Diana shared system

damian looked at the long list and frowned while asking," my love I have so many abilities after I absorbed darkseid power, you can select which powers you want and there is a limit to no of abilities, so choose care fully", Diana nodded while Damian status appeared infront of her:


Damian Prince

abilities : absorb/copy, lightning manipulation, flight, Strom power, thunder manipulation,demi-god body, divine power blast, super human durability, speed, senses, strength, invisibility, phrasing,telekinesis, telepathy, heat vision, shape-shifting ,kryptonian physique, bio-electric aura, magic ,energy absorption, adaption, rebirth, energy blast,unlimited regeneration, soul attack resistance, reality attack resistance, space attacks resistance, time attack resistance,mind attacks resistance, physical attack nullification, reality manipulation, space manipulation ,time manipulation, mind manipulation,power absorption and manipulation, soul manipulation,force manipulation ,energy manipulation, demonic power resistance, divine power resistance, magic nullification, phasing, mind magic, illusion casting, object manipulation, possesion , seduction magic, enchanting magic, magic tendrills, magic regeneration, impact resistance, elemental resistance, speed force , technopath , advanced technomancy, aquatic life command and communication,knowledge absorption ,energy absorption, ecosystem manipulation, life manipulation, matter manipulation, boom tubes,emotion absorption, nightmare absorption, teleportation, immortality, omega beams, omega effect, matter manipulation, energy manipulation, invincibility,chaos, destruction, darkness , light divinities.

weapon : lightning bolt(soul bound), axe of Ares.



universal travel(unlocked).


coins : 11,980,000.


she is shocked by all those abilities and selected a few interesting ones and showed Damian her status after a few minutes:


Diana Prince

abilities : energy blast, love divinity, unyielding will, justice heart, superhuman strength, superhuman durability, superhuman speed,flight, lightning manipulation, storm power, time manipulation, time resistance, space manipulation, space resistance, soul manipulation, soul attack resistance, mind manipulation, mind attack resistance, energy absorption, reality manipulation, reality changing resistance, omega beams, omega effect, kryptonian physique, doomsday adaption, rebirth, seduction magic, shape shift ,immortality, telekinesis, telepathy, invisibility, chaos divinity, destruction divinity, light divinity, teleportation, speed force,absorb/copy.


Damian smiled she also became overpowered and can beat anyone in DC, since their powers are protected and they have a copy ability which will resist any changes thay can be invincible, and he smirked when he saw the seduction magic and Diana is embarrassed but she also smirked and kissed him while saying," forgot I'm in charge for a whole month brother, oh it's husband from now right", Damian smiled and nodded while Diana rode him on top and kissing him occasionally.

she then asked him to do as usual, carry her to the bath in a princess carry, wash her, comb her hair, after about an hour they both exited the room and smiled at each other and looked at the mess outside, they saw many maids still sleeping there and naked, while they hugged each other, Diana closed Damian's eyes and said," don't you dare open them until I told you to".

Damian nodded and she took him to the dining table and sighed then told him to open this eyes, they both saw Hippolyta who is looking at them with an interested look, Hippolyta said," hah, because of you two the whole island is a complete mess, and also congratulations for your marriage both of you, the maids still didn't wake up and are still hugging each other, aren't they?", they both nodded while Hippolyta asked again," and whose fault it is do you think? forgetting to lock the doors and even saying words like, I'll punish my naughty bunny, and Damian increase the pace".

Diana and Damian lowered their heads while Hippolyta laughed and said," well, now you both are the hot topic on themyscira from maids to generals, all of them are gossiping about your hot and thirsty night for each other", they lowered their heads while Diana has steam releasing from her head that looked like in anime.

Hippolyta smiled and said," it's fine, sit down, I'll call the maids to serve you", before Diana and Damian can say anything she clapped and called," maids, serve us food", but she forgot they all sleeping near Damian's and Diana's room naked, and upon hearing the command some of them woke up and rushed there but forgot they're still naked.

Diana who knew what will happen closed his eyes again and said," don't you dare open them for the next 10 minutes", Hippolyta is confused by this but she realised what mistake she did after a group of naked Amazon's come to the room and said," yes my queen", while Diana yelled," yes, my queen my ass, wear some clothes first dammit", they're all surprised by Diana's outburst then remembered the state they're in and screamed," kyaaaaah ", but saw Damian's eyes are closed by Diana and exited the room.

while Damian is laughing and said," my Diana is still the same boss lady like in museum", Diana is embarrassed while Hippolyta can't believe her eyes as she saw Diana's outburst for a second time after she left with Damian blaming the Amazon's and when she looked at how easily Damian made her embarrassed her eyes almost popped out.

Damian though closed his eyes grabbed her waist and pulled her into his lap, while saying," so my goddess, will you grant this poor husband soul of yours the honour to feed you", Damian asked her playfully even though his eyes aree closed. Diana blushed and said," your lady is ordering your poor soul to feed this goddess, mortal consider this your honour".

they both laughed at their statements even Hippolyta laughed at this and said," haaah, I can rest assured Damian will take good care of you Diana, and you'll also take care of him", they both nodded but Damian still closed his eyes like Diana said, and she smiled then kissed his eyes then said," your goddess commands you to open your eyes and look at me only mortal", he chuckled and opened his eyes then see the blushing Diana. he leaned for a kiss and said," this mortal is grateful and is offering his goddess a kiss on her lips", while saying he kissed her on lips for a few seconds and separated but Diana grabbed his cheeks and said," this goddess orders you to pay more offerings in form of kisses", they both kissed forgetting there is Hippolyta who is awkwardly looking at her two children doing romantic things forgetting she is infront of them.