Chapter 56: Beginning of the End (Finale)

"This place is spooky as fuck. Only a psycho lunatic would live here..." Alice said as she held Lily's arm tightly. Her head constantly moved from side to side, as if on the lookout for a ghost to suddenly appear.

"What was that?!" She shrieked, shivering as if in the middle of winter. Her arm tightened around Lily's, sticking closer and almost trying to meld with her. 

The big sister shook her head with a smile as she watched this. It was just like when they were in Doopyland. Alice barely got halfway into the haunted house before bawling her eyes out and begging her to go leave.

"Calm down, there's nothing there. Big bad killer like you is scared of the dark? What would Jason say if he saw this? And ease up a little would you? Trying to rip my arm off." Alice scrunched her nose and frowned, scoffing as she used her other hand to flip her hair.

"I'm not scared! This is called precaution and awareness!"

"Uh-huh, sure. Whatever you say."

Currently, the group chasing after Jason had already gone down the elevator shaft and were walking through Scarface's hallway. The horde was left up top and only Athena, Asura, Lily, Alice, and Trixie had come down.

At first, Alice wanted to leave Trixie up there as well, but the little worker bee clamored in her own way to come with. So, Alice relented and carried her as she couldn't slide down herself. As for Asura, although he lacked claws, he impaled some of his back spikes into the wall.

"Hm? What's that up ahead?" Athena, having the best eyesight, was the first to see the fire still raging. It had spread farther than before and threatened to take down the entire facility if left alone.

They quickly went ahead and managed to clear out the flames. All it took was a single punch from Athena to create a blast of wind so powerful, 80% of the fire was extinguished instantly. Once gone, they we able to see the charred carcasses of humans.

Barely any were still left, the others already turned to ash a while ago. Lily looked around before speaking up.

"I wonder what happened here…" Alice shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. Meanwhile, Athena sneakily took a burnt torso and gobbled it up like a snack.

"Only one who knows is probably Jason. Though-" She peered into the room where the captives had been and thought for a few moments.

"I'd say an explosion took place here based on the look of things. Although, that's just a guess." She continued walking forwards as the others followed.

"This isn't important. We should be close to Jason by now. Let's hurry it up." At her words, they charged through the hallway as fast as possible.

Suddenly, both sisters exclaimed at the same time. Their voices were filled with excitement and joy.

"I feel him!" "There!"

Emboldened by this, their speed increased nearly twice fold. Soon, they came upon the scene of Jason and Scarface in the midst of battle. Lily and Alice were shocked at the level they fought at. Although they knew they weren't as strong as Jason, they believed they could at least help.

But by the looks of it, they would get slaughtered in a couple seconds if they tried to interfere. While they fretted and worried for Jason's safety, as did Asura and Trixie, Athena looked at him with strange eyes.

'What… is this feeling?' It was a little similar to what she felt from Alice. However, that was only some curiosity. This was much different.

As soon as she laid eyes on him, the only thought that went through her mind, was that the being in front of her was perfect. In every single way imaginable. It certainly wasn't a bad feeling, that much she was sure of. Becoming interested in him, she watched their battle closely.

"Kick his ass Jason!"

"Come on! Rip his heart out!" The sisters held each other's hands as they watched with worry, cheering him on silently. They kept their voices low as not to distract him.

'Hm, not bad…' After observing for a little bit, Athena came to the conclusion that Jason had a knack for fighting. Despite being physically weaker than Scarface, he held his own and even pushed him back at times. 

Even though his armor split open, and his blood flowed endlessly through the many wounds, he still got up and fought with all his might. She felt a small degree of respect grow inside her upon seeing this. At the same time, a part of her wished he was stronger, so they could fight to their heart's content.

Eventually, after some close calls and near misses, Jason finally triumphed over his opponent, cutting off all their limbs.

"Are you ready for your punishment? You potato fucker?!"Lily and Alice immediately snorted at his words, giggling lightly.

The tension in their bodies faded away as they heaved a silent sigh of relief. If Jason had lost, they would have immediately ran towards their death with no hesitation.

Jason, who was standing on Scarface's chest, heard a sound and snapped his head towards the origin. His eyes widened seeing the familiar faces, especially when seeing a certain one. The spikes on his armor suddenly vanished out of nowhere as he flashed towards them.

