In Debt

Although he could take down the Wolf King with the Forehand Sword, Lao Yao still felt a little regretful that he could not use the Backhand Sword to cause higher damage. Deep down, he still preferred to end the battle in a gorgeous manner.

At this moment, Lao Yao saw the other Warrior players around him.

His eyes lit up and he shouted to the surrounding players, "Everyone, help me! Warriors, use Shield Bash one by one! We'll split the equipment dropped by the boss!"

Lao Yao's words stunned all the players. There was such a good thing? Was it true?

After all, Lao Yao was not an experienced online gamer. He did not know much about the hidden rules. For things like fighting a Boss, most people usually did not want others to interfere because if others interfered, it would mean that snatching monsters and PK might happen. This was the reason why many people occupied the monster. When he shouted this sentence, it was simply an unbelievable thing for other players.

The surrounding players could also tell that even without their help, Lao Yao alone would be able to grind the Wolf King to death. The only difference was the length of time. After all, the combined damage of a group of people was not as much as Lao Yao's. There was no way to PK in the novice village, so there was naturally no need to consider killing people and snatching treasures. Therefore, just now, some players had already retreated. Without enough damage output, even if they attacked, it would be a waste of effort. In the end, it was equivalent to helping others kill monsters for free.

However, after hearing Lao Yao's words, the group of players immediately stopped in their tracks and looked at each other. Finally, a player asked, "Is it true? Are you really willing to share the equipment?"

"Of course! If I say it's true, it's true!" Seeing that others didn't believe him, Lao Yao was a little unhappy and couldn't help but curse.

His vulgar tone was quite convincing. The surrounding players immediately chose to believe him. A Warrior volunteered and said, "I'll go first!" Then, he hit the Wolf King with his shield.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Wolf King had fainted, Lao Yao swung his Backhand Sword. "Critical Strike! -152!"

"I'll take it!" Another Warrior jumped out.

"I'm third!" "I'm fourth!" "I'm fifth…"

One by one, the Warrior players continuously stunned the Wolf King with Shield Bashes. Although each attack only lasted for a short second, Lao Yao was able to seize the opportunity and decisively attack, causing high damage again and again.

Bed 1, who was at the side, was rather anxious. However, he did not dare to refute Lao Yao's suggestion. In his opinion, experts always had some temper. If he said something that he shouldn't have and Lao Yao left the team unhappily, he wouldn't even be able to get any benefits.

Moreover, there were so many players here helping Lao Yao. Was there a need to be afraid that he would not be able to find a team? Most likely, as long as Lao Yao said something, all the teams present would submit a team application to him…

Since there was no way to dissuade him, it was better to help obediently!

Hence, in the battlefield of the Elite Wolf King, an unbelievable scene appeared. A group of players who did not know each other actually cooperated spontaneously. The Warrior players went forward one after another to use Shield Bash. When they ran out of Rage, they would turn around and fight the surrounding Wild Wolves. As long as their Rage was high enough, some would immediately run back. As for the Wild Wolves that had not been killed by them, other players would take over and kill them, preventing the monsters from chasing after them.

Although their coordination was still a little rusty, it had already become a spontaneous act…

Finally, after half an hour of fighting, the Wolf King's 20,000 HP, which looked like a lot, was forcefully depleted by Lao Yao with the cooperation of the players. After letting out a heaven-shaking wail, it fell to the ground with a bang…

In this short half an hour, the average critical hit rate was more than 70%! This made Lao Yao let out a low roar from his throat. This kind of satisfying battle was what he desired!

The surrounding players looked at Lao Yao, who was still reminiscing about the previous battle, in awe. If he didn't say anything, no one would. The series of extremely high critical damage had already made them realize that an impressive figure had appeared in the novice village they were in…

Looking at the Elite Wolf King's corpse that was emitting a faint glow lying on the ground, Lao Yao knew that it was a signal that items had appeared.

After working hard for so long, he didn't know what he could obtain. Hence, Lao Yao bent down and started to search the corpse.

What Lao Yao didn't know was that his actions had crossed the line. Usually, in teams, regardless of whether it was clearing dungeons, killing wild monsters, looting corpses, or obtaining equipment, there would be special candidates to do it. This person was usually recognized as having better luck, commonly known as the "Red Hand". Many teams used this method to ensure that the spoils of war wouldn't be too bad.

However, the surrounding players did not have any objections to Lao Yao's actions. This Wolf King was almost killed by Lao Yao alone. If he did not have the right to loot the corpse, who else would?

