! You hurt my sister and I swear to Christ, I will cut your dick off and make you choke on it!" Her harsh voice sent tingles down towards my meatsicle. And not the fun kind.

Nodding quickly, I allowed myself to be swept away by my love and enter the stairwell. As we climbed the stairs, I looked back. I could have sworn I felt something. Am I going insane?

Then, my Alice spoke up and broke me out of my thoughts.

"Hey I... gotta ask you something." Her voice was... strange. There was almost a tinge of something I couldn't identify.

"Anything. I'm an open book." That much is true. For in my opinion, keeping lies and secrets destroys relationships. Whether they be romantic or platonic.

"Do... you like my sister?" That's an odd question.

"Sure. She's fun to be around." 

"No. What I meant was... do you like, like her." Lies ruin relationships.

"Oh. I see. Well, she's definitely pretty. And her personality makes her even more desirable." Some tears were threatening to break free from their prison. I could enjoy anyone's pain. But not hers. This hurts my heart.

"But she's lacking something. That special something that you have, and she doesn't. So don't worry Alice, I would never betray you. I... love you." She turned at looked at me right in the eyes. With tears of happiness, I think, she ran into my arms and hugged me. 

"I love you too." I looked around once more. Was that the sound of someone gritting their teeth in envy?

When Alice broke the hug, she wiped her tears and kissed me lightly on the lips. Breaking away, she grabbed my hand and pulled me farther up the stairs. Just before we reached the third floor, she asked me another question.

"What did you mean by special?" She was much more herself now. A pep in her step and everything.

"It's hard to explain. Something you have that the others don't. But..." I stared at my free hand. 

"But what?"

"I feel like I can... change them. Make them special... and better." I could see a black vein travel around my hand, before slinking back to wherever it calls home.

"Woah." I looked at her and saw her face was one of surprise.

"What? Shocked at my handsome face?" She giggled a little at that. I love those. They're so cute.

"Not at that. Though, you are handsome. But your voice, became so deep. It was..." She trailed off a little. But then, we spoke at the same time.

"Badass!" "Badass!" With bright smiles, we laughed and stepped inside the door to the third floor.

Stopping in the middle of the hallway, I rummaged around in my pocket as Alice waited. She jumped slightly at the thought of getting a gift. How adorable.

Finally bringing it out, she was stunned speechless at it's beauty. It was the emerald necklace I had... borrowed from Usain Bolter's nest. Naturally, I cleaned it to death after returning home. Killgore thought it was for her and was so happy, but she's only my second favorite girl unfortunately. The sad look on her face damn near broke my heart. Maybe I should build her some jewelry out of the bones of my enemies or something like that.

"Is... that for me?" She asked hesitantly, but hopeful.

"Of course. Here, turn around. Let me put it on." She did a 180 and moved her hair out of the way for me. Once I put the necklace on her, she twirled a couple times and even posed.

"How do I look?" She looked so beautiful, stunning even. But why use words?

I came in close and gently took her cheek. Understanding, she smiled and leaned in to connect our lips together. We were locked in place for several moments, until finally separating. 

"That good huh?" She said with a toothy grin. Suddenly, she ran into my arms and brought me into a strong hug.

"Thank you Jason! I love it!" Jesus. She's really trying to squeeze the life outta me. Not that I'm complaining. But the way she squealed in excitement was so cute.

Then, for some reason, she let go.

"Oh! I just remembered something! Can't believe I forgot!" She smacked her forehead with her palm and put her bag down. Squatting down next to it, she went through it while obviously looking for something. But all I cared about was the fantastic view I was getting.

"You... didn't have to do that. Really." 

"Nonsense! It's only fair after all!" Alice happily said.

Good times never last long. She eventually found whatever it was she was looking for and stood up. But when she turned around to look at me, one of her eyebrows raised.

"Like what you saw?" Huh? What, is she a mother or something?

"How the fuck did you know?" With a grin, she replied.

"I could feel your gaze on me. Practically tried to burn a hole through my ass. Women can sense that kinda thing you know." My eyes widened to cartoon portions. What kinda sixth sense supernatural bullshit is that?