"Alice!" Surprised at his sheer speed, the lady soon found herself in a tight hug. Alice smiled warmly and returned the hug by wrapping her arms around him, rubbing his armored back with her hand. His warmth brought her comfort and security.

Jason kissed her gently on the lips and pulled her closer, as if he never wanted to separate from her again. Suddenly, Alice coughed and placed her hands on his chest, trying to push him away.

"Too tight! Too tight! Release me you stinky gorilla! And you're getting my clothes all bloody you dumbass!" Jason chuckled, but his arms only tightened further as he whispered into her ear.

"I never want to let you go, ever again." There was a certain possessiveness in his tone that made her shiver in ecstasy.

"Ahem!" Lily cleared her throat, getting their attention. Her arms were crossed, a bad look to her face as she tapped her foot on the ground. The two love birds separated as the older sister walked up to him.

Without saying a word, she grabbed him by the back of the head and roughly brought him into a sloppy kiss. Jason was surprised, his eyes wide as her tongue completely dominated his at the lack of defense. Satisfied, Lily broke the kiss and grinned at him.

"That's better, asshole." A question mark appeared above Jason's head, not understanding her anger. But that was for later. As of now, he was worried about Alice and what happened to her.

"Asura, go keep that fucker on ice. Make sure he doesn't heal up." His minion bowed his heads and walked towards Scarface who tried rolling away comically.

"Alice, where have you been? What happened to you?"

Alice scratched her head a little and explained her trip to the clothing store, battle with the Predator, which made Jason give her a thumbs up at the name, and being kidnapped after killing it. She had left out the humans as their deaths were so insignificant, she had forgotten all about them.

"But then we got to talking and before I knew it, we became friends." She looked at Athena and smiled, making the brutal Alpha's cold heart beat a little warmer. Watching this, Jason realized she wasn't joking or faking it, making his previous murderous anger dissipate.

"Athena huh?" Jason walked up to her, no fear present in him at all despite being far weaker than her. Athena's respect for him grew a little more seeing how calm he was.

His eyes scanned her form, scrutinizing her before opening his mouth.

"You're a right bastard you know that? A piece of shit." The three ladies all widened their eyes at his boldness, while Trixie off to the side clapped her hands excitedly.

"Jason!" Lily smacked him upside the head, but that only made her feel pain.

"Bone headed asshole..." She muttered to herself as she blew on her red hand.

"Excuse me?" Athena's voice was cold and threatening. Yet, Jason didn't care at all.

"But, seeing how much Alice seems to like you, I forgive you. You're not too shabby." Saying that, he turned around and left, stunning Athena.

'I am… confused." At first he was extremely angry and even let out some killing intent. But then it all shifted and he suddenly became normal. For a moment, she thought he was insane.

Suddenly, she felt a pat on her leg and looked down to see Alice.

"Don't worry, he's always like that. A little..." Alice trailed off and pursed her lips before continuing.

"Goofy? Weird?"

Lily interjected out of nowhere, chuckling as she spoke.

"Batshit insane? Fucked in the head? Out of his mind?" 

Meanwhile, Jason had already arrived next to the angry Scarface. He had tried getting away, but the three headed bastard stopped him. If only he was at full strength, he could have killed the insolent asshole.

When seeing Jason however, his face went from anger to emotionless. He wouldn't give the Cockroach the satisfaction of his despair.

"Time to get started huh? Forgive me for making you wait so long, valued customer." Jason's voice was mocking as one of his cords, dripping with poison, struck Scarface in an open wound. Learning to do this after getting tips from Asura wasn't difficult at all.

The poison quickly spread throughout Scarface's body, slowing his regeneration. However, there was no numbing sensation that he felt before, which would have dulled his pain a little.

Jason climbed on top of his chest, placing both of his claws on top of his head. His fingers turned into little tendrils that burrowed into Scarface's brain. Before using his torture technique on him, he wanted to study an Alpha's brain for a bit.

"Jiminy Christmas!" His brain was far more advanced than anything he had ever come into contact with. It wasn't even a competition. There was also something Jason found that seemed very similar to his own Domination Aura, as he started to call it.

