Chapter 34: Week Five: Sunday

The Tyrant leaned lazily against a throne made out of the bones of several different creatures. Underneath his throne, was a mountain of blood and flesh that could make one piss themselves out of terror.

From where he was sitting, there were countless infected as far as the eye could see. Some looked human, while others were clearly aliens. Insects, green meatballs, big blue jawless things, pink fur balls, and many more.

They all boarded dozens of mountain-sized biological ships. These strange beings had hundreds of tentacles of various sizes all around their bodies that were currently on the ground, allowing the infected access inside. Their many eyes were currently closed, as if asleep. 

Just then, a giant four-legged centaur-like beast that towered over most other's stepped towards The Tyrant's throne. On his shoulders, he was carrying the skull of something that was easily triple his size. He came before the mountain of bodies underneath the throne and dropped the skull gently off to the side. Bowing his head, he stepped back and joined the boarding parties.

When all the infected were loaded up into the ships, The Tyrant stood up. Wings sprouted out of his back and he took off. The sheer power he exhibited sent visible shockwaves in all directions. His throne shattered into a million pieces, but he did not care. There will always be more bones to rebuild it.

He soared up into the sky with incredible speed, breaking the sound barrier as the ships tried following. Just as he entered into the white fluffy clouds, his vision changed.

He soon found himself hovering in space while watching his biological ships fight against metal ones. Every so often, they would open their mouths and cough out small fighters. These fighters would open their fleshy wings and get into dogfights with the enemy.

Lasers, tentacles, and bone spikes were flying everywhere. But there was no change in The Tyrant's expression. Cold and indifferent to everything happening around him. Turning around, he could see a lush and beautifully green planet beneath him. It looked so familiar. Almost like... home.

Raising his right hand, it transformed into a black tendril that shot towards the planet at a high speed. When it reached the atmosphere, the tendril suddenly exploded in size and soon encompassed the entire planet.

Inside the giant black ball, millions of black tendrils drilled into the planet below and consumed everything they came across. Whether it be the innocent people, or the infected rampaging across the world.

Eventually, even the very ground beneath them dissovled and was absorbed by those awful things. When there was nothing left, the big black ball collapsed and The Tyrant's arm returned to it's previous monstrous form.

Looking at the now empty space in front of him, he grinned savagely and licked his lips with his sharp tongue.

"Delicious. Hahaha!" His laugh echoed throughout the battlefield going on behind him. He spread his arms, and countless black tendrils shot out of his body.

Every time they passed through something, whether it be metal or flesh, they were absorbed into the tendrils and consumed in their entirety. Becoming... a part of him.


Jason awoke with a fright, sweat pouring down his forehead. He sat up slightly, but was pulled back down by a naked and unconscious Alice. Looking over to her, he saw she was dead asleep. The bruises on her body had yet to heal. There was also some blood on her mouth, neck, and various other parts of her body.

As for him, his wounds had mostly healed. During their rough night together, she clawed at him with her full-length nails and bit him multiple times with her teeth. Of course, he couldn't take that without getting some revenge on her. It was a wild time for the both of them.

She was snoring cutely with a smile on her face and her arms wrapped around his right one. Her legs were the exact same and were over top his. She was like an anaconda who didn't want to release her prey.

Kissing her lightly on the nose, he chuckled when it twitched. A frown appeared on her beautiful face before returning to a happy smile.

'What a wacky dream.' He never had something like that happen before. The only thing that was similar would be the cocoon vision. But it was far different from previously. Not as vivid.

'Maybe it's my subconscious trying to tell me something? That throne and blood, fleshy, body mountain was so cool. So edgy though.'

Deciding not to think about it further, he laid back down and prepared to fall back asleep. But not ten seconds later, a loud roar made his eyes open wide.

"RAAAH!" A pain filled screech along with the sound of glass breaking made the two girls in his room wake up in fright. 

Looking over to Alice who was now wide awake, he put a finger to his lips and got off the bed without bothering to put clothes on. Just as he was about to open the bedroom door, he glanced at a shivering Killgore.

She was almost twice as large as before and was much more muscular. Even her fur looked softer.

'That's not a good sign. The last time this happened was when Scarface broke in.'

Opening the door, his eyes were immediately drawn to the large Night Hunter in the middle of his living room trying to put out the flames on his body. Seeing that, Jason had a joyful expression on his face.

