Chapter 52: Storm (Finale)

( Jason )

When me and Asura arrived at the location of the bad premonition, to say I was confused would be an understatement.

"A clothing store?" Here I was thinking it was going to be some Nostradamus predictions big bad thing. Some strong evil bastard for me to punish! And yet just this? Definitely was disappointed.

"There Master, through the entrance." He pointed up ahead, where the bodies of a few people lay on the store's floor. But those losers weren't important.

"Rats?" A frown began to form on my face.

Before stepping through the broken doors, I noticed a pool of nigh-invisible blood on the street. Must've been sitting there for a few hours at least. But the body was gone, no trace of it left. 

Ignoring that, I walked inside and took a little looksy around.

The corpses of rats numbered in at over a hundred. They were spread all throughout the store, most of them torn to pieces. Based on that, the damaged wall and floor, I believe a battle happened here recently.

"Look around the place for anything of interest. If you find a living being, bring them to me. Alive mind you." Asurs nodded and immediately got to work.

While he did that, I examined the human bodies. The wounds were mainly comprised of deep and long cuts. I took out my own claws and traced over them. A near perfect match. Only difference being that mine are larger.

I stood up and walked to a damaged wall. There was a foot indent and spiderweb cracks that spread for a few feet. But that wasn't what got my attention. It was the melted portion. Melted, with acid.

"Clearly, Alice was here. Killed these retards first, for some reason I'm sure, then got into a fight with an enemy." Next I checked the ruined floor, where a puddle of dried blood laid.

"Got ambushed here, maybe? Well, she definitely took a hit at least. Must have been deep." The frown on my face became larger.

"Where did you go Alice?" Suddenly, loud footsteps approached me. I already knew who it was, his voice filled with disdain and hatred.

"Master, I found this 'thing' hiding in a closet." Asura had a terrified pretty woman in one of his hands. Her entire body shook in fear, even moreso when seeing my black eyes.

Without hesitation, I ignored her desperate pleas for help and rummaged through her mind, no mercy in my actions. In an instant, I found my prize.

What happened first was this group entering the clothing store for a little break and temporary shelter from the rain. They apparently were on their way to one of Michael's Safe-Houses to join up with them.

Not five minutes later, Alice arrived. They talked for a little bit before she huffed in annoyance and slaughtered them all. Ah, that's my girl.

Anyway, the reason this one lived was because she was separated from the group for a little… tinkle and was on her way back. Seeing the blood and dead bodies, she hid away and didn't come out until hearing the sounds of fighting. She did miss some of it, but got the majority.

"Invisibility? That just seems so unfair. Good power to grab, but I'll definitely need a counter against it in the future. I wonder if I can upgrade my eyes myself..."

Fast forward, Alice baited the cool looking monster and threw it through the front doors. From there, she tortured it beautifully!

Unfortunately, this little bitch was too much of a coward to see it through to the end. Not saying a word, I crushed her head between my fingers effortlessly, the blood and brains going everywhere.

She wasn't entirely useless though. At least I know Alice should be safe. Though, what was that bad feeling all about?

"Did you find what you needed Master?" Asura asked. I could detect a hint of pride in his many eyes. What's that all about? Is he happy I killed her? Weirdo.

"Pretty much. But let's scour this place, just in case."


We didn't find her. After searching for up to two hours, we didn't find a goddamn thing. Not even a single hair. 

Seeing as we weren't getting anywhere, I made the executive decision to head on home. Doesn't matter. I'll meet up with her later tonight anyway.

At the moment however, I was already in a room with Killgore and… Preston I think his name was. Honestly, good on me for remembering the name of a piece of shit from Fallout 4. Another, fucking, settlement!

Some things happened along the way though. See, I already made up my mind to increase my forces. And oh boy did they grow. Easily, I raked in another four hundred Common Infected for the cause, some of which flew through the air. For some odd reason, unlike Alice and her rats, I didn't seem to have a limit.

