Shocking Words

"Ah?! What's going on?!" Ning Jing exclaimed. "Damn it! Why are you stealing the aggro of monsters?!"

Lao Yao felt wronged. Do you think I want to snatch it? I only attacked once, alright?

The cooperative plan was temporarily disrupted. Lao Yao could only dodge the Parasitic Demon's attacks and kill the monster with a few slashes.

When he stopped, he realized that Yang Yongle, Ning Jing, and the other girls were looking at her in a daze.

"You… you, you! How high is your attack!?" Ning Jing's finger that was pointing at Lao Yao began to tremble. "Also! What's your critical hit rate now!?"

They couldn't help but be surprised. Although it seemed easy for Lao Yao to kill this Parasitic Demon, it was because every slash was a critical hit. Level 11 Parasitic Demons had 5,000 HP and 100 defense. In the end, Lao Yao dealt more than 500 damage with every slash, making the girls dumbfounded.

Lao Yao looked at his attributes and gave an answer.

Character: Lao Yao

Profession: Assassin

Level: 10

Strength: 34

Agility: 153

Intelligence: 29

Attack: 162~294

Attack Power: 2.3

Physical Defense: 23

Magic Defense: 2

Health: 330

Energy: 100/100

Critical Hit Rate: 6%

Weapon in the right hand:

Sharp Wolf Fang (Blue One-Handed Dagger)

Level For Use: 10

Spirit Attribute: Attack 35~55

+5 Strength

+10 Agility

Soul Attribute: Attack Power +1

Weapon in the left hand:

Military Dagger (White One-Handed Dagger)

Attack: 5~10


Agile Light Armor (Green)

Level For Use: 6

Physical Defense +10

Agility +5

Health +50

Worn Boots (White)

Defense: 2

This could be said to be Lao Yao's most comprehensive attributes. The one-handed dagger in his left hand was bought when he passed by a shop on the way out of the city. It was to match the Wolf Fang Dagger that could be used at Level 10. The damage was not high.

In the end, this series of attributes shocked the girls.

"This… This…" Ning Jing looked at Lao Yao's attributes and was speechless for a long time. Wang Ke, who was also an Assassin in the studio, currently had about the same Agility Points as Lao Yao, but Wang Ke was now Level 12! However, in terms of attack, she was still about 100 points lower than Lao Yao.

In general, Lao Yao's damage was divided into three parts. One part was the upper limit of his attack. The second part was that he could freely control the damage output of critical hits. The last part was attributed to Attack Power. Attack Power of 2.3. In fact, Lao Yao's damage output should be (1+0.023) Attack. The higher the basic damage, the higher the final value.

Based on the calculations of the three, Lao Yao's actual skill damage was around 600. It was naturally easy for him to deal with a Level 11 monster that had low defense and low HP.

"No! No way!" Ning Jing said firmly. "I can't attract the monsters at all when he has such high damage. I request you to adjust the team's class combination!"

Jiang Yu, who was in charge of finance in the studio, immediately calculated in her mind and gave the data helplessly. "That's impossible. Unless Jingjing learns the Taunt skill, no one here can deal more damage than him, not even Sister Lele!"

Yang Yongle was a Mage who added all her points on Intelligence. Furthermore, she was a Fire Mage with the highest damage output. To monsters with low magic defense, she could deal about 300 points of damage at this stage. However, she could not keep up with Lao Yao's pace at all.

Moreover, so what if she could pull the aggro? Was he going to let Yang Yongle, a weak Mage, tank the monsters?

Just as everyone was feeling a headache, Wang Ke, who had been silent, asked Lao Yao, "Can you attract the monsters?"

There was a hint of curiosity in Wang Ke's calm eyes. Actually, she had already noticed that after Lao Yao lured the aggro of the Parasitic Demon over, although it seemed to have been easily dealt with, the Parasitic Demon still attacked Lao Yao twice during this period of time. In the end, it was dodged by Lao Yao without exception.