Fortunately, Lao Yao's luck wasn't too bad today. After looting the corpse, he finally understood why players were so passionate about fighting Bosses.

There were a total of eight items!

Besides 12 silver coins and a production material "Sharp Wolf Fang", the other six items were all equipment!

After Lao Yao displayed all his equipment, the surrounding players gasped!

Blue equipment! Blue equipment dropped in the novice village!

Among the six pieces of equipment, the best was the blue dagger. The rest were only green equipment. Green equipment wasn't enough to surprise the players. After all, they could get one or two pieces of such equipment from the novice quests. However, the blue dagger surprised the players.

Equipment levels from low to high in the Era of the Gods were: White, Green, Blue, Purple, and Orange. It was definitely ecstatic to be able to get a mid to high-grade weapon in the novice village.

The dagger's attributes were as follows:

Sharp Wolf Fang (Blue One-Handed Dagger)

Level For Use: 10

Spirit Attribute: Attack 35~55

+5 Strength

+10 Agility

Soul Attribute: Attack Power +1

The so-called Spirit Attribute and Soul Attribute were mainly to facilitate players to differentiate between high-quality weapons and low-quality weapons. Spirit Attribute usually referred to the attack power of the weapons, the defense of the equipment, and the additional attribute points. As for Soul Attribute, it was the additional attribute added to high-level equipment. These two attributes were not displayed in white and green equipment. Only blue equipment would have this attribute.

Lao Yao looked at this dagger and was also extremely envious. Although he did not understand what was going on with that Attack Power +1, just looking at the basic Spirit Attributes was already enough to make Lao Yao exclaim.

What he was holding now was only a weapon given to him as a newbie. A simple attack of 1 to 2 was enough. Compared to the dagger in front of him, it was completely unbearable to look at. Moreover, the blue dagger in front of him was a one-handed dagger. This meant that if he got another one-handed dagger, the attacks of the two daggers could be stacked!

The group of players were in high spirits. They were actually able to witness the appearance of a blue weapon in the novice village. This was something worth bragging about. They were all looking at Lao Yao eagerly, waiting for him to fulfill his promise.

"Cough cough!" Lao Yao's face turned red from their stares. He coughed twice and said, "This, this dagger is mine. There are five pieces of equipment left. Also, count the silver coins and materials as one piece of equipment. Everyone, draw lots to decide who will own it!"

The players did not have any objections to the distribution of Lao Yao. In fact, when they saw the blue dagger, they subconsciously thought that the dagger belonged to Lao Yao. After all, he had contributed the most to killing the Boss and was an Assassin. It was naturally justifiable for him to want the dagger.

In addition, Lao Yao did not go back on his word. He really took out the equipment and distributed it. It was already very good for them to be able to obtain a piece of equipment with so little contribution.

There were a total of seven teams present. Basically, each team could obtain a Green Equipment, it would depend on who was unlucky enough to get the Silver Coins and materials.

However, during the drawing of lots, the Warrior on Bed 1 actually took the initiative to choose the silver coins, which meant that the other player teams all obtained equipment.

Lao Yao asked him in surprise, "Why did you choose the money? Isn't it good to be able to draw equipment?"

Bed 1 shook his head and said, "Brother Lao Yao, when I added you into the team, I already said that you have the priority to choose the equipment. You've already taken that blue weapon. How can we have the cheek to take the equipment!"

"That's right, that's right!" A few members in the team also nodded.

Lao Yao was stunned for a moment before smiling. He reached out and patted Bed 1's shoulder. "Hehe, what a good man!"

After receiving Lao Yao's praise, Bed 1 was so happy that he straightened his back. In his opinion, it was already a great honor to be admired by an expert.

He said to Lao Yao in the team channel in a low voice, "Furthermore, Brother Lao Yao, I understand what you're thinking. Isn't distributing the equipment to these players for the purpose of stopping them from talking? Why would I cause trouble for you at this juncture?"

When Lao Yao heard that, he was stunned once again. He had never thought of what Bed 1 had said. Indeed, Lao Yao's performance just now was much better than that of too many people. The continuous critical hits would probably cause the gamers who saw it to have some thoughts. Although he had a clear conscience, if these gamers went to the game company to complain and make a fuss, he would be very passive.

Previously, he had decided to share the equipment because he wanted to make his battle more comfortable. At that time, Lao Yao did not think too much about it. Now that he was reminded by Bed 1, Lao Yao really felt that he was at fault.

These players had benefited from Lao Yao and owed him a favor. Even if they had any thoughts, they wouldn't say too much.