Handsome Landlord

"Mr. Landlord! There's no water!"

The sound coming from downstairs was as miserable as if his father had died and his mother had remarried. It made Lao Yao, who was bathing upstairs shiver. He couldn't take the shower anymore. He put on a towel and cursed as he walked out of the bathroom. He grabbed a teacup beside the water dispenser.

He opened the door and saw that the guy standing downstairs seemed to want to continue shouting. Hence, without thinking, Lao Yao threw the teacup in his hand. "Scream my ass!"

"Aiya!" Lao Yao's technique was very accurate. The person downstairs who was shouting immediately fell for it. He naturally swallowed the scream that was about to come out of his mouth.

"Damn it! Why are you calling me even if there's no water? Do you think I'm from the water supply company?" Lao Yao walked downstairs and pointed at the guy. "If there's no water, pay the money! Won't there be water if you pay the money?"

The quarrel between the two of them had also drawn out the other tenants in the villa. Seeing that the tenant who had shouted that there was no water was being reprimanded like a grandson by Lao Yao, the tenants could not help but feel sad. Hence, one of the bolder tenants finally stood up and spoke up for him. "Landlord, isn't this a little inhumane? The monthly rent is already so high, and now the utility bills have to be calculated separately. This is not the rule at all!"

"That's right!"

"Nowadays, when renting a house, don't the utility bills count as part of the rent?"

Upon hearing someone's voice, the others followed suit.

Lao Yao glared at the tenants one by one. The fierce look in his eyes immediately made the tenants shut up. When everyone stopped talking, Lao Yao said, "The utility bills are included in the rent? Are you all fools? Did the advertisement for rent say that? Have you calculated how much water the swimming pool outside needs to change every day? Why didn't you think of how much I would have to spend a day when you were swimming inside?"

The tenants were also a little depressed. When they saw Lao Yao's villa being rented out to the public, more than half of them had actually come to enjoy the free private pool. Although the monthly rent of 5,000 yuan was indeed a little high, to be honest, this price was indeed very reasonable for such a luxurious villa in S City. Therefore, when they signed the contract with Lao Yao, they did not pay much attention to this.

However, what the tenants did not expect was that Lao Yao was really too smart. There were a total of thirteen rooms in the entire villa. Other than the one he was staying in, he had rented out the rest. The tenants who originally wanted to enjoy the private pool realized that they had no choice but to enjoy it with the other eleven tenants.

The private pool had become a public pool. The huge psychological difference naturally made them dissatisfied.

However, they were helpless. Lao Yao, as the landlord, was really too domineering. Putting aside his aggressive tone for the time being, just by looking at his strong body covered in wounds, no one could be strong in front of him.

This guy was definitely doing this on purpose! Although the tenants also understood it in their hearts, when they really faced Lao Yao's aggressive gaze, their unity had long been shattered.

Moreover, these tenants who could afford to rent Lao Yao's house were considered top-notch white-collar workers in S City. Although they usually received a high salary and looked arrogant in front of others, in the end, when facing someone stronger than them, they would immediately become submissive as if they were facing their superior…

Seeing that the quails on the ground had all lowered their heads and stopped talking, Lao Yao nodded in satisfaction and said, "Alright, don't bother me with such small matters in the future. If you want to rent, continue to rent. If you don't want to rent, leave!"

With that, Lao Yao turned around and prepared to return to his room. He had not finished showering.

Unexpectedly, after he said this, the tenant who had been hit on the head by his teacup could not help but explode. He jumped up in exasperation. "Damn it, I'm not renting anymore! Not only am I being bullied by the boss in the company, but I'm also being bullied by you here!"

These white-collar elites originally wanted to find a good environment to relax after work. Now that they could not relax, they naturally had the intention to leave.

Seeing that someone was taking the lead, the others quickly followed and said noisily, "That's right, we're not renting anymore!"

Seeing that they were arguing, Lao Yao was not angry. He slowly pulled a chair over and sat down. He took a cigarette from the coffee table and lit it up. He smiled and said, "Not renting? Of course. Then let's do things according to the contract. Back then, it was clearly written that the party who broke the contract had to pay three months of rent as compensation!"

The tenants looked at each other. It was indeed written in the contract. When they signed the contract, they had also paid a three-month deposit. However, they had only stayed for less than a month. If they were to break the contract and leave now, it meant that they would not be able to get back the three-month deposit.