Never got any indication that I was reaching one, so I guess that's a big plus. For the Special Infected however, I actually got about three dozen. Some weren't cool enough for me to bless them with a name, but I did get six Juggernauts, a few Acid Spitters, four Gun Squirrels who are so fucking adorable, and some big ass eagles.

It was much easier than I thought to dominate them. Maybe me making Asura my slave did something? Or perhaps it's always been like this. Like the lizard Infected I gave to Trixie. Oh well. All that matters is that things are looking up for me.

"Please! Let me go already! You don't want to do this!" Preston broke me out of my thoughts. What an asshole.

"Trust me, I REALLY want to do this."

Killgore was by my side, barking and snapping at him like a rabid animal. The only thing stopping her was my hand gripping her neck. With a stern voice, I commanded her.

"Enough Killgore! Sit!" Suddenly, she did as I asked. Though, she was still barking and growling. Her eyes stared at him like meat swinging from a hook. Which is kinda true, except he's dangling from some rope instead.

However! What a leap in progress! I used my right hand to scratch her head, making her leg go up and down. Yet she still barked at him. So weird looking.

"Good girl Killgore! You deserve a treat! That I... can't really give you." I wanted to give her this little bastard as a snack, but then realized I need every guinea pig I can get for my experiments.

"Oh what the hell. Kill him." I can always get more. Isn't that why I got minions? So they can do the heavy lifting for me and I can sit back on my metaphorical throne.

"Huh?" Preston seemed baffled and bamboozled as Killgore immediately rushed for him.

He screamed and tried to get away, but the rope held him in mid-air. Her large body knocked into him and snapped the binds holding him in place. He was thrown to the ground, bones cracking upon impact.

She jumped on top and used her jaws to rip his face off, turning him into Red Skull. He screamed bloody murder while she chewed on the flesh with a blissful look. Swallowing, she cut open his stomach with her nails, revealing his organs.

While she ate, I knocked on the door leading into the hallway.

"Trixie, come!" It immediately opened and revealed my favorite petite infected. She glanced at Preston and gulped, but focused back on me with worship. Ah, what a perfect minion.

"Go find Asura and bring him to me. Got some work for him." She nodded and opened her mouth as grunts came out. Oh? Is she trying to speak? Come on! You can do it!

"Y-Y-Ye-ck." Well, close enough. Work in progress.


Alice's eyes fluttered open slowly. Her head was still ringing, vision blurry as she tried to get up. However, her arms gave out and she fell back to the ground. She was immensely confused on what was happening, until a familiar voice brought back memories.

"Finally awake, my little Bunny?" A teasing and feminine voice, but also strangely deep. Despite the deepness, it wasn't masculine at all.

Alice groggily turned her head towards the origin of the noise, eyes finally turning clear. Instantly, she saw a massive Night Hunter lying lazily on a throne made of gigantic bones. Her legs were moving slowly through the air, like a child on a swing.

The armor on her body was beyond thick, seemingly able to take a tank shot to the face with no damage. Spikes were present all over the armor, making her think of Jason. Different from other Hunters, this one was over 30ft tall, with much sharper looking claws.

An interested look was on the monster's face as Alice shivered a little. The mere presence of this thing made her feel… weak. Almost like when she fought against Jason during their training sessions. Despite him holding back, she always felt powerless in front of him. 

This was very similiar, only far stronger.

But the thing that caught her attention, and pissed her off royally, was the necklace she gently played with in her hands. The same gift given by Jason. If she didn't know it would end in her death, she would have rushed up and cut the cunt's head off.

"Such a curious little thing you are. Much different than anything else I've ever seen." The Hunter spoke eloquently and fluently, surprising her.

"Tell me, what is your name?" Her voice was commanding, making Alice almost feel compelled to speak.

