Competing with the System (1)

As soon as he entered the game, Lao Yao felt a chill run down his spine. He lowered his head and realized that he was only wearing a pair of underpants.

Lao Yao was fine, but he heard the desperate cries of countless men around him. "Heavens, why is the difference in treatment so big?! Do you want me to live?!"

At a glance, the male characters were all wearing underpants. When the female characters entered the game, they were wearing a set of white clothes that covered their bodies tightly.

Originally, seeing that they were only wearing a pair of underpants and dreaming that the female characters would also dress up like them, the lewd men who were waiting to feast their eyes were finally disappointed…

Lao Yao shook his head in amusement and ignored them. He opened his backpack according to the novice's help and took out the novice weapon given by the system, a pair of old daggers.

The so-called novice village was like an independent dungeon. Players around the world were divided according to their territories and then randomly distributed to the same novice village dungeons one after another, so that there weren't too many people and they couldn't level up.

Lao Yao checked. After adding Yang Yongle as a friend, he sent her an email asking about the location of the newbie village she was in.

Soon, Yang Yongle replied. The novice village she was in was numbered 005718. According to the results of her inquiries, Lao Yao was basically alone in his novice village and could not meet up with the other girls.

"You can level up by yourself first. When you reach Level 15, we'll meet in the main city." Yang Yongle said.

Fine, I'll be alone again! Lao Yao shrugged.

At this moment, the first batch of people who came online could not wait to run outside the novice village and start killing monsters. White lights continued to appear in the novice village, indicating that newbies were still entering.

Although the novice village was not too crowded after the distribution, there were probably more than a thousand people. This could be said to be the first time Lao Yao had seen so many people in a long time.

According to the online game guides on the Internet, Lao Yao first ran around the novice village to familiarize himself with the location of the NPCs in the novice village. After accepting a few missions to kill monsters, he walked out of the novice village and prepared to kill monsters to level up.

The lowest-level monsters outside the novice village were the wild dogs. However, at this moment, the originally small place was already filled with players who came to kill monsters and level up. Although they were still unfamiliar with the new operating method of virtual reality, basically every monster that respawned would be surrounded and beaten to death by a group of players. Therefore, for the time being, he could not see how the new operating system would affect players.

Although he was already mentally prepared for the number of people, he was still shocked by the dense crowd. He had never been used to moving in numbers.

Frowning, Lao Yao opened his character stats.

Character: Lao Yao

Level: 1

Race: Shadow Race

Profession: Assassin

Strength: 20

Agility: 30

Intelligence: 20

Damage: 16~32 (Equipment: Old Dagger. Adds 1~2 Attack)

Physical Defense: 3

Magic Defense: 2

Attack Power: 1.2

Critical Strike Rate: 5%

Critical Strike Damage: 200%

Lao Yao silently calculated in his heart. It seemed that the Attack Damage of the Assassin class was related to Agility. He had 30 points of Agility, so the upper limit of his Attack was 30. The lower limit should be divided by 2, which was 15. Coupled with the Attack Power of the Novice Daggers, it was exactly 16 to 32.

Physical defense and magic defense seemed to be divided by 10 based on agility and intelligence respectively. However, this was not certain. He had to verify it.

He could understand the Critical Strike Rate and Critical Strike Damage, but the Attack Power made Lao Yao scratch his head. He couldn't figure out what was going on, so he could only go to the forum to take a look after going offline.

Lao Yao tried to check on the lowest level Wild Dog and found that the Level 1 Wild Dog only had 100 HP. The players surrounding the wild dog could only deal about 15 to 20 damage.

This made Lao Yao suddenly understand that his attack was indeed very high.

After deducting the wild dog's defense, Lao Yao's attack power of 16 to 32 was more than 10 points higher than these players. Moreover, once a Critical Strike appeared, it would be even more impressive.

Thinking of this, Lao Yao knew what he had to do just now. Therefore, he bypassed the crowd and walked further out of the novice village, wanting to kill stronger monsters.