However, the problem was that it seemed to be a sort of… inferior version of his own. It was much more simple and basic. Though this did give him hope of his plan to increase the number of forces he had. Which was to basically implant a portion of his Aura into his subordinates, like Asura, so they can expand his numbers for him.

'A God shouldn't have to gather worshippers himself after all.'

Besides all that, he didn't even bother trying to brainwash him. The level of complexity his brain possessed was far beyond his abilities. It was like the most elaborate maze he had ever seen.

'Not that I want to do that.' Jason grinned sadistically and activated his technique.

Suddenly, Scarface screamed out in absolute agony, his eyes bloodshot and bulging out. He had no idea what was happening, or what the Cockroach did, but he didn't care. Pain suddenly erupted from every corner of his body, making him suffer even more than his evolution.

Even the lightest touch from the sand beneath him or across the surface of his body, or that of the bastard standing on top of him brought him pain. The poison rampaging through his insides in particular made him want to die.

"Success!" Jason released Scarface's head and stood up, a proud smile on his face.

"Success? What did you do to him?" Lily came over and asked, shock written on her face. The others were no different. When they saw Scarface suddenly scream like he was getting raped, they rushed over with interest.

"I've made his brain believe that his entire body, inside and out, is suffering from a metric ton of damage. Besides that, I've seen fit to heighten his pain sensitivity to as high as it can go." Hearing his words, the ones there felt a chill go down their spines, besides Athena.

She stared at him with admiration for his technique, silently noting down to ask for it later. However, she had to pay close attention to see if his torturing abilities were up to her standard.

"Now-" Jason grabbed Scarface's head, making him look into his black eyes. By now, Scarface had closed his mouth and suffered silently. He wasn't going to allow himself to become some rat for these bastard's entertainment and pleasure.

"Shall we begin?" Without waiting for an answer, not that his victim could give one or else he would scream, Jason forced open his mouth and shot some webs to hold it in place.

He put one of his hands inside Scarface's mouth and chuckled when watching him try to bite. Jason grabbed onto one of his teeth and after a moment, ripped it out in one go.

Scarface's bloodshot eyes widened further as grunts and babbles came from his throat. Suddenly, he felt an armored palm caress his cheek.

"Don't worry! We still have over a hundred to go! Trixie! Go find a container or something to hold the teeth in." The dutiful midget saluted and ran off immediately.

As for Jason, he began ripping out every single tooth as slowly as possible, making his victim feel every iota of pain. When getting to the two dozen mark, he noticed the previous ones were starting to regrow. Thankfully, by this point, Trixie had arrived with a tray to hold all the teeth.

After a hundred pulls, Jason got bored and moved on to something else. From his wrist, several sharp bone spikes shot out and lodged themselves into the victim's skin. Within their hollow shells, yellow acid slowly poured out from the tiny hole at the tip, sizzling Scarface's meat and flesh.

Leaving them to continously deliver pain, Jason changed his right arm into a blade and split open Scarface's stomach. Because of his vitality, it would take a lot more than this to kill off Scarface.

Once opened sufficiently enough, Jason used his other hand to gently grab some of his organs and pulled them out slowly. Not able to hold it in anymore, Scarface finally wailed out in agony. If his willpower wasn't so great, he would have lost his mind to the pain he suffered.

"That's more like it." A dark smile appeared on Jason's face as he slurped up his intestines like spaghetti. His yellow acid dripped down like saliva and melted portions of Scarface's body.

"Can I join in?" Suddenly, Athena's voice sounded out, making Jason halt for a moment. He thought for a few moments before agreeing. It wasn't nice to starve others of their sadistic tendencies while he got to have all the fun.

'What am I? Some kind of monster?'

"Have at it. Just make sure you don't kill him." Athena grinned savagely and approached Scarface's crotch region.

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle." The momentary pause gave Scarface a bit of clarity. The familiar voice made his eyes look towards Athena's direction. Seeing her, they widened a bit.

'It's… her! The Alpha I saw torture those humans from before!' But he could no longer care about that as she effortlessly sliced through the armor protecting his genitals.

He could feel his genitals flop out into the wind. Knowing what she was about to do, he did not beg. His pride wouldn't allow such a thing.

