mother and daughter talk

Diana took her things and prepared to fly off but Hippolyta said," Diana, did he really consider forgiving me?", Diana looked at Hippolyta with burning eyes of rage and yelled," he just hoped he can find a little care in your gaze when you see him, he didn't ask to accept him to be your son or to be treated as prince in this hypocritical island, he just wanted a little care from you, and to look at him like a mother".

Hippolyta lowered her head in shame while Diana continued," I asked him and convinced him for years to visit themyscira and all the time he said one thing, Amazon's won't accept Damian no matter what, and his mother that is you won't look at him love or care, but with rage, fear, vengeance. he said he'll only be hurt and heart broken if he visit her, it took him months to came out of the trauma you caused him, I still remembered the nights where he begged in his sleep to stop torturing him or give him food".

Hippolyta has tears welled up in her eyes while Diana continued," all he asked is a speck of care from you even for moment, but turns out it's impossible to get and will never happen even in his wildest dreams, even yesterday he said he'll only be sad after his visit to this island , but I like a fool convinced him to join me to see this a heartless mother who doesn't care about her own son and the people who is more cruel than men on the land, even the men will consider a child before hurting them and shared some care or love, this island is just worse than tartarus where you can find care in the prisoners who look out for each other, and I'm sick of this, your right mother they don't deserve me but it's not men but Amazon's and you".

saying that Diana flew off with her things leaving Hippolyta who is just standing there with tears rolling down her eyes, she goes to the cell where she once trapped Damian and looked around she remembered if she ever looked at him with care or loved him atleast once, the answer is no she just tortured him and left him bleeding and starving here, while she enjoyed torturing him and his cries to stop and begs for food.

she dropped down there and cried loudly while outside Antiope also did the same when she heard the conversation between Diana and Hippolyta, she is also sad for what she has done to him.

while this is happening Damian who came back to the house looked at sky and thought," so my guess is true, she never loved me and just kept me to enjoy the torture while thinking about Hercules", tears rolled down his eyes, while he stood there watching the sky with a sad, hurt and disappointed look.

he just asked for a little care in her gaze but his mother refused and tried to kill him using the amazons, if it isn't for the kryptonian physique he would've died there, while he is thinking Diana also flew towards the home and hugged him while saying," it's all my fault, I shouldn't have build a false hope in you, I should've heard your words", Damian smiled as felt Diana's warmth and said," it doesn't matter anymore, I've someone who actually care for me and accept me, that is my sister".

Damian and Diana both looked at each other, and kissed on lips, then he took her into the bed room and they both enjoyed each other flesh, while Damian thought," I should've a talk with her atleast", but then remembered all the amazon warriors hitting him with spears and swords today to kill him and thought gain," or not", Diana and Damian enjoyed their night while Hippolyta is gazing at the sea and crying.

Antiope joined with her and tried to Console her but she just told Antiope to leave her alone sometime, Hippolyta looked at the starry sky and said," please give me one more chance Damian, I'll prove I'm not a heartless mother and make up for all the bad things I've done to you", she cried again looking at the starry sky, Antiope is also sad from this and she went to her own house leaving Hippolyta alone.

Damian who is enjoying Diana's warm body looked at the starry sky and felt someone called him but he shrugged it off and continued his time with Diana, he is kissing and cuddling her, while Diana is thinking," why does he have to go through all this? can't she accept her own child? just because of a face she tortured him for years and even tried to kill him today", Damian is kissing her all over body bringing her out if the thoughts, while she smiled at him and buried his face in her chest.