"Anyway, this is what I wanted to give you. I was going to surprise you later, but then you just had to go and be all amazing with the necklace." She held out her hand and opened it, showing a larger than average coin sitting pretty in her palm. 

"I know. It's not as great as the necklace. And you don't have to worry about it being dirty, I cleaned it for hours." Just like me. I love this girl.

Taking the coin from her, I laughed as I brought her into a deep hug.

"The gift doesn't matter, only the sentiment. Thank you Alice. So much. I love it." Breaking the hug, I held the coin up and examined it. However, something was amiss.

"What's wrong?" She nervously asked.

"I swear on bowser's ballsack I've seen this face before! It's bugging the shit outta me. Come on, let's go find Zach. I know damn well that little nerd will solve this mystery." She sighed in relief and locked her arm around mine as we left the third floor.

But then, we saw someone running down the stairs in a hurry.

"Uh... Lily?" When I called out, she halted in place like a child that got caught. She turned around and faced us.

"You weren't... watching us were you? Again?" My narrowed eyes peered into her soul.

Suddenly, she gained this righteous aura around her and puffed her impressive assets out.

"So what if I am? What are you going to do about it fuckwad? Did you really think I was gonna leave you alone with my little sister? Dream on!" Striking the two of us speechless with her peerless attack, she turned around in a huff and walked down the stairs.

"Damn." That was the only thing I could say. My partner chuckled and replied to me. 

"I know right? She's a force to be reckoned with. Like a fiery volcano!" We both laughed as we followed after Lily's footsteps.

"I can hear you asshole!" That just made us laugh even harder.


When the trio returned to the second floor, they found the rest of the group there waiting for them and ready to depart.

"Where were you guys?" Facing that question, the three looked at each other and nodded. They chose to band together and lie through their teeth.

"Just playing a game is all." Jason went first.

"That's right." Alice came in from beside him.

"Nothing wrong with playing games. Not a crime is it?" Lastly, Lily brought up the rear.

The others looked at them with raised eyebrows, but didn't press the issue.

"I... guess not? We ready to go?" Tyrone asked. 

"What about the news?" Jason was starting to enjoy listening to Crazy Seven and his tips.

"The damned radio broke. So we're shit out of luck until I can scavenge some parts to fix it." Bill said with a sad tone. All that time spent fixing the radio, only for it to commit seppuku in just a matter of days.

With that out of the way, the group went down the stairs together.

After Jason moved the barricade and put it back into place when everyone crossed, they soon found themselves standing in the middle of the street. Bill took out a map from his bag and soon pointed down a direction.

"We go this way, then take a right. Afterwards it's a straight line down Cola-Coca Street for a while. From there, a left and a right and we should be there." With that he put the map back into his pack.

"That sounds really simple and easy. I'm sure nothing bad will happen." Kevin said with a sarcastic tone.

"Shhh! Don't jinx us!" Zach hushed him with his finger on his lips. He then ran up to a random piece of wood in an alleyway and knocked on it twice. Only after that, did he sigh in relief. 

"Are you braindead boy? You actually believe in that shit?" Bill stared at him with a concerned look. Concerned he might be mentally retarded.

"Alright alright, settle down. Let's get going. Stick together and keep your eyes peeled for anything." Tyrone took lead at the front of the pack after saying that, with the others following behind. But when the others weren't looking, he gave Zach a thumbs up which made the chubby man smile like a child.

The journey was lackluster for the most part. The only time action did happen was when Jason slaughtered any common infected that tried to kill the others. Although they all have guns of high quality, it was better to save them until they truly needed it.

During one of the more peaceful times, Jason and Alice went up to Zach who was mid-conversation with Tyrone.

"Hey." Jason slapped him on the shoulder, frightening him at the sudden contact and also delivering a good deal of pain which made his face scrunch up.

"Jesus! Please, don't sneak up on me like that! Almost had a heart attack." But there was no way Jason would comply. His reactions were way too funny. Especially the pain filled ones.

"That's tragic, really. I'll take note of that of put it under the column of 'I don't give a fuck'. How's that cupcake?" Zach suffered yet another slap to the back which made him groan in pain. 

'Oh my god! Why is his hand so hard?!' Although he was suffering, he gave a forced smile.