'My trap worked! Turns out I'm the greatest genius to ever live!' Shaking his head to get rid of those false and clearly nonsensical thoughts, he ran right for the burning Night Hunter. 

His plan was to attack while he was busy extinguishing the flames, but the Hunter saw him coming. Barely dodging a powerful punch from Jason, he backed up while putting out the last of the flames. As for Jason, his fist broke the wall and went straight through to the other side.

Pulling his fist out of the wall, he glared at the Hunter who was looking at him warily. Jason could see a little damage was done to his armor, but it wasn't as much as he'd like.

Suddenly, he saw Killgore standing in the doorway with her teeth bared. Though, her legs were still shaking in fear.

'I-I'm scared. But...' Despite the sheer amount of terror running through her body, she wanted to help. To protect him. Her meatbag.

With a hellish bark, she ran right for the Hunter.

"Don't!" Jason's eyes widened and he screamed out for her to stop, but it was too late.

Killgore lunged at the Hunter who put his arm up to block and latched her jaw around said arm. She bit down as hard as she could and shaked her head from side to side. Due to luck, she was able to get a few teeth in a gap in the armor, which made the Hunter growl in rage and pain.

Just as Jason moved foward, the Hunter punched Killgore's body and sent her flying into a wall. She whimpered in pain as she coughed up blood. Her head flopped to the side and she laid there, unmoving.

"NOO!" Jason ran as fast as he could, tackling the Hunter over towards the balcony and the railing. The Hunter tried elbowing Jason's back, but it did nothing to stop him. Then, they both fell off together.

"Jason!" Alice tried to get off the bed, but fell to the floor. Her legs were like jello from last night's ramming.

"Dammit!" Her face was full of worry as she crawled towards the balcony. But first, she checked on Killgore.

While they fell towards the ground, Jason punched the Hunter with his right fist. After three more punches they collided with the street producing a massive boom that could be heard from a mile away, cracking the road underneath them.

But that didn't stop Jason. Another punch made the armor on the Hunter's face crack as a few teeth flew out of his mouth. 

Suddenly, he caught Jason's wrist in mid air with a ferocious face and a deep growl. Never before had he suffered such humiliation.

Bringing his feet to his chest, he kicked out and threw Jason over his head; making him smash into a car and denting it severely. Pulling himself out, Jason's head tilted to the side and dodged a clawed strike that would have killed him. His cheek stung in pain as the scar he received from Scarface reopened.

In that same instance he brought his left fist up for an uppercut and dazed the Hunter when it connected, making his feet lift off the ground slightly.

Not giving the him a chance to breathe, Jason brought his right leg behind the Hunter's and tossed him over his hip to the ground. Now, they were back where they started.

Immediately getting over top of him, his nails came to their full length and were about to stab his throat. Unfortunately, a random arm stopped his attack.

Turning his head, Jason was shocked to see another Night Hunter looking at him with a sadistic smile. He chuckled and threw Jason away, who flew for five meters before landing heavily onto the ground.

Getting to his feet, he glared at the two Hunters with gritted teeth.

'Kill them! Kill them!' The only thing going through his mind was slaughtering them.

Jason ran right for the both of them as they did the same. The one on the right tried taking his head off with a horizontal swipe of his claws, but missed as Jason had ducked under him and was able to get to his back within a split second. 

Wrapping his arms around his waist, Jason picked him up and tossed him onto the ground with so much force it cracked. Before Jason could do anything else, a fist connected with his face.

At the last second he was able to roll with the punch and do a 360, striking the second Hunter in the side of the head with his elbow. He slid a few feet across the street with a dazed expression and a hand on his head.

With blood running down his mouth, Jason ran up and dropkicked the same Hunter in the chest. His armor split open and he was sent flying down the road with the impression his organs were about to burst.

The one who was thrown to the floor got to his feet, shaking his head. He glared at the trash who just dropkicked his pack member. Just as he was about to attack Jason, something hard hit him on the head and fell to the ground. Is that... a hammer?

Looking above, he saw a naked human? woman peering over the edge of the balcony with her mouth in an 'O' shape.

Her? A fool like this was one who stopped him in his tracks?

Hearing the commotion, Jason got off the floor and looked at the hammer lying on the ground. He was confused for a second before understanding.

"Alice!" He was happy she tried to help him. But when he looked over at the Hunter who was trying to climb the building, his rage spiked to levels unseen before.