Note that it was a dodge, not a conventional "MISS". This was because Wang Ke noticed that there were no symbols above Lao Yao's head indicating that he had been hit…

How did he do it? Wang Ke was indeed a little curious. That was why she came up with the decision to let Lao Yao fight the monsters. She wanted to take a closer look.

"No problem!" Lao Yao did not reject Wang Ke's suggestion. He turned around and found a small monster before starting to attack.

After seeing Lao Yao easily deal with the small monster again, the group of girls were all speechless. At this moment, they could also tell that Lao Yao could not be understood with conventional game knowledge at all. The series of critical hits and the dodging movements that prevented him from being attacked by the monsters had already proven it.

After watching Lao Yao's performance, Wang Ke fell into deep thought. After a long time, she asked Lao Yao, "Your running method is very strange. Although I don't know how you dodged the monster's attack, I'm very curious. Why did you immediately counterattack after dodging the monster's attack and not go behind it? This kind of running shouldn't be difficult for you, right?"

"Go around and attack from behind?" Lao Yao was stunned. "Why should I do that?"

In Lao Yao's understanding, one had to seize the opportunity to counterattack. If he did not attack when the target had an opening and instead had to spend another effort to run behind the target, it would be a waste of his time.

After seeing Lao Yao's confused expression, Wang Ke suddenly realized something and said, "Oh, right, I forgot. You must have contacted us as soon as you entered the main city and haven't had the time to learn new skills from your professional mentor."

After a pause, Wang Ke continued, "Let me tell you. The new skills of the Assassin class, as well as the talent system activated at Level 10, place more emphasis on the damage of the back attack. If you attack from behind the target, there will be an increase in damage."

In any game, the Assassin was a class that tested one's control skills. However, in the game Era of the Gods, the control of characters was changed to the control of one's own body. The game's benefits for back-attack damage were also based on this.

There was a saying that a truly outstanding Assassin was someone that would always stay behind the target! It was the importance of backstabbing.

"How about this, I'll demonstrate it to you and you'll understand!" Wang Ke could see that Lao Yao was still a little confused. After all, Lao Yao was still an online game idiot before playing this game. He had no concept of the so-called running. The reason why he could dodge the attacks of the monsters was firstly because he had activated Free Mode, and secondly, it was because of his habitual movements.

Wang Ke found a Parasitic Demon and first used a new skill she had learned at Level 10: Concealment! Lao Yao only saw Wang Ke's body squatting down gently. Her entire figure became a little blurry. Then, she slowly moved behind the Parasitic Demon and stabbed the Parasitic Demon with her dagger.

"Critical hit! -280!"

After attacking, Wang Ke's figure became clear again. The Parasitic Demon also discovered Wang Ke, who had caused it harm. It turned around and attacked Wang Ke.

However, Wang Ke took a step to the left of the Parasitic Demon and circled behind it. The dagger in her hand stabbed out with a Forehand Sword again.

Lao Yao could finally tell that although Wang Ke was also injured by the Parasitic Demon's attacks, she was basically sticking close to the Parasitic Demon as she attacked. Moreover, compared to the damage values when she occasionally failed to circle around to the side, the damage of the attacks from behind was indeed higher.

After killing the Parasitic Demon, Wang Ke said to Lao Yao, "The attack that I launched behind the monster is also a new skill: Assassination! If I attack from behind, there will be an additional 30% critical hit rate. This skill is also a back-attack bonus skill. Although it can't be like your continuous critical hit, it's still a necessary skill for Assassins."

Lao Yao shook his head. Although he could still do this kind of running, he might need to train for a long time. After all, his habit of counterattacking whenever there was an opening was not something that could be changed easily.

"Oh my god! Your damage is already ridiculously high. If you have the additional damage from the back attack, how strong will you be, Uncle?" Ning Jing stuck out her tongue and exclaimed. Then, she patted Lao Yao's shoulder and said, "This is great. In the future, we don't have to worry about damage output in dungeons…"

"No! No!" Yang Yongle suddenly said, "Mr. Landlord can't team up with us! He can't level up with us!"