"Pefect boss! Wouldn't ask for it any other way!" Jason decided to be generous and only give him a sadistic smile, sending chills down his spine.

"Anyway, Alice here found this coin and we were wondering about the face on it. It looks really familiar to me." Becoming interested, Zach took the coin and inspected it. The other three waited patiently, curious of the secrets the coin holds.

After only a few seconds of walking, Zach suddenly shouted without caring about the noise he made.

"Holy mother of Christ!"

"Shhh! Shut the fuck up you stupid shithead!" Lily harshly whispered at him with an enraged face. Zach closed his mouth out of fear. When reopening his mouth, what came out was a quiet and almost timid voice.

"This is the face of World Emperor Minsk!"

"Really?!" The three were beyond shocked at the incredible find.

The reason why it was such a great treasure was simple. World Emperor Minsk, true to his name, was the first and only person to conquer the world. It was said he was the most handsome man to exist, with a harem of over twenty women. Although minor in comparison to other kings, each women in his harem was the best of the best.

From a tiny kingdom he had built a vast empire and united the entire world under one banner, His. There is even a religion based around him and his teachings. Worshipping him like a God and convinced he will return one day to reclaim his empire.

For his entire reign, peace and technology flourished, no wars were fought, and he even abolished slavery. It's said he helped push humanity into the next Era with his otherworldy inventions. Some even believe he was a being from a different time period that got sent to the past. Every single person on this planet knew of this man. His name will be forever known, for all eternity.

It was such a shame that when he died, his son took over. Borisk The Jealous was the third born son. As he had many children, Minsk chose who would rule after him with great care. After many trials that every child went through, it was decided that the first born daughter would become Emperess seeing as she was the most like her father. 

But Borisk couldn't handle that. After his father's passing, he rebelled with several upset noblemen and killed all of his siblings off in a single night.

Unfortunately, when he was crowned Emperor, he ran the entire empire into the ground within three years. Multiple rebellions popped up, fracturing the once great empire that ruled the world.

Eventually, Borisk The Jealous was assassinated by his own wife who hated him dearly for the rape of their six year old daughter and his constant abuse towards them.

The empire never recovered and eventually was destroyed, with slavery soon returning afterwards. Though, relics of the past can still be found today.

Back to Zach, he nodded his head and continued on.

"I believe this to be a Royal Coin, since only those have the Emperor's face! This is amazing!" Zach was beyond excited and could barely contain himself. But then, his mood dropped when he realized the coin would never be his.

"How valuable would it be?" Alice asked curiously, making the other's ears perk up. At this point, everyone was listening in.

"I think... probably around ten to twenty million dollars per coin?" Suddenly, the coin was forcibly snatched from his fingers. He yelped from both the sudden jumpscare and the pain he felt when it was roughly taken from him.

"How dare you touch this with your filthy fingers mongrel! You should be on your knees, worshipping the very ground I walk because I allowed you to even witness it's glory!" Jason said in an exaggerated manner. The others looked at him like he was insane, except for Alice who giggled and loved it.

"But..." Zach tried to speak about the injustice, but was interrupted.

"Shut up heathen! Peasant! Not another word or I'll rip your spine out and whip you to death with it!" Jason grabbed Alice and gave the rest a good distance as he examined the coin.

"This is so cool!" Jason loved the lore that came with the coin, which pleased Alice immensely.

He put the coin back into his pocket with a big smile and continued following after the group. For the half an hour, nothing bad had happened. Until they came across a big wave of infected. There were far too many for Jason to kill by himself and it was too late to hide.

"Alright here they come! Careful not to squeeze the trigger for too long! Do it in short bursts! Put the butt of the gun into your shoulder! And for God sakes, turn the fucking safety off! Wait until they're closer!" Bill shouted out his orders to the ones who needed it. The only one who didn't was Lily who knew what she was doing.

Luckily, since Jason looted the gun store, they had enough assault rifles and even silencers for everyone. Tyrone, Zach, Kevin, and Alice clumsily tried their best to follow his orders. They were ready just in time, as Bill soon said the magic word.

"Fire! Aim for the heads!" With that, they began firing.