"Alice." There was no shakiness in her voice, despite being in the presence of death itself. She wouldn't allow her pride to be stepped on that easily. With a grunt and some struggle, she got to her feet.

The Hunter hummed with a smile, watching this 'Alice' character get up. For some unknown reason, she found her new Bunny so interesting and fascinating. She first found her when Alice was doing battle with some random newly turned Juggernaut. She killed him easily enough and consumed him.

Normally, she would just move on and not give a shit. Or if she was in a particularly foul mood that day, torture her for hours and eat her alive. But seeing Alice, there was just something… different about her. So, she followed her out of curiosity. Only after her battle with the invisible weakling did she decide to kidnap her for fun. Nothing more than a whim.

"Shouldn't you give me your name now? Only common courtesy after all." The Hunter's smile grew a little. She could tell Alice was afraid, but didn't show it on her face.

"My name is Athena. Now, Bunny, why don't you tell me about yourself." A frown appeared on Alice's pretty face.

"It's Alice." But all she saw was Athena give a teasing grin. Her eyes were like a cat playing with it's prey, reminding her of Lily.

Suddenly, a normal Night Hunter walked in slowly and cautiously. In their hands was a bound human, arms and legs tied up with rope and duct tape on their mouth. For a moment, Alice took this chance to look around.

The best she could gather was that they seemed to be in some kind of warehouse. This made her believe they weren't too far from the Docks. At least, that's what she hoped. For all she knew, they might be halfway across the city.

The Night Hunter kneeled before Athena's 'throne' and gently placed the human on the ground, his head so low it touched the ground. Alice noticed how there was no emotion on her face anymore. Almost like she was an icy Queen, overlooking a measly peasant.

Taking a closer look, she noticed the loosely constructed 'throne' was made up of one being. Athena sat on the monster's skull that looked similar to that of a human's. Only difference was it was a 'few' meters larger.

"Leave." Only a single word filled with power escaped her lips. The Night Hunter shivered in fear and hurriedly left, not even glancing at Alice.

"Now-" The grin reappeared on her face. Her sitting posture changed as she leaned forward. 

"Tell me everything, my little Bunny. And I might give this back." She waved the necklace teasingly, making Alice's eyes go cold.


( Jason )

I took a step out of the lobby doors and into the street, looking at the thousand strong army behind me with pride. The sky was dark as rain poured from the endless clouds and the roars of Night Hunters could be heard echoing throughout the city.

The horde followed after me, Special Infected first that were led by Asura and Trixie. Since the storm is coming full swing tomorrow, I decided to post them outside the wall. Hopefully, Alice should have returned home already. I've been a little stressed, so unloading in her and Lily sounds really good right about now.

As for me, my time here as been decent. Fruitful as one might say.

First and foremost, the unborn Queen Webspinner. I've made great progress in my brainwashing, especially since my talk with Asura. In fact, everything seems to be getting easier ever since then. I don't really understand it fully yet, but I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. Or however that saying goes anyway.

She should hatch within a few days. Maybe one or two based on how far along she is. Hopefully she grows quickly, so she can expand my army even more with her children. Not really sure how she can reproduce without a male, but we'll... see how that goes.

Huh, now that I'm thinking about it, I wonder if I could help with that. Inject my sperm into one of her eggs and bless them with my bloodline? That doesn't sound possible and make absolutely zero sense, but who knows. 

Anway, boucing off that, I've tampered with her 'wiring' enough so she sees me as her Father. Well, if I'm going to do what I said before, maybe I should change that to husband or mate. Though, don't female spiders kill the male, or I am thinking of some other insect?

It's not exactly the Creator and God thing I wanted, but close enough. I haven't been able to instill a sense of blind worship and loyalty, so here's hoping she doesn't make the fatal mistake of betraying me by trying to rip my head off and eat it!

Next up on the agenda are the experiments. Thanks to Lily and Alice, I know for sure if I have sex with someone, they'll transform into basically a somewhat lesser version of myself.

