Conjecture of Freedom (2)

Lao Yao's conjecture about "freedom" came to a conclusion through this practice.

Although the damage did not increase, being able to combine the skills that originally required two consecutive attacks into one was a considerable improvement for Lao Yao.

What did that mean?

From one perspective, it could make continuous skills that might have been very gorgeous become simpler, faster, and more lethal! This was returning to the true essence of battle.

On the other hand, since he could simplify the operation, he could also complicate it. For example, he could separate a skill and only attack when he needed to attack the most, making the battle more diverse!

The Free Mode had a deeper explanation in Lao Yao's hands.

With this in mind, Lao Yao could not help but laugh wildly after taking down the Wild Wolf with a few more slashes.

The party of players who had been watching the entire battle could not help but whisper, "Boss! Look at that guy. From the beginning to the end, that Wild Wolf did not even touch him! And his attack is so high!"

Wild Wolves with 1,000 HP were not difficult to defeat. However, not everyone could deal with them cleanly like Lao Yao. Just like this player party in front of them, they had four people in their team, two Warriors, an Assassin, and a Mage. They also needed to form a party to level up efficiently. In their eyes, a lone traveler like Lao Yao was simply an unbelievable existence.

The leader of the player team seemed to have gained some inspiration from his previous contemplation. After hearing his teammates' words, he said very "deeply", "It seems that we have encountered a legendary expert!"


"That's right!" The boss nodded solemnly. "Isn't that how it's written in novels? Killing a person in ten steps and not leaving a trace in a thousand miles! Isn't this person in front of you?"

"No way! I think it would take him more than a minute to kill a Wild Wolf!" The Assassin who had just revived in the party interrupted, "Isn't it too exaggerated to say that he could kill a person in ten steps?"

"Get lost! What the hell do you know!" The boss finally managed to quote something, but he was still mocked by the Assassin. He flew into a rage out of humiliation and scolded, "You're both Assassins, but look at how he's doing! You go fight a Wild Wolf alone. Learn how to dodge the attacks of the monsters like him!"

The Assassin immediately felt resentful…

Lao Yao did not pay much attention to the guesses of others. His attention was already focused on killing monsters to level up.

"That little girl Ning Jing, just you wait. How dare you laugh at me!" Lao Yao gritted his teeth and vented his fury on the Wild Wolf. "How dare you call me uncle!"

A Level 1 character had killed a Level 5 monster above his level. Naturally, the experience he gained was much higher. After the fourth Wild Wolf fell, a circle of golden magic array suddenly appeared under Lao Yao's feet. A pillar of light shot into the sky from it. He had leveled up!

Lao Yao looked at his character attributes and realized that after leveling up, his strength and intelligence had increased by one point each, while his agility had increased by two points. In addition, he had also obtained 10 free attribute points.

It seemed that when he chose his race, the system said that the Shadow Race had a bonus in Agility. This should be what it meant! Lao Yao added all 10 free attribute points to Agility. His Agility became 42, and his high and low Attack increased by 12 and 6 points, becoming 22 to 44.

His physical defense had also increased by 1 point. From the looks of it, the Assassin profession should gain 1 point of physical defense for every 10 points of agility.

The wolf corpse that fell at Lao Yao's feet glowed slightly. Something must have fallen, so Lao Yao began to loot the corpse…

Complete wolf skin.

As for the wolf skin, Lao Yao happened to need it for a quest he received, so he put it away. As for the low-level monster-killing quests he received when he left the novice village, the Lao Yao was too lazy to go back and kill those low-level monsters due to the stimulation of the high experience points. He simply gave up and focused on killing the Wild Wolves.

Perhaps it was because of the monster-slaying performance just now, but when Lao Yao faced the Wild Wolves again, no one came to fight with him for the monsters. The nearby players consciously distanced themselves from Lao Yao's monster-slaying area. There were even a few groups of people who tried to pull Lao Yao into their party, but Lao Yao rejected them.

He wanted to experience the free mode by constantly killing monsters, so he naturally wouldn't form a team with others. Only when he faced monsters alone could he focus. If he formed a team with others, his teammates would occasionally slash the enemy from the side. Not only would it disrupt his vision, but it would also disturb his battle rhythm.

As usual, practice was the only criterion to test the truth. As Lao Yao continued to kill monsters, more and more interesting situations appeared.

That was when Lao Yao was killing the fifth Wild Wolf, the Wild Wolf was provoked by Lao Yao. Not only could it not hit him, but it also lost more than half of its HP. At this moment, Lao Yao had also accumulated three combo points. Without thinking, he directly used his simplified ultimate skill: Obliteration!

However, after this slash, Lao Yao only felt a scorching white light flash past his eyes, and the scene in his vision seemed to tremble.


A huge golden number filled with shock floated above the wolf's head. The wolf, which originally needed a few more slashes to die, let out a wail and fell to the ground…

No matter how stupid Lao Yao was, he understood one thing: a Critical Strike!

The abnormally strong impact coming from the Wild Wolf made Lao Yao tremble in pleasure. The design of Critical Strike damage in this game simply made one unable to stop.

Not only did the high Critical Strike damage make him feel a sense of accomplishment, but even the state of the first Critical Strike also gave him a unique experience that he had never tasted before. As a result, after the Wild Wolf fell, Lao Yao forgot to reach out to loot the corpse. Instead, he stood on the spot in a daze and kept recalling the moment of impact just now…

Lao Yao was not the only one who was stunned. There were also a few players who had been secretly paying attention to Lao Yao. When they saw the golden number floating above the Wild Wolf's head, everyone was dumbfounded.

Why was the damage so high!?

The surrounding players were basically players around Level 4 to 5. Even if they knew that the Assassin's attack was very high, it was definitely impossible for it to be so ridiculous!?

278 Critical Strike damage. In other words, under normal circumstances, Lao Yao's damage to the Wild Wolves should be more than 130! What a terrifying number! It had to be known that even if the surrounding players used their strongest skills, the damage they could deal to the Wild Wolves would at most be between 70 to 80!

This made them constantly wonder what level our Lao Yao was at…

In fact, although the Lao Yao's damage value was terrifying, it was actually only the combination of the damages of the two attacks of the Ultimate Skill. It was not as unbelievable as the players thought. In terms of normal damage, the Lao Yao was indeed very high, but it was not much higher than them.

At this moment, Lao Yao did not realize that the surrounding players had stopped leveling because of him. He was immersed in a crazy thought.

He wondered… if Critical Strike could be controlled?!