Genius Gate Incident!

After Lao Yao left, the Fierce Tiger lying on the ground asked the sorcerer not far away, "Brother Cannon, what should we do now?"

What else could he do? The Mage gritted his teeth and chose to return to the city to revive. A white light rose and the Mage's corpse instantly disappeared from the spot. The others could only follow him back.

The main city, Van Tarost, was as lively as ever. During this period of time, newbies kept walking out of the novice village and joining the main city. The crowd was bustling, which was enough to prove how popular the Era of the Gods was.

At this moment, hurried footsteps suddenly sounded on the crowded streets of the city, accompanied by a huge tremor on the ground. The players were shocked and did not understand what had happened.

Before they could react, a group of Dark Elves' Cold-Blooded Cavalry riding giant lizards charged over from afar with an unstoppable momentum!

The streets were suddenly in chaos. Players were afraid of being accidentally injured, so they quickly dodged to the side. This way, the already crowded streets were filled with screams in an instant. Who knew how many people had their feet stepped on at this moment? How many female players had been molested? Who knew how many men had taken the opportunity to molest female players? They were severely punished by the system's female protection system…

"What's going on? Why are the NPC guards making such a big move?"

After the cavalry rushed over, the players began to discuss among themselves. They could not help but be curious. They followed closely behind the cold-blooded cavalries, wanting to see what was going on.

As the Cavalries moved, the number of gamers following behind them increased. Seeing such a huge formation, the gamers were extremely excited. Could it be that the first major event in the game was going to be witnessed by them?

The cavalry's target was the resurrection point in the S City Square. It was unknown why they reacted so quickly. The five red-named players from the Battlefield Clan who had been killed by Lao Yao wanted to run after they were resurrected, but they were immediately surrounded by the cold-blooded cavalry.

"Don't resist!" Little Steel Cannon gritted his teeth and said to his companions behind him, "These NPCs are all Level 60 Elites. Fighting with them is simply courting death!" After saying that, he recalled the hateful look on Lao Yao's face when he left. He thought hatefully, "Damn it, I'll remember you!"

The five of them were quickly arrested by the guards. What awaited them was prison time calculated according to their crime value.

On the other hand, the surrounding players were very satisfied. They did not expect that not long after the game's server opened, someone would go to jail for a red name and cause such a huge commotion from the system.

What a big scene! The players began to discuss. Although they did not understand what was going on, there were actually Red Names who dared to return to the city to revive. They were simply like fools. They had to discuss it.

"Did you guys see them?" a player shouted. "They look like those five scumbags from the Battlefield Clan?"

"That's right, it's them!" A player nodded strangely and agreed with him. "What's going on? Are these guys stupid? They still dare to return to the city with red names. Aren't they waiting to be jailed?"

"Who knows!" Another player said disdainfully, "In my opinion, these guys are asking for it. They're so arrogant usually. They kill people and snatch monsters randomly. It would be strange if they don't have red names. It's normal for them to be arrested and sent to jail!"

These words immediately caused many players to nod in agreement. This Battlefield Clan did not have any strict management measures when recruiting members, so the quality of the members of the Battlefield Clan was indeed not very good. It could be said that there were all kinds of people. However, these guys were quite smart. They never provoked large guilds and only bullied independent players. Therefore, although the people who were bullied by them were furious, there was no way to take revenge on them.

Now that the five Battlefield Clan's red names had been captured and thrown into jail, these players immediately felt great!

"Sigh, take a guess. How did these guys die?" A player suddenly asked curiously, "These idiots, could they have lured the Boss, only to be killed and sent back?!"

"That's possible!" Everyone nodded.

However, at this moment, a shout suddenly sounded in the city's regional channel, allowing all the players in Van Tarost City to hear it.

"Brothers of the Battlefield Clan, help us take revenge! That fellow called Lao Yao, we'll kill him every time we see him!"

The person who shouted was Fierce Tiger. It was unknown if he felt that he could not take this lying down, but he shouted at the top of his lungs. Although the players were imprisoned and locked in a small black room, it did not stop them from chatting in the city channel.

Of course, such a shout was indeed convenient and could be heard by the entire city. However, the price was also not cheap. A shout actually cost one gold coin! Players nowadays did not seem to have that much spare money to shout. Fierce Tiger's shout was indeed very valuable…

However, this shout caused a huge uproar among the players outside.

"F*ck! Who is this Lao Yao? He's so awesome! He actually provoked the Battlefield Clan not long after the server opened?"

"That's right! Although the Battlefield Clan isn't much, it's still a clan after all. It's very difficult to deal with! This Lao Yao is in trouble now!"

"That's not right. Why did the Fierce Tiger only mention one person's name? Could it be that this person stopped them from killing the Boss?"

"That's impossible. With their temperament, even if they suffer a loss, can't they just kill their way back? Why do they need to borrow the power of the clan?"

"That's right! I'm guessing that these guys might be trying to bully independent players again. In the end, they encountered an expert and were directly killed by him. Later on, they thought that they couldn't defeat him, so they wanted to use their clan's strength to help chase after him!"

The last player who spoke did not know that his wild guess was actually close to the truth. However, now that Battlefield@Fierce Tiger and the others did not mention what had happened, it made the entire matter seem confusing.

Many players who did not know the truth posted on the forum.

"Evil will be punished! The five red names of the Battlefield Clan have been captured!"

"Resentment is hard to appease! Battlefield@Fierce Tiger has issued a declaration of pursuit!"

"I beg for the truth! Brother Lao Yao, please show yourself!"

"I worship Brother Lao Yao! You're our idol! Believe in Brother Yao! Your name will never be red!"

"The day I met the red names! The story between Brother Lao Yao and I that I have to tell…"

"Brother Lao Yao and my mother…"

Regardless of whether it was a guild or a clan, in the current era, many gamers would pay close attention to this matter. Once there was any movement, it would immediately cause a wave of discussion. Then, they would be labeled as the "some gate incident" and discuss it fervently.

All in all, people were still too free…

Lao Yao did not know that this matter would be changed by the roar of Battlefield@Fierce Tiger. He also did not know that he had become the protagonist of the "Genius Gate" incident. He was not in the city and was currently working hard to complete the main storyline mission. Naturally, he did not hear Battlefield@Fierce Tiger's declaration of pursuit. He did not know that the situation would develop so quickly.

Lao Yao was not an experienced online gamer. He did not know the power of the Internet at all…

Coincidentally, Yang Yongle was bringing the girls from the Silver Maple Leaf Studio to level up in the wild map. They wanted to reach Level 15 as soon as possible and learn life skills in the dungeons. Then, they would start the studio business as soon as possible. Hence, when the system notified them that the game time was up, they returned to the city and went offline.

As for what happened in the city today, they did not know for the time being…