Not long after, Lao Yao arrived at the respawn point of the Level 2 Wild Boars. The Wild Boar had 300 HP. Although its defense could not be seen, it was probably stronger than the Wild Dog, right? Moreover, although there were players farming monsters here, there were only a few teams. Compared to the sea of people at the Wild Dog respawn point, it was indeed much easier.

"Let's give it a try here first!" Lao Yao thought for a moment and pulled out the daggers at his waist.

However, what happened next interrupted Lao Yao's thoughts of leveling up.

According to the system's default, there were two ways for Assassins to hold their weapons. One was to hold their weapons with both hands forward, and the other was both hands backward. Alright, the problem was that Lao Yao's grip on the two daggers had always been left-hand forward and right-handed backward…

Back in the Siberian training camp, close combat had always been part of mercenary training. Moreover, this kind of training was all real swords and guns. Relying on a dagger, you have to survive the battle against your opponent.

Lao Yao was no exception. During those three years of training, he slowly figured out a set of close combat techniques that were most suitable for him. He used two daggers. The one he held forward could be used to stab, pick, or disrupt his opponent's vision. The one he held in reverse could be used to slash, cut, and slit his opponent's throat more easily. As a result, his combat techniques became more varied.

Relying on this relatively unique combat method, Lao Yao survived. This combat method was also deeply engraved in Lao Yao's bones after countless battles with the Grim Reaper. It could not be changed.

If the Assassin class's weapon was one dagger, it would be fine. However, it was a double-edged weapon. This caused Lao Yao to subconsciously hold the dagger in his left hand forward and the one in his right hand in reverse the moment he picked up his weapons. It was completely different from the system's settings.

Therefore, the system program made a judgment in an instant and changed Lao Yao's grip method to a two-handed forward grip.

Humans all had habits. It was like a person who often dug their noses and casually flicked what they dug out. Once they had formed a habit, if you wanted them to dig their noses and leave the stuff on their fingers without flicking it, you would definitely make them wish they were dead…

Although this description was very disgusting, this was how Lao Yao felt at this moment. After the dagger's grip was adjusted by the system, his entire body revealed that something was wrong. Hence, Lao Yao adjusted the daggers again.

Alright, the system thought. Since you don't like to hold them forward, you should hold them backward, right? Thus, the daggers in Lao Yao's hand turned both backward.

"F*ck you!" Lao Yao finally couldn't take it anymore. Are you f*cking going against me?! You always have to adjust them automatically. Alright! If you want to adjust, I'll let you adjust!

As a result, Lao Yao's plan to level up was completely interrupted. He started to compete with the system. As long as the system changed his grip, the Lao Yao would immediately change it back. The system would adjust it again, and he would change it again. In short, if he didn't get his usual grip, the Lao Yao would rather not level up.

If he didn't have freedom, he would rather die! This was the most appropriate way to describe Lao Yao's stubbornness at this moment.

Just like that, Lao Yao continued to compete with the system. The dagger in his hand flipped around, causing a few players who passed by him to stop curiously, wanting to see what was going on.

Lao Yao was currently in a bad mood. If a person who was used to peeing while standing was forced to squat down, he would also be unhappy. Hence, Lao Yao glared at those players and said angrily, "What are you watching?! Get lost!"

When some players saw Lao Yao's fiendish appearance, they shrunk their heads and slipped away. Some players who were indignant could not help but curse after leaving, "Are you stupid to compete with the system?"

Lao Yao was too lazy to care about that. He focused on adjusting the daggers in his hand. Unknowingly, there were more and more players around the Level 2 Wild Boar spawn point. When Lao Yao realized that a long time had passed, even if Lao Yao wanted to admit that he had been raped by the system and continued leveling, it was impossible. There was no place for Lao Yao to kill monsters in peace.

"F*ck, I really don't believe it!" Lao Yao gritted his teeth and cursed. He once again threw himself into fighting with the system.

Just like that, even when the helmet reminded him that someone was knocking on the door and forced him to go offline, Lao Yao was still unable to kill even a single monster…