Jason on the other hand watched with fascination as Athena, in a single swipe, cut off Scarface's future as a father.

"AHHH!" The victim couldn't hold it and screamed more than ever before. Jason used his bloody hand to cover his crotch, shivering a bit. Still, he couldn't help but praise her.

"Nice work!" He gave a thumbs up and continued working as Athena began 'exploring' his other parts.

Off to the side, Alice and Lily looked at each other.

"Shall we?"


Now there were three others who joined Jason in torturing Scarface, making him wish for death as they tore into his body. His regeneration, although slowed by the poison, kept him alive long enough to suffer more and more.


Several hours later, and Scarface finally uttered the magic words with a weak voice.

"P-Please. End it." He sounded so defeated and broken. His willpower had finally been shattered into pieces by the four torturers unending assault on his body.

Every singe piece of him had been cut off, melted with acid, or flayed. He couldn't take it any longer, wishing for everything to end. The strength and willpower he was so proud of, was ruthlessly stomped into paste.

"Huh. About time I'd say." Jason stopped peeling off his flesh and walked up to the side of his head.

If he were honest, he was shocked at how long this bastard lasted. The sheer level of agony he suffered wasn't something anyone could take without going completely insane. And yet, he did. Although he would never admit it, Jason agreed Scarface was better than him in this regard. Far better.

"As you wish." He didn't have any more words to say as he was pretty exhausted mentally. 

Bringing out his blade, he cleanly chopped off Scarface's head. He watched the life fade from his eyes, relief within them as the head rolled away. To him, Jason didn't feel the satisfaction he thought he'd receive. Instead, he felt almost empty inside.

"Aw! That's too bad. I was enjoying myself." Athena said, a slight pout on her face. Alice comforted her by patting her on the leg while Lily looked at her like she was a psychopath.

Jason picked up the head and looked at it for a few moments, before tossing it to Asura.

"Keep it safe. I'll be using it as a trophy from now on." The three heads all bowed at once as Jason's arms turned into tendrils and began consuming Scarface.

It took much longer to consume than other infected, nearly two minutes of time to full digest. Finally, after the last piece was absorbed, a change happened.

Jason suddenly stopped in place, closing his eyes as his body shook uncontrollably. His consciousness had already shut down, nothing more left inside him as countless tendrils exited his body in mass. They cleanly and swiftly surrounded him, beginning to form a massive 20ft cocoon.

At the same time, those tendrils shot out of his body at an insanely fast pace. Whenever it touched a living being, it went straight through them as they were rapidly consumed, visibly mummified to the naked eye in a short few seconds as the tendril stuck to the wall. Shocked, the others tried their best to dodge.

"Jason?!" Alice and Lily wanted to go forwards, but were blocked by Asura and Athena.

"What are you doing?! We need to help him!" Asura shook his heads, watching Jason be fully submerged inside the black and red cocoon. His eyes revealed worship and a gaze found only within cultists.

'Finally! It is time!' But he did not make his thoughts known.

"Master is transforming. This was the last catalyst needed for his evolution, to his truest self. Watch and wait, he will be fine." His words calmed them down, as Athena looked at him strangely.

She agreed that Jason needed to be left alone to evolve, but the way Asura spoke seemed odd to her.

'Strange. He seems almost, obsessed with Jason.' But she paid it no mind and only silently observed the cocoon. She was infinitely curious as to what was going to happen. 

Jason's torture techniques had impressed her. Many times he would come up with some new way to inflict even more pain onto Scarface, even peeling off his skin one layer at a time, then closing it all up and starting over again.

Meanwhile, inside the cocoon, Jason's body was undergoing massive changes. His armor had begun to lose the few gaps that still remained, becoming far more durable than before. Following his previous will, an armored mask covered his face, one that could be removed at any time.

His weapons all came out on their own, beginning to combine all their strengths together as his form became less and less human. If it kept going at this rate, he would no longer even resemble one, besides keeping a humanoid form.

He was curled up tightly and seemed to be asleep, no pain on his face. Unlike before, there was no mystery voice, as they were already in the process of being fully devoured.

However, despite disappearing forever, they were strangely at peace.