But there ain't no way in hell I'm fucking a man in the ass. As for women? Eh, only if those two approve. 

Seeing as it's unlikely for those two to agree, at least for the time being, I have to go the other route. Which is basically fumble around until I get the Krabby Patty Secret Formula. Anyway, things thus far haven't gone so well. The previous group from before have either turned into normal infected, or died in horrible goddamn agony.

This stuff is a lot harder than I thought, even after watching how Lily changed. Trying to replicate the process is very difficult. I suppose it makes sense, considering I'm evolving them into a completely different species and basically transforming their DNA.

Thankfully, Asura followed my orders to the letter and found an additional seven people who were currently being guarded by an unhappy Killgore. She wanted to come with, but was rejected by me again. After explaining that someone needed to hold down the fort, she became much happier at the sense of responsibility and my trust in her.

However, I remember him saying that finding more might become very difficult in the future. He doubts there are many humans still left wandering the city. Even these few took him over an hour despite his fast speed. Oh well. There's plenty in the camps isn't there?

Jessica is still around and healthy. Promised I would get to her last, so I might as well stick to it. She's been trying to get closer and closer to me, but I've kept us at a comfortable distance. Sure I love her goth look and she is very pretty, but I'd want Alice and Lily to give the go ahead first. 

Then again, I want to try challenging myself with this and not rely on a singular method. I've also been trying to do it on the common infected as well, but the results have been the same. It hasn't been all bad in my testing on them though.

I've found I can do the same thing to them that I originally did to Killgore when she was dying. Basically, increase the limit of their potential, allowing them to gain more power than what should be possible.

It's an easy enough process, so I've already helped a hundred go past their level cap. Including my favorite little midget Trixie. 

"Master, we are ready to move." Asura came up to me, bowing his three heads slightly. Looking over, I could see my thousand strong horde had already exited the building and covered the street like a plague. Fucking hell this is awesome. Imagine if I bring the entire world under my command...

"Alright, let's get a move-" I stopped speaking and looked down the street. There, I could sense something. It wasn't very strong, compared to me or Asura at least. 

It seemed to be trying it's best to hide, but it should really join the party. Such an inconsiderate bastard.

Within an instant, I rushed over so fast he could barely react. Seeing me coming, he tried to jump away but I caught his ankle and threw him back to my original position.

He landed hard on the ground and rolled for several meters, grunting as my horde surrounded him on all sides. They waited for my order to kill him, no fear within them as they stared at him like dinner. Add in the rain, and this is a very cool scene.

"Clear a path." The horde did as I said and let me through easily before plugging up the hole. 

"What should we do with 'it' Master? Should we kill 'it'." My poor victim was already on his feet as he looked around, some nervousness within him. He could probably tell how fucked he was.

He was a Night Hunter, but much larger and beefier than a normal one. Definitely not an Alpha, but I'd say he's not that far off. Then again, I've never seen one so I'm just guessing. What I know for a fact, is that he's much stronger than a normal Hunter.

"Hm, let's see how he performs. Back up." At my words, the horde gave us plenty of space to fight in to our heart's content. At the same time, they made sure to cover any escape route.

"Come on, show me what you got. Please me and you can live. You don't and I eat you." He growled lightly, infuriated at how cocky I was.

Got to admit, I'm a little impressed at how he's standing his ground in front of certain death. Gold star for you!

He immediately rushed for me and tried slicing my head off with his claws in a horizontal sweep.

But I easily ducked down and let them pass over my head, before upper cutting him in the chin. I could feel and hear his jaw crack under my strength as he was sent flying through the air. Must've gotten twenty meters of air easily.

While he was still in mid-air and reeling from that hit, I shot out my sticky webs onto his back and slammed him into the ground. I have been holding back though. Don't want him to tap out too early without showing me anything.

"Is that all you got? I'm disappointed. Such a weakling..." I sighed, shaking my head like a father who found out his son didn't have the makings of a varsity athlete.