Zach had completely forgotten the short burst rule and sprayed and prayed. Fortunately, Kevin and Tyrone were more accurate and tried their best to make up for him. Alice was average and Jason lacked a gun. He preferred using his bare hands.

The real MVPs however, were Lily and Bill naturally. Especially Bill. He mowed down easily over three dozen infected all on his own with insanely precise shots that only a master could produce. Soon enough, over a hundred dead bodies laid in front of them. Blood, guts, and brain matter were splattered everywhere and the smell alone drove three people crazy.

The level of carnage was too much for Tyrone, Kevin, and Zach to handle and thus threw up breakfast. Lily took it well but still felt a little uncomfortable as would a normal human. Only Jason, Alice and Bill were unaffected.

Once the trio finished, the group went around the mess of a vampire's love pit and continued their journey.

Eventually, they finally reached Cola-Coca Street and began walking down the eerily empty road. It was strange going from almost constant infected to then this. But they didn't pay it any mind. They were glad for the peace and quiet.

Suddenly, Jason shouted out.

"No! Joey's Pizza!" The others turned his way and looked at the run down pizzeria. The doors and windows were smashed, along with a knocked down sign.

"You knew this place?" Lily asked, to which Jason shot her a ferocious glare.

"And you didn't?! This was the greatest place for a slice of pizza in this shitty city!" 

"Have you heard of this place?" Zach asked Kevin, who responded with a shake of the head. The others also had no idea what Jason was talking about.

"Easily the worst tragedy humanity ever suffered. Never again will I enjoy the Meat-Stuffed pie full of pepperoni, sausage, ham, and meatballs." He even had the urge to cry, but he held it in.

'Not in front of Alice.' He bravely thought. 

The lady herself walked over and patted him on the back.

"It's okay. How about this? If we find the necessary ingredients, I can try making it for you. I'm a decent cook." Jason looked at her with his mouth slightly open in shock.

"You... would do that for me?" He asked with hope.

"Of course!" No sooner did the words leave her mouth did she suddenly find herself hugged tightly by the giant bear.

"You are too pure and kind for this world! Are you secretly a Goddess in disguise?" He shouted dramatically, pulling confused gazes over.

Alice simply returned the hug and rubbed his back with a smile on her face.

The group tried to leave the area, but soon paused once they heard something.

"You guys hear that?" Although Bill didn't always trust his hearing as he got older, this didn't feel fake.

"Hear it? Christ I can fucking feel it." Lily said, feeling her bones vibrate.

"Is that a T-Rex or something?" Zach, ever the nerd, looked at a puddle of water and saw it ripple with every step. It reminded him of a certain park run by a crazy old man.

Jason could feel the hair on the back of his neck stand up and goosebumps make their self known all across his body. He could feel it, instinctually. Something bad was coming. Something he can't beat. Not yet anyway.

"Everyone, inside the pizzeria!" Jason said while ushering Alice inside quickly. It was getting closer. It knew he was there and was coming for him. He had to hide.

'He can't find me. Sacrifice them. Of course. Me and Alice can survive with their deaths.' Jason's mind spun wildly. There was a voice telling him to run, to not be found. He even had the idea to use their deaths as a distraction to escape.


Jason replied to Kevin with a harsh growl that made a shiver of fear go down his spine. It was like an animal's warning.

"Now!" They all ran inside the pizzeria but found someone waiting for them.

Without hesitation, Jason ran up to the baboozled infected wearing an apron and wrapped his fingers around it's skull. A slight squeeze later and the infected's head was crushed into bits as it's body fell to the ground.

"Sorry Joey. You know how it goes right?" Jason said with no remorse in his voice or face, which made the others feel a little concerned.

It was strange seeing him care for Joey not five seconds ago, then mercilessly killing him as soon as he saw him with no guilt. Alice on the other hand loved the display of power. 

'I think... I'll do it. Give in and join him. If I could have that same power...' She hadn't told Lily about the whole cannibal thing just yet since she knew how her sister would react. Alice thought it best to not bring up the subject, not for now at least.

They soon crouched behind some tables near the windows and waited. A few seconds later, they saw the owner of those footsteps. Upon seeing the thing in front of them, their eyes widened in shock and fear.

"Sweet Lord above..."