"How fucking dare you!" Using more speed then normal, he ran up and jumped thirty feet into the air. Grabbing onto the Hunter's legs, he ripped him off the wall and slammed him into the ground once more.

The Hunter coughed up blood as he landed, feeling his head spin. Suddenly, Jason jumped on top of him and rained punches down onto his face.

As the armor protecting his face broke open, the Hunter had the distinct feeling he would be beaten to death. There was no room for him to fight back. Even when he managed to land a punch on his opponent's face, he simply shrugged it off like nothing happened.

Jason was so consumed by wrath he completely forgot about the other Night Hunter who was currently running right for him.

Despite the burning pain on his back, from the claws of the other Hunter tearing his naked flesh apart, he ignored it and brought his nails to full length. With a quick and precise thrust, he pierced the Hunter beneath him in the throat so deeply it came out the back of his neck.

Quickly turning around, he elbowed the Hunter who ripped his back open in the face. Once staggered, he was about to stab him in the eyes when pain erupted from his stomach.

"No! Jason!" He could hear Alice's crying from above and looked down. There, he could see a sharp tongue protruding from his stomach. While on the ground bleeding profusely from the neck, the Hunter used this opportunity when his back was turned to strike.

Looking back up, Jason saw a green blob of liquid in his vision. With peerless instincts he barely managed to dodge it. But he didn't dodge all of it.

"AHHH!" Half of Jason's face was burning due to the green acid shot from the upright Hunter.

With his left hand, Jason sliced off the tongue behind him. Based on the pain-filled scream, he didn't have to worry about that one for now.

In the same exact moment, he swiped his right hand over the other Hunter's eyes. The now blind Hunter was in too much agony to dodge the front kick that sent him flying back.

Jason ran up to the blind Hunter and climbed on top of him. With his sharp and shark-like teeth, he bit into the Hunter's throat and tore off a massive chunk of flesh. He chewed it up and swallowed it before doing the same to the other side. 

But even as he ripped out the other portion of his throat, the Hunter made sure to get one last dig in.

Both of his claws dug into Jason's stomach and tore his organs apart. The Hunter gave one final grin seeing Jason's agony while he puked up blood mixed with guts.

Before he could do anymore damage, his arms softened and they fell out of Jason's stomach. He was dead.

Getting off the Hunter, there was only a thin strand of flesh connecting his head to his neck. Jason shakily walked over to the other Hunter and used his nails to cut his head off. It took a little longer than he expected, but he got the job done in the end.

Ignoring the burning pain throughout his whole body, Jason ran into the apartment building. He climbed the flights of stairs and eventually reached his room. With his blooded body and ruined face, he walked up to Killgore who was in the same place as before. 

He brought his right hand to her mouth, and felt the faintest of breathing.

"Jason! No no no no! Don't die! Please!" Alice hobbled over with tears flowing down her face and gently touched his back with a shaky hand. It was ripped to ribbons. There was even some bone that could be seen. 

But when she felt a hand on her leg, she quieted down.

"I-I'll be fine. W-We al-all will." His breathing was heavy and his voice was low.

Jason could barely see out of his one good eye, as the other one was destroyed, and looked down at the still alive Killgore. He needed to save her. Whatever it took.

Letting his instincts take over, he laid his hands over top of Killgore's body. His fingers turned into black tendrils that burrowed deep into her, giving her life and changing her completely. The tendrils went to every corner of her body, repairing it and unlocking her potential.

After a few seconds, her breathing returned to normal and her eyes opened. Seeing that, Jason withdrew his fingers and fell back on his ass. Alice hurridly tried to support him.

"G-Go get the bodies." His voice was weak as he said that. He could feel death approaching with her soft skeletal hands. The only reason he was even still alive was because he ate some of the Hunter who rearranged his guts.

Nodding her head, Alice tried her best to run down the stairs. As for Killgore, she shakingly got up and followed after her. 

'He... saved me.' Just before she left, Killgore stared at Jason with loving eyes. She should have died, but he gave her life. Along with something extra she didn't understand yet.

Together, the two girls grabbed the dead bodies of the Night Hunters and dragged them up the stairs. When they returned to Jason, he was on his back unmoving. Scared out of their minds, they pulled the bodies inside and came before him.

"J-Jason?" Alice softly called out, fearing the worst. But she sighed in relief when his eye opened.