He shakenly got off the cracked road, barring his teeth as blood flowed down his mouth. He didn't stay idle for long and rushed for me again. Trying the same thing again? What a disappointment. Perhaps I should just end him...

Suddenly, just a few feet away from collision, he spit out a bunch of blood from his mouth towards my eyes. I easily stepped out of the way as he closed the distance. His right claw came in for an overhead slash, but it was a fake!

Instead, his leg came up and tried to kick me in the crotch! Without hesitation I immediately grabbed it, stopping it in it's destructive and child killing path.

"You little bastard." Contrary to what one might think, I wasn't angry. Well, maybe a little. However, I was very impressed! Shooting blood to cover my vision, kicking my crotch?

"Not bad, not bad at all. But let's see how you do against this." I slapped him in the chest with my other hand, watching as he skid across the road for two dozen meters, a large palm indent in his armor.

With a single thought, both of my arms quickly morphed into two large and black tendrils, spikes all across them. They weren't one tendril, but instead made of many.

These were my newly created Spiked Whips, far larger than Lily's thin ones. They were about as thick as a barrel, could lengthen at will, and could change shape.

I swung one of them towards his direction as he jumped to dodge it, a massive cracking sound in the air. When it landed on the road, the street was destroyed and created a ten foot deep pit. But while he was in mid-air, my other one came and smacked him in the side.

He spit out a pint of blood as he his armor shattered and he was sent flying. Before he landed, I sent both Whips into the ground and controlled them to move while underground. As soon as he landed, he looked my way and widened his eyes, before rolling to the side.

Just in time too, as my tendrils broke through the ground, the ends having a bladed tip. Unfortunately for him, he didn't get out unscathed. On the side of his torso, right on top of his ribs, a large open wound that bled could be seen.

Within just a second, I recalled them back as he struggled to stand. I bolted for him at my fastest speed as he tried to dodge, but his injuries slowed him down way too much.

I kicked him in the chest, hard. He flew all the way into a building and crashed into the wall, going straight through the other side as it collapsed on top of him.

"Go get him." I ordered Asura who nodded and went. My arms turned back to normal as he fished him out of the rubble. Shame he was too weak, barely got to try out my new weapons.

He brought the near-dead Hunter to me and made him kneel. His head was low, blood flowing out of every orifice. The regeneration he had was trying to fix him, but the accumulation of damage was way too high. It would probably take an hour at least to heal from all this.

"You-" I grabbed his head and made it look at me, my 'presence' worming it's way into his mind.

"Are mine now."

He gave little resistance and soon fell under my command. I liked this little Lone Wolf and his dirty fighting style.

"You three, carry his body with us." I commanded some strong common infected who obediently came over and lifted his hefty ass up.

With that done, we were soon on our way to the Docks. Along the journey, I made sure to grab and dominate any infected in our path. Most of them were Night Hunters, but that's definitely not a bad thing. By the time we arrived, our numbers had increased by another two hundred.

I've noticed the sharp increase in the amount of Night Hunters tonight, which was good for me. Perhaps they're getting ready for tommorow or something? Anyway, I left them outside the walls in a secluded spot and made my way inside.

The people here were still hard at work as the rain poured down from the sky. This is practically biblical weather, some Noah's Ark stuff. And according to Crazy Seven, it'll only get worse.

I immediately booked it home and noticed something was wrong. Lily I could sense inside, but there was no Alice. Before I even touched the handle, the door flung open. There, a downcast Lily could be seen.

"What's wrong? Where's Alice?" I walked up to her and hugged her, as she did the same. Her arms were a little shaky.

Her gorgeous green emeralds, slightly red and puffy from crying, looked up at me. A bad feeling crept up my stomach and grabbed my heart, trying to squeeze it to death. Her words struck me like lightning, freezing me in place.

"She… hasn't been back yet."