Just as they were hesitating, the tenant who had been hit by a teacup jumped out again. "I don't need it anymore! I'm not willing to stay here and suffer for this ten thousand yuan!"

With that, he walked towards his room and prepared to pack his luggage and leave.

Everyone followed blindly. Seeing that someone was taking the lead, the rest of the people made up their minds to leave. The ten thousand yuan would be wasted. Although the housing prices in S City were very expensive, who said that they couldn't find the same leisure villa? Why should they stay and be angry with this powerful landlord for a little money?

In just over an hour, the twelve tenants in the villa had all left.

When they were all gone, Lao Yao immediately revealed a smug smile. Hehe, he had earned it again. This was equivalent to 15,000 yuan a month in rent. From the twelve tenants, he had earned more than 100,000 yuan this one time. At least for half a year, he would no longer have to worry about the maintenance of the villa.

Lao Yao hummed a song that even he did not understand. He sauntered back to his room, put on his Internet access helmet, and connected to the Internet. After that, he left another advertisement for rent on a property website in S City.

"There's a seaside villa in the eastern suburbs of S City. It's fully renovated and has a beautiful environment. There are 12 existing rooms, each with its own bathroom and toilet. I'm looking for 12 tenants. The tenants must have a good quality, and know how to take care of the environment and facilities. Rent is negotiable. Call XXX-XXXXX."

After putting up the rental information, Lao Yao took off his helmet, put on his clothes, and went downstairs to the kitchen to get busy.

A moment later, Lao Yao walked out with a bowl of instant noodles. As he ate, he muttered to himself with tears streaming down his face, "F*ck, when will the days of eating instant noodles end? Should I find a landlady for this villa?"

Before he could finish his noodles, his phone suddenly rang. Lao Yao, who had been interrupted from eating, took out his phone and asked unhappily, "Hello, who is this?"

In the video call, a beautiful girl seemed to be shocked by Lao Yao's tone. After being stunned for a while, she asked, "Hello, sir. May I ask if the rental of the villa was posted by you on XX website?"

Lao Yao was amused. It hadn't been long since he put it up, but business had already come knocking on his door. Moreover, it was such a beautiful woman. Hence, he nodded and said, "Yes, I put up the rental information."

"Um, I want to ask, you said in the message that there are twelve rooms. How many are left?" the beautiful woman asked.

"None of them have been rented out!" Lao Yao pursed his lips and said, "Didn't you see that I just posted it?"

"That's great!" The beauty immediately beamed with joy. "There are exactly twelve of us here. If it's convenient for you, we want to come over and take a look at the house first. Is that okay?"

Lao Yao was stunned. "Twelve people?" Alright, all of them are here…

After the two of them finished discussing, Lao Yao put down the phone and rubbed his chin as he pondered, "Twelve people? Damn it, could it be that half of them are men and half are women? Could it be that my place is going to become a couple's hotel?"

It was no wonder that Lao Yao had misunderstood. There were a few famous universities in S City. Those university couples would often find a rented house to spend time with each other. If their families were slightly rich, it was reasonable for them to rent an elegant villa like Lao Yao's.

Thinking of this, Lao Yao suddenly stood up. "No, if that's the case, I might break down first if I listen to their sounds all day long. I have to use the old method!"

Therefore, Lao Yao went upstairs and took out the contract that he had signed with the other tenants from his room. He chuckled sinisterly and said, "I can kill fat sheep again!"

However, an hour later, when Lao Yao received his future tenants at the entrance of the villa, he was completely dumbfounded.

It was true that there were 12 people, but unlike what Lao Yao had imagined, these 12 people were not university couples.

None of the 12 beauties were men!

"Look, look! What a huge swimming pool!"

"The garden is so beautiful too! I've never seen so many flowers before! Ah! There's actually a fountain?"

After the group of girls entered, their eyes immediately lit up as they began to evaluate the environment of the villa. It could be seen that they were very satisfied with Lao Yao's villa.

After Lao Yao walked out and stood in front of them, the group of girls were not so impudent. Among them, there was a petite girl who hid beside her companion and looked at Lao Yao in fear.

To these charming girls, Lao Yao's figure was indeed a little too huge…

Among the group of girls, the beauty standing at the front was the one who had talked to Lao Yao. However, when she saw Lao Yao, she was obviously stunned. After all, only Lao Yao's face could be seen in the video, but his figure could not be seen.

"Hello! Are you the owner of this villa?" The beauty asked carefully.