With a grunt full of pain, it took Jason all his strength to get up and crawl to the bodies. Not saying a word, he began eating the one who pierced his stomach with their tongue. After a few bites, he turned to the other two.

"Eat with me." The two girls smiled and took one body while leaving the other for Jason.

The more he ate, the better he was becoming. Energy returned to his body and his wounds began healing themselves.

When he finished his meal, he went through a transformation. His nails grew to their full length and fused with his fingers, becoming actual claws. They became far sharper and gained a few inches in both length and thickness. His toes were the exact same and became clawed just like his fingers.

His mouth opened on it's own and showed a horrifying amount of razor sharp teeth, which also became an inch longer. The tongue wasn't left out either, being lengthened and sharpened as well. Now, it could shoot out like a bullet.

Jason witnessed as shiny black biological armor erupted all over his skin, protecting him from any outside harm. It covered every inch of him, but still had some gaps that enemies could exploit. However, after what happened tonight, he was glad to have it nonetheless. 

Every part of him became better. Strength, speed, flexibility, eyesight, and regeneration. The regeneration was something he loved, because it healed his wounds from tonight's battle. He was especially thankful for his eye's great return.

Looking over to the two girls, they had their own gains. Alice was extremely similar to him, except the armor was a little less. The way the armor covered her tits and pussy was... interesting to him.

Killgore did not gain any armor, but her claws and teeth became way sharper. There was also some green goo falling out of her mouth and onto the floor, sizzling the wood. Though, she had the good sense to control it soon after.

The first thing Alice did when coming out of her evolution, was look at Jason with concern.

"Jason! How are you?!" She walked over with no weakness in her legs anymore and hugged him tightly. Although a little stunned at first, he smiled and returned it.

"I'm fine Alice. Thanks to you." That was the truth. After healing Killgore, he had no energy to move and would have died from his wounds if it weren't for them.

Separating from her, they walked back to bed and discussed their new powers. Although Alice's tongue did get a little sharper, that was all. Instead, she was able to spit acid out of her mouth towards her enemies.

"Woah! How did you do that?!" Alice was shocked as she witnessed Jason's armor disappear under his skin.

"I don't know. Just kinda willed it I guess?" He shrugged his shoulders.

Thankfully, after a few minutes of trying, Alice was able to make her armor go away as well. Though, it was always ready to reappear to defend them. 

Mentally exhausted, they laid down together and held one another as they fell asleep. Killgore looked at Jason and whimpered sadly before laying down on her outgrown makeshift bed.

'I want to sleep and cuddle with him too.' She soon shook her head.

'What kind of nonsense thoughts are these!' But still, she couldn't help but drag her eyes over to his form.


On a roof across the street from where Jason and the two Night Hunters currently did battle, stood a dark figure illuminated by the moonlight. 

'He's grown strong.' Scarface thought to himself with a grim look. He never expected Jason to become so powerful within such a short amount of time.

'What even is he?' He remembered when Jason was some sniveling little human before. Now, he seemed more like an infected. But he wasn't. It was like he was something in between.

'Then there's this weird feeling in my chest. Although it's not strong, it does worry me a little. Should I... kill him?' His right hand twitched at the thought about ending his life right here and now.

He could do it. Rush over and slice his head off, ending this cockroach once and for all.

But where would be the fun in that?

Scarface grinned viciously and turned to leave when seeing Jason kill the two Hunters. He would strike soon, for a storm was brewing on the horizon and his evolution was close at hand.

"I will... m-make you feel... true despair! Hahaha!" His horrifying laugh echoed into the night.


Alice's opened her eyes groggily due to the sunlight from the window pouring onto them. She blinked a few times before memories of what happened last night flooded back. From losing her virginity, Jason almost getting killed, and to them becoming more and more inhuman.

Looking over, she saw the man himself in a deep sleep. She smiled and lightly kissed his lips, but didn't wake him. He needed the rest.

Carefully stepping out of bed as to not wake Jason, she tried to find some clothes but stopped. She looked around the room and held back a chuckle. Both of their clothes were everywhere in a ripped up state, way beyond salvaging.

Just as she was about to step out of the room, she paused and looked at Killgore. Alice giggled a little when seeing the big giant hound lying on her back with all four paws in the air. Her tongue was hanging out of her mouth lopsided, and she drooled on the floor with a happy smile.

Alice shook her head with a smile and left the room. After pushing the bones of the Night Hunters off to the side, she walked out of the apartment and went down the stairs.

It was an odd feeling. Walking around naked with the cold air nipping at her lady parts. At the same time, it was sort of freeing. Like a bird that broke out of it's cage to fly high in the sky.

But she wasn't an exhibitionist. Well, only for one person anyway. So she was desperate to get some clothes on.

Getting to the second floor, she traced over the damaged door of her apartment and laughed when recalling the memory of it's origin. However, when she walked inside and went to her closet, there was a small problem.

Alice's previous clothes didn't really fit her anymore due to the increase in height, muscles, and her personal favorite, bigger tits and ass. She could still wear them, but it'd be a tight fit.

"Well. That's not so bad." A goofy grin appeared on her face when seeing her bigger assets. After playing with them a little, she nodded her head in satisfaction.

Thankfully, Lily's clothes fit her snugly. Wearing a white t-shirt and jeans, Alice went down to the lobby with a pep in her step and a bag slung over her shoulder. After re-placing the bear trap for it's next victim, she walked out of the building.

The reason why she was out here alone was simple. She wanted to find breakfast before Jason woke up and surprise him.

Suddenly, Alice looked at the hammer on the ground. Memories of last night flashed through her eyes.

When she saw the Night Hunter on the ground start to get up, she panicked. She just wanted to help somehow. At least distract him for Jason.

"But... what if I made things worse?" Alice couldn't help but think that. Blame herself. Maybe, it was her fault Jason got hurt.

Gripping the hammer tightly and biting her lips, she tucked it into her waist. When she returned she would frame it up again.

Breaking out into a jog, she headed down a road they hadn't gone yet. Alice realized the danger she was in being alone, but that just made things so much more interesting and fun. Although she loved Jason and Lily very much, she sometimes felt smothered by them on occasion. That's not to say she doesn't like it though.

About ten minutes of jogging later, she was just about to leave the residential apartment area and step into the commercial zone.

Unfortunately, she was forced to stop as four men blocked her path. From the look on their faces, and the lewd smiles, she doubted they had good intentions.

"Hey there little lady. You out here alone? All by yourself?" The biggest of the men said first, approaching her with ill intent. The other's weren't too far behind him.

"Don't worry your silly little head. We'll take... good care of you." They laughed darkly as their filthy eyes took in her form.

"Mm! She's younger than the last one. Softer looking too." One of them whispered to the other, who nodded his head. Unfortunately for Alice, she could hear them.

"Cowardly filthy cunts." She had a pure look of disgust on her face as she said that. She knew the only reason they dared to show themselves in front of her was because she was alone and the lack of infected around.

The men were all shocked before becoming angry.

"The hell did this bitch just say?"

"This fucking who-" Befoee they could continue, Alice spit out a blob of green acid and the man who was about to call her a whore.

"AHHH!" The biggest man screamed bloody murder and held his burning head with both of his hands. He fell to the ground and rolled around.

"Holy shit!"

"What the fuck!"

"Witch!" The other three were terrified and back up with shaky hands. Their weapons suddenly felt much heavier.

With a sharp toothy grin, her claws were unleashed and she ran at them. Before they could even react, she sliced off the legs and arms of the closest. The other two tried running, but didn't get far.

Blood dripped off her claws as she looked at her victims laying on the ground. They were either screaming, crying, groaning in pain, or all the above. All four of them had their arms and legs chopped off, becoming little nuggets ripe for the picking.

"I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere~!" Alice backtracked and ran towards a group of infected she passed earlier. Becoming a shepherd, she corralled the infected and lured them to the four dying men.

When they saw the free meat lying on the road up ahead, the infected became frenzied and barreled right after them. Seeing this, Alice quickly ran ahead of the pack to not miss the show.

Watching their doom approach, the crying nuggets tried their hardest to roll away. But it was no use. The infected lunged on top of them and tore them up. Alice had a big fat smile on her face when listening to their screams echoing out. 

"Trash like this doesn't deserve a good happy ending." Humming a little tune, she skipped away down the street to find breakfast. All the while, the wails of agony behind her continued. Making her smile sadisticly and viciously.

"Hmm." She put on a thoughtful face.

"I wonder if Jason is rubbing off on him? Oh well." Clearly unconcerned, Alice happily skipped away. Not knowing how true her words really were. For the longer she stayed with him, the